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This book collects some of the results of the PRIN project financed by the Italian Ministry for University and Research and developed by the Universities of RomaTre, Bari "Aldo Moro", Naples "Federico II" and the University of Salento, in collaboration with the Fondazione Centro di Iniziativa Giuridica Piero Calamandrei on the topic "The wounds of history and the restorative law: a historical-comparative investigation" (Le ferite della storia e il diritto riparatore: un’indagine storico-comparatistica). Historical events produce long lasting wounds to persons and their identities as well as to places. Today, an increasing interest in reconstructing history, re-elaborating it also from the point of view of the victims, in order to preserve the memory of some events, is evident. In this framework, law is already playing a (potentially increasable) important role, not only because it is felt as the source of justice, but also because it provides the tools for a moral as well as a material restoration aimed to heal the wounds of the past and to avoid - as far as possible - the repetition of similar events...
Read more here or directly on the book's first pages (dowload above).
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