The ESCLH aims to promote comparative legal history and seeks affiliation with individuals and organisations with complementary aims.
08 January 2013
NOTICE: Yale Law Library Rare Book 9 months Fellowship
The Lillian Goldman Law Library has established a fellowship to train the next generation of rare book librarians to serve the growing number of special collections departments of academic law libraries. Under the direction of the Rare Book Librarian the fellow will be trained in all aspects of special collections librarianship with an emphasis in law material. The Rare Book Librarian will design a curriculum for the fellow that includes acquisitions, collection development, cataloging, reference service, exhibit design and preparation, and digital projects.
The Rare Book Fellowship is a competitive fellowship. Preference will be given to candidates with skills in the foreign languages most heavily represented in Yale Law Library special collections (Latin, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Dutch), and to candidates with demonstrated interest in law, legal history, or special collections librarianship.
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