Whitman on the Transition to Modernity in Criminal Law: James Q. Whitman, Yale Law School, has posted The Tran... http://t.co/hX4hVbLl9T
— Legal History Blog (@legalhistory) December 29, 2013
29 December 2013
ARTICLE: Whitman on the Transition to Modernity in Criminal Law
20 December 2013
JOURNAL: Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History
As you may know, Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History, the journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (MPI-ELH), is available now both in print and online. This is part of a wholesale revision of the journal with the last issue.
In the latest issue, Thomas Duve, Director of the MPI-ELH, also contributes an Editorial and a short article introducing a discussion of Harold Berman's Law and Revolution.
Highly recommended.
19 December 2013
AVAILABLE!: Comparative Legal History (the ESCLH Journal)
- Mediating Foreign Norms and Local Imperatives: Intellectual Property 'Law' between the East and the West, from Imperial China to 'Modern' Times - Hinchliffe, Sarah A
- Producing 'Lack as Tradition': A Feminist Critique of Legal Orientalism in Colonial Taiwan - Chen, Chao-ju
- The Kandyan Convention 1815: Consolidating the British Empire in Colonial Ceylon - Godden, Lee; Casinader, Niranjan
- 'Not a Question of Theology'? Religions, Religious Institutions, and the Courts in India - Heehs, Peter
Don't forget that members of the ESCLH receive a free subscription to CLH!
Spread the word and ask your library to stock us!!
- Seán Patrick Donlan, Editor
11 December 2013

The editors of Comparative Legal History (CLH), the official publication of the European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH), invite contributions: articles, review articles and book reviews.
ESCLH Members receive a free subscription!
is a peer-reviewed international and comparative review of law and history. Its articles explore both internal legal history (doctrinal and disciplinary developments in the law) and external legal history (legal ideas and institutions in wider contexts). Firmly rooted in the complexity of the various Western legal traditions worldwide, it also provides a forum for the investigation of other laws and law-like normative traditions around the globe. Scholarship on comparative and trans-national historiography, including trans-disciplinary approaches, is particularly welcome.
CLH has an exceptional staff and international board and is published by the forward-thinking, helpful folks at Hart Publishing.
The preface introducing the journal is available here; a sample article is available here.
Spread the word, become a member, and ask your library to stock us!!
- Seán Patrick Donlan, Editor
05 December 2013
BOOK: Audren and Halpérin on French Legal Culture (CNRS, 2013)
Nomodôs signals the new work by Frédéric Audren (Sciences Po) and Jean-Louis Halpérin (ENS), on French legal culture in the 19th and 20th centuries (Paris: CNRS éditions, 2013, 334 p.). Law is seen as a foundation of French society, as a cultural object, both perpetuating historical outcomes and influenced by contemporary events and ideas. An abstract and table of contents (both in French) can be found here.
03 December 2013
BOOK: Vinci on admnistration and finance in "Terra d'Otranto"
Stefano Vinci, Regimento et guberno. Amministrazione e finanza nei comuni di terra d'Otranto tra antico e nuovo regime, Bari: Cacucci ed., 2013.
Abstract by the author:
"The book contains the results of a long process of research carried out by the author out of an extensive archival material consulted in the State Archives of Taranto, Lecce, Naples and Paris. Through the examination of the copious documentation, Stefano Vinci investigates the administrative and financial system in force in the municipalities of Terra d'Otranto, a big province in the Naples’ Kingdom, between the Eighteenth and Nineteenth century, giving particular attention to the changes by the French reforms and the effects that these were at peripheral of the Reign. Specifically, the autor examines the issues related to the organization of municipal bodies, the evolution of the national Parliament, the interference and usurpations of the barons and the resulting lawsuits filed in Naples, the state of the finances and the spaces of autonomy of the peripheral bodies compared to the central ones".
LECTURE: Sarton Medal for Legal History (Prof. Heiner Lück), Ghent (12 December, 16:00)
The Sarton Committee at Ghent University awarded this year's Sarton Medal for Legal History to prof. Heiner Lück (Halle-Wittenberg), on the proposal of collega proximus prof. Rik Opsommer (UGent) from the Ghent Legal History Institute.
Recent holders of the Sarton Medal include prof. Ditlev Tamm (Copenhagen), prof. em. Anne Lefebvre-Teillard (Paris 2), prof. em. Fred Stevens (KULeuven), prof. Pia Letto-Vanamo (Helsinki), prof. Serge Dauchy (Lille 2/Saint-Louis), prof. Emanuele Conte (Roma III), dr. Seán Patrick Donlan (Limerick) and prof. Randall Lesaffer (Tilburg/KULeuven). For more information on George Sarton, his importance for the history of science and the journal Sartoniana, see the Sarton Committee's website.
The Ghent Law Faculty formally delivers the medal to prof. Lück on Thursday 12 December, at the occasion of a public lecture on a subject of comparative legal history, "Flemish Settlements in Flanders and their Law in the Middle Ages". The lecture will take place at 16:00 and is open to the public at large. Further information: Karin.Pensaert@UGent.be.
