31 July 2013
BOOK: On the historical method in legal science (de Laboulaye/Halpérin)
Nomôdos signals the new edition of Édouard-René Lefebvre de Laboulaye (1811-1883)'s seminal article "On the historical method in legal science, and its future", written at the occasion of the Revue historique de droit français et étranger's first issue in 1855.
Jean-Louis Halpérin, professor at the École Normale Supérieure and one of the most renowned and prolific French legal historians, comes back on de Laboulaye's manifesto and turns it into a text suitable to the challenges of legal history in our own age. Both texts combined fill 88 pages in the Tirés à part-collection of the legal editor Dalloz. The work can be purchased for € 15 (ISBN 9782247126552).
Link on Nomodôs.
29 July 2013
BOOK: Pio Caroni's Lectures on Codification
Caroni P., Lecciones de historia de la codificatión, Edición de Adela Mora Cañada y Manuel Martínez Neira, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2013.
This publication is part of the following project:
The Programme “Legal History” of the Figuerola Institute of Social Science History – a part of the Carlos III University of Madrid – is devoted to improve the overall knowledge on the history of law from different points of view – academically, culturally, socially, and institutionally – covering both ancient and modern eras. A number of experts from several countries have participated in the Programme, bringing in their specialized knowledge and dedication to the subject of their expertise.
To give a better visibility of its activities, the Programme has published in its Book Series a number of monographs on the different aspects of its academic discipline.
The book is available online: click here to read the pdf.
BLOG: Fictional and Non-Fictional Professors of Civil [ie Roman] Law and Detective Stories
John Cairns has posted an entry on 'Fictional and Non-Fictional Professors of Civil [i.e. Roman] Law and Detective Stories' on the Edinburgh Legal History Blog. For this and more, have a look.
26 July 2013
BOOK: Benton and Ross on Legal Pluralism and Empires, 1500-1850

The volume reaches from Peru to New Zealand to Europe to capture the varieties and continuities of legal pluralism and to probe the analytic power of the concept of legal pluralism in the comparative study of empires. For legal scholars, social scientists, and historians, Legal Pluralism and Empires, 1500-1850 maps new approaches to the study of empires and the global history of law.
The introduction is available here and the table of contents here.
24 July 2013
E-JOURNAL: Jus politicum, journal of constitutional law and politics (N°10: The General Will)
(Jean-Jacques Rousseau; image source: Wikimedia Commons)
The most recent issue of Jus politicum: revue de droit politique/Journal of constitutional law and politics is out. Contributions centre around the theme of the "volonté générale" or "general will". Inevitably, numerous articles are of interest to comparative legal historians. To give but an arbitrary first selection:
The most recent issue of Jus politicum: revue de droit politique/Journal of constitutional law and politics is out. Contributions centre around the theme of the "volonté générale" or "general will". Inevitably, numerous articles are of interest to comparative legal historians. To give but an arbitrary first selection:
- Theme:
- "Three failures of the general will : Rousseau’s theory of deliberation and the "symbolic trial” in Britain" (Carlos-Miguel Pimentel)
- "Kelsen as a critique of Rousseau : from general will to collective will" (Renaud Baumert)
- "Robespierre and “amour des lois” (Yannick Bosc)
- “Amour des lois” in the revolutionary period and the question of a religion of “patrie” (Sophie Wahnich)
- "Forcing to love the laws. A paradox of Jean Domat’s legal augustinianism" (Jean- Philippe Heurtin)
- "The paradox of “amour des lois”. A reading of Montesquieu" (Francine Markovits)
- “Amour des lois” and love of self in Rousseau" (Gabriel Radica)
- Varia-section:
- "The Style of modern written constitutions. An Overview of the three types of constitutional writing (XVIIth – XXth centuries)" (Armel Le Divellec)
- "A president without an ‘executive council’ : the Philadelphia choice" (Arnaud Le Pillouer)
23 July 2013
ARTICLE: Palmer on Civilian Methodology in Louisiana

20 July 2013
BOOK: El espanto y el miedo by François Foronda
François Foronda, El espanto y el miedo: golpismo, emociones políticas y constitucionalismo en la Edad Media, Madrid: Dykinson S.L., 2013.
More information (in Spanish) here.
More information (in Spanish) here.
