European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) President and Executive Council are pleased to announce the
first ESCLH Van Caenegem Prize
prize will be awarded to a young legal historian deemed to have written the
best article in Comparative Legal History,
the ESCLH journal, in the two years before ESCLH conferences.
The details of the prize are as follows:
The Van
Caenegem Prize

Art. 2 The Society awards the prize on
the recommendation of the Van Caenegem Prize Committee. The committee consists
of a president and four members. The president of the Society's Advisory Board
serves as president of the Committee. The Society's Executive Council appoints
members in the year before the award ceremony to serve until the prize is
awarded. Two members must belong to the Society's Advisory Board. Two members will
be chosen from the organisers of the Young Legal Historians Forum which took
place within two years of the appointment of the Prize Committee. All members must
have a different nationality. The Society's president can, by appointment, fill
a vacancy on the Prize Committee. The
Executive Council must announce the Prize Committee’s nominations in the
Society's blog and journal, before the Committee recommends a winner to the
Art. 3 After reviewing the articles and
consulting the editor and articles editor of Comparative Legal History, a majority of votes determines the
winner. If articles receive the same number of votes, the Chairman may call for
a second vote; if the votes remain equal on the second vote, the prize is
shared by all the authors. A member cannot vote if the vote concerns a relative
within the fifth degree, a co-author of a publication or co-applicant of a
project or the author is or has been an employee or grantholder at the same
Art. 4 To be eligible for the prize each
author must not have reached the age of 38 on 1 January of the year of the
award ceremony and must not have previously received it.
Art. 5 Co-authors share the prize.
Art. 6 The prize is awarded by the
Society's president at the Society's Conference where the author will be given
the chance to introduce the paper. The
award of the prize will be announced in the Society's blog and in the call for
papers for the Conference.
Art. 7 The prize consists of a sum to
be determined by the Executive Council and a certificate. The Prize Committee will
write a one page report, detailing the academic qualities and importance of the
article, for publication in the Society's Journal after the Conference. The
president and the members of the Committee cannot communicate with those
outside the Committee in any other way about their decision.
Art. 8 The first van Caenegem prize
will be awarded at the Society's conference in 2014. Exceptionally, manuscripts
accepted for publication in Comparative
Legal History, but not yet published in 2013 will also be considered. Any
manuscript submitted for the prize to be awarded in 2014 will not be considered
for the prize to be awarded in 2016.
Art. 9 Any dispute in respect of a Van
Caenegem Prize must be submitted to the president of the Society whose
determination is final.
authors should consult the submission information on the ESCLH blog and on the Comparative Legal History site.
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