02 December 2013
CONFERENCE: Seminar on Michael Stolleis's History of Public Law in Germany (1800-1914) (Paris, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne/Institut Universitaire de France)
Nomodôs signals a symposium in Paris around the French version of the second volume of Prof. Michael Stolleis's famous work on the History of Public Law in Germany, 1800-1914. The event will take place on 3 March 2014. Participants include:
- Frédéric Audren, Chargé de recherche at the CNRS, (CEE-Ecole de droit de sciences po)
- Olivier Beaud, Professor, Université Paris 2 (Panthéon-Assas)
- Nader Hakim, Professor, Université de Bordeaux
- Pascale Gonod, Professor, Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne)
- Olivier Jouanjan, Professor, Université de Strasbourg
- Jean-Louis Mestre (Prof. em., Aix-Marseille)
- Michael Stolleis (Prof. em., Frankfurt am Main)
JOURNAL: Historia et Ius, No. 4 (Dec. 2013)
The Italian open access-journal Historia et Ius published its latest issue (December 2013).
Contents (articles in Italian and English):
1) Natalino Irti, Violenza ‘conforme alla legge’ (da un carteggio fra Einstein e Freud)
2) Gustavo Adolfo Nobile Mattei, Il problema della qualificazione giuridica della "Divisio Ducatus"
3) Emanuela Fugazza, Arbitri o giudici? Giustizia e magistratura consolare nei primi decenni del XII secolo
4) Giovanni Rossi, Il Borsus di Biondo Flavio: militia e iurisprudentia a confronto dall’antica Roma all’Italia delle corti rinascimentali
5) Francesco D’Urso, "Ed egli puote risposta dare, e mai non fece inganno" (T. Tasso). La raccolta di consilia di Ippolito Riminaldi
6) Daniele Edigati, Il dibattito sulla pubblicità e sull’oralità dei processi criminali in Toscana (1814-1838)
7) Paolo Marchetti, “Perchance to dream”. Personality modifications and criminal liability: a nineteenth-century debate between psychiatry and law
8) Francesco Rotondo, Diritto penale e malattia: l’epilessia al tempo di Lombroso
9) Giordano Ferri, Studi di diritto processuale civile nella Facoltà giuridica romana tra Ottocento e Novecento
10) Antonia Fiori, Gli insegnamenti storico-giuridici alla Sapienza negli ultimi decenni del XIX secolo
11) Francesca Laura Sigismondi, La «funzione pratica» della giustizia punitiva. Le prolusioni romane di Enrico Ferri
12) Emanuele Stolfi, La schiavitù degli antichi e dei moderni (a proposito di Marco Fioravanti, Il pregiudizio del colore. Diritto e giustizia nelle Antille francesi durante la Restaurazione)
13) Fabrizio Mastromartino, La libertà di espressione nell'Illuminismo giuridico. Il diritto, le garanzie
14) Lorenzo Scatena, Controllo sociale, moralità e giustizia nella Restaurazione pontificia (a proposito di Chiara Lucrezio Monticelli, La polizia del Papa. Istituzioni di controllo sociale a Roma nella prima metà dell'Ottocento)
15) Blerton Sinani-Sami Mehmeti, A historical-legal overview of constitution as the highest political-legal act of a State
16) Paolo Angelini, Alcune considerazioni su storia del diritto e slavistica (a proposito di A.V. Solovjev, Istorija slovenskih prava / Zakonodavstvo Stefana Dušana cara srba i grka, Klasici Jugoslovenskog prava, Službeni list SRJ)
17) Dario Di Cecca, Positivisme philosophique et sciences naturelles dans la culture juridique italienne à la fin du XIXe siècle
18) Alessandro Dani, Imperi, nazioni e minoranze tra Ottocento e Novecento (a proposito di Minoranze negli imperi. Popoli fra identità nazionale e ideologia imperiale, a cura di Brigitte Mazohl e Paolo Pombeni)
19) Federico Sciarra, La personalità dell’autore dell’illecito penale tra Scuola classica e Scuola positiva (a proposito di Michele Pifferi, L'individualizzazione della pena. Difesa sociale e crisi della legalità penale tra Otto e Novecento)
20) Sergio Marullo di Condojanni, Sulla natura dell'arbitrato (a proposito di Giordano Ferri, L’arbitrato tra prassi e sistemazione teorica nell’età moderna. Una nuova species nel genus, dall’Ancien Régime all’Italia del Novecento)
Articles are available in fulltext on the journal's website.
JOURNAL: Law and Humanities VII (2013), No. 2
The Law and Humanities blog reports a new issue of the journal Law and Humanities (Hart Publishing).
- "Imago, the X-Ray and the Evidential Image" (Piyel Haldar)
- "The Deception of Cadence: Toward a Dissonant Law" (Paola Mittica)
- "Representations of Governance in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Europe: The Iconography and Dramatic Presentation of the Sovereign Ruler" (Christopher Harding & Nicola Harding)
- "Killing the Queen: ‘It lawfully maie be done" (Dominique Goy-Blanquet)
- "Literature in Law: Exceptio Artis and the Emergence of Literary Fields" (Ralf Grüttemeier & Ted Laros)
- "Pigoons, Rakunks and Crakers: Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake and Genetically Engineered Animals in a (Latourian) Hybrid World" (Jay Sanderson)
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