19 July 2013
CONFERENCE on Italian legal scholars between Fascist Régime and Republic (1940-1950): Bologna, 19-20 September 2013
What: Giuristi al bivio. Le Facoltà di Giurisprudenza tra regime fascista ed età repubblicana. Istituzioni, docenti, didattica (1940-1950)
Where: Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche, Sala Armi, Via Zamboni 22
When: 19-20 September 2013
19 September, 2:30 pm
Greetings and introduction: Marco Cavina
3:00 pm
First session
Antonello Mattone (Università di Sassari),
Il mondo giuridico italiano tra fascistizzazione e consenso: uno sguardo generale
Ettore Dezza (Università di Pavia),
La Facoltà giuridica pavese dal Fascismo alla Repubblica
Gigliola di Renzo Villata (Università Statale di Milano),
La Facoltà di Giurisprudenza della Statale di Milano tra battute d'arresto e....voglia di ricominciare
Alberto Lupano (Università di Torino),
Scienza, conformismo politico e antifascismo nella Facoltà giuridica torinese dalla fine della dittatura alla repubblica italiana
Giuseppe Speciale (Università di Catania),
Maestri "catanesi" del diritto nel secondo dopoguerra
20 September, 9:00 am
Second session
Marco Cavina (Università di Bologna)
Damigela Hoxha (Università di Bologna),
Sintomatologia da transito. La Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Bologna da Umberto Borsi ad Antonio Cicu
Elio Tavilla (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia),
La Facoltà di Giurisprudenza modenese: dalle leggi razziali al rinascimento repubblicano
Piero del Negro (Universitò di Padova),
La Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Padova 1938-1950. Docenti e quadro didattico
Mariarosa Di Simone (Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"),
Giuristi e fascismo all'Università di Trieste
Roberta Braccia (Università di Genova),
La Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Genova tra fascismo e liberazione
Ferdinando Treggiari (Università di Perugia),
Continuità e fratture: un trittico da Perugia (Lanciotto Rossi, Giuseppe Ermini, Edoardo Ruffini)
2:30 pm
Third session
Italo Birocchi (Università di Roma "La Sapienza"),
Sul crinale del 1944: La Facoltà di Giurisprudenza della Sapienza di Roma
Ileana del Bagno (Università di Salerno),
Epurazioni prudenti. Docenti universitari e manuali di diritto nella Napoli liberata.
Giuseppe Mecca, (Università di Macerata),
La Facoltà di Costantino Mortati. Scienza giuridica e insegnamento del diritto a Macerata tra fascismo ed età repubblicana.
Francesco Mastroberti (Università di Bari),
L'Università di Bari tra fascismo e Repubblica
Enza Pelleriti (Università di Messina),
Emergenza e defascistizzazione degli Atenei siciliani. Il caso degli Allied Military Professors (1943-1944).
Organized by CISUI and Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche
Scientific organization:
Ilaria Maggiulli,
Tel. +39 051224113
CONFERENCE: ASLH 2013 Annual Meeting (Miami/Fort Lauderdale, November 7-10, 2013)
What: American Society for Legal History 2013 Annual Meeting
Where: Miami/Fort Lauderdale
When: 7-10 November 2013
From the ASLH Website:
"For the first time in its history, the Society will hold its annual meeting in South Florida. The conference hotel is the Hyatt Regency Miami. The link for discounted rooms under the conference block will be emailed to members after they register for the conference.
Most of the events will be in Miami, but we will repair to Fort Lauderdale for the plenary and the reception, where we will be the guests of Nova Southeastern University Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences. Florida International University College of Law will sponsor the welcoming reception at the Hyatt Regency Miami. The Miami/Fort Lauderdale meeting will attract scholars and judges from the Caribbean and Latin America, and thus help to further internationalize the Society".
The preliminary program for the meeting is available here.
For registration, click here.
17 July 2013
NOTICE: Invitation for proposals for the Biennial Conference 2016
The ESCLH would welcome proposals from Universities and other institutions of higher learning to host the Society's conference in 2016. Such proposals should include details, plans and options for what the conference would be like at the proposed institution. For instance, the number of days of sessions there would be, what range of date options would be available as well as what kind of transport links and accommodation options there are. Finally, specific proposals about how the conference would be used to grow the Society would be welcome. The ESCLH Executive Council will review all bids and may ask for further information. In the first instance, please send any bids to the President, Prof. Aniceto Masferrer:
09 July 2013
BOOK: Married Women and the Law in Premodern Northwest Europe (ed. by C. Beattie and M. Stevens)

Abstract from the editor:
"There has been a tendency in scholarship on premodern women and the law to see married women as hidden from view, obscured by their husbands in legal records. This volume provides a corrective view, arguing that the extent to which the legal principle of coverture applied has been over-emphasized. In particular, it points up differences between the English common law position, which gave husbands guardianship over their wives and their wives' property, and the position elsewhere in northwest Europe, where wives' property became part of a community of property. Detailed studies of legal material from medieval and early modern England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Ghent, Sweden, Norway and Germany enable a better sense of how, when, and where the legal principle of coverture was applied and what effect this had on the lives of married women. Key threads running through the book are married women's rights regarding the possession of moveable and immovable property, marital property at the dissolution of marriage, married women's capacity to act as agents of their husbands and households in transacting business, and married women's interactions with the courts".
Contributors: Lars Ivar Hansen, Shennan Hutton, Lizabeth Johnson, Gillian Kenny, Mia Korpiola, Miriam Muller, S. C. Ogilvie, Alexandra Shepard, Cathryn Spence.
All information here.
SEMINAR: "Our Criminal Past" (Leeds, 6 September 2013)
What: Our Criminal Past: Educating Historians of Crime: Classroom, Archive, Community, Second AHRC Network Event
Where: Leeds Metropolitan University, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9EN
When: 6 September 2013, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
This one-day AHRC funded event is part of the 'Our Criminal Past' Research Network. This network will explore and reflect on the development and future presentation, preservation and dissemination of historical criminal lives and practices. This event will explore approaches to the teaching of crime history (including digital and media sources); enabling student engagement with crime history; education in the archive and museum and the teaching of future historians of crime.
