
22 June 2015

CALL FOR PAPERS: Law Collecting and Law Collections (Edinburgh, 14-15 April 2016); DEADLINE 30 SEPTEMBER 2015

(image: conference poster; source: prof. dr. J. Cairns)

The Scottish Council of Law Reporting and the University of Edinburgh organize a conference on "Law Collecting and Law Collections" (convener: Prof. dr. J. Cairns).
A conference to address the broad topic of the history of law reporting and the collecting of legal decisions, primarily in Scotland but with the development of law reporting situated in its broader British, European and comparative context. The conference is intended to consider subjects such as how the role of precedent developed, in what form were the earliest records of judicial opinions or decisions, how the form of the modern law report emerged and related issues.

Confirmed keynote speakers include Professor Sir John Baker, Professor John Ford, Professor Thomas Rüfner, and Lord Woolman.
 Practical details:
Proposals for papers (proposals should not be more than 400 words in length) should be submitted to no later than 30th September 2015. The conference is open to all interested in this subject area. It is expected that the fee, to include meals and refreshments during the conference and a conference dinner (but not overnight accommodation) will be in the order of £150. Please email if you wish to be sent a booking form.

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