
17 August 2022

BOOK: Caspar EHLERS & Holger GREWE (eds.), »Rechtsräume« Historische und archäologische Annäherungen [Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte; 323] (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2020), X + 336 p. ISBN 9783465044123, € 79


(image source: Vittorio Klostermann)
The development of normative orders in both the secular and the ecclesiastical spheres can be analysed as a configuration of new regulatory patterns or as a modification of existing ones. This richly illustrated anthology focuses primarily on the observation of dynamic changes through the regional, linguistic and cultural transmission of norms and practices. Archaeologists, natural scientists and historians ask about such processes, the investigation of which requires interdisciplinary and transnational approaches as well as diachronic comparative studies. The spectrum ranges from research on 'ancient DNA' in an archaeological context to the historiographical (re-)construction of identities and the investigation of the relationship between topography and domination in the European Early and High Middle Ages.

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