All information here.
The event is free and If you are interested in attending this (or if you are interested in the network more generally) please contact Dr. Heather Shore ( or Dr. Helen Johnston (
Provisional Programme
Session 1: Digital and Media Resources for the History of Crime
Louise Jackson (Edinburgh University): ‘Crime on Film: Using Visual Sources in the Classroom’
Andrew Davies (Liverpool University): TBC
Session 2: Student Participation in Crime History
Drew Gray (Northampton University): “Putting Undergraduates on Trial: Using the Old Bailey Online in teaching and assessment”
Helen Rogers and Zoe Alker (Liverpool John Moores University): “Blogging Beyond the Classroom”
Session 3: Archives, Heritage and Educating Historians of Crime
Bev Baker and Pollie Shorthouse (Galleries of Justice, Nottingham): ‘Learn from the Past to Act in the Present and Change the Future’
Sue MacKay (Yorkshire Law and Order Museums, Ripon): ‘Engaging Audiences’
Andrew Payne (The National Archives): ‘Educating Child Criminals at The National Archives’
Session 4: Teaching Future Historians of Crime
Peter D’Sena (HEA): ’The Future of Teaching Our Criminal Past in Higher Education’
Ben Walsh (Historical Association): ‘History of Crime in the Classroom’
BLOG: Emerging Voices: A View from Early Modern Cultural Studies on Fragmentation and the Law of Nations (Ch. Warren/Carnegie Mellon)
Dr. Christopher Warren (Carnegie Mellon University/English) posted an interesting contribution on early modern internationalist doctrine, from a literary perspective. The full text can be found on the opinio juris-blog. See as well his article "John Milton and the Epochs of international Law" in the latest issue of the European Journal of International Law.
CONFERENCE: Heiliger Krieg-Religionskrieg: Sakralisierung des Krieges in der Geschichte (Wars of Religion: the Sacralisation of War throughout History)
The University of Tübingen will host a two-day conference on 30 September-1 October on the theme "Sacralisation of War". Linking religion and war to questions of legitimacy and legality, this could be of interest to the members of our Society.
30 September 2013:
9h Prof. Dr. Christoph Kampmann (Marburg): Einführung
9.15h Prof. Dr. Stefan Tebruck (Gießen): Der Heilige Krieg und die Sakralität des Königs. Zum Verhältnis von Kreuzzug und Königtum im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert
10.15 Prof. Dr. Andreas Holzem (Tübingen): “...daß sie der Christlichen vnnd Brüderlichen Lieb gegeneinander vergessen”. Der Religionskrieg in der Frühen Neuzeit
11.30h Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fuess (Marburg): Von der Belagerung von Wien (1529) zum anti-imperialistischen Kampf. Wandelnde Jihad-Konzepte vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert.
1 October 2013:
9h Prof. Dr. Hans-Christof Kraus (Passau): Heiliger Befreiungskampf? Sakralisierende Kriegsdeutungen 1813-1815
10h Dr. Carsten Kretschmann (Stuttgart) Burgfrieden und Union sacrée - Sakralisierungsstrategien im Ersten Weltkrieg.
See H-Soc-U-Kult.
03 July 2013
SEMINAR on Criminal Justice & Politics in Italian History (Milan, 11-12 July 2013)
What: Seminar: "Giustizia penale & politica, giustizia politica. Forme, modelli, esperienze fra Otto e Novecento".
Where: Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di diritto privato e storia del diritto, Sala Napoleonica - Palazzo Greppi, via S. Antonio, 10-12, Milano.
When: 11 July, 2:30 pm; 12 July, 9:30 am.
This seminar will present the results of the PRIN Project 2009 (financed by the Italian Ministry of education, university and research) entitled La giustizia penale e la politica. Modelli processuali, profili dottrinali, forme di responsabilità giuridica nell'esperienza italiana tra Otto e Novecento, developed by the following Italian Universities: Università di Macerata (national coordinator), Università di Siena, Università di Milano, Università dell'Insubria, Università di Padova, Università di Catania, Università di Messina.
Thanks to the number and quality of leading Italian legal historians, experts in the fields of criminal and procedural legal history, that will participate to this event, the seminar resambles more to a conference. The rich program of the event is available here for download.
This seminar will present the results of the PRIN Project 2009 (financed by the Italian Ministry of education, university and research) entitled La giustizia penale e la politica. Modelli processuali, profili dottrinali, forme di responsabilità giuridica nell'esperienza italiana tra Otto e Novecento, developed by the following Italian Universities: Università di Macerata (national coordinator), Università di Siena, Università di Milano, Università dell'Insubria, Università di Padova, Università di Catania, Università di Messina.
Thanks to the number and quality of leading Italian legal historians, experts in the fields of criminal and procedural legal history, that will participate to this event, the seminar resambles more to a conference. The rich program of the event is available here for download.
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