Max-Planck Summer Academy for Legal History:
29 July – 16 August 2013
The Max-Planck Summer Academy for Legal History, offered by the Max Planck Institute for European LegalHistory (MPIeR), provides an in-depth introduction to methods and principles of research in legal history. Although its main focus is on European legal history, there is special emphasis on global perspectives on legal history. It addresses a selected group on highly motivated early-stage researchers, usually PhD candidates, working on a research project with an interest in the basic research of historical formation and transformations of law and other normative orders.
The academy consists of two modules and lasts three weeks; the first two weeks provide an introduction to the study of sources, methodological principles, as well as theoretical models and controversial research debates on basic research fields of legal history (module 1). During the third week the participants discuss a special research theme and develop their own approach to the theme (module 2).
The overall aim of the Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History is to provide early-stage researchers with an expertise on the methods and principles of legal history and to equip them with the ability to apply this knowledge to their research projects and other research in legal history or related disciplines.
Lectures and workshops in history of legal history, methodological principles of legal history, antiquity, legal history in antiquity, Ius Commune, legal bibliography, history of private law in the modern era, constitutional history, history of criminal law, and history of public law form the core of the academy. A detailed schedule will be available in November 2012.
In addition to the lectures and workshops the participants have the opportunity to work on their individual research projects and present and discuss them in plenum. Furthermore, the academy offers additional courses in complementary skills. As a summer academy should not consist of academic activities only, a variety of extra-curricular activities, such as visits to nearby historical sites and several get-togethers in the evenings are offered.
Special theme 2013: Global Perspectives on Legal History
Global History, World History, Imperial History, Atlantic or Pacific History: the variety of transnational historiography is growing ever larger still. These global perspectives provide new challenges and opportunities for legal history. In various lectures and workshops during the third week of the summer academy the participants reflect on the different concepts and models of how to approach the global perspectives in legal history. The aim is to raise awareness when employing these perspectives and enabling the participants to critically analyze the discourses on transnational historiographies. A detailed schedule including the lecturers will be available in November 2012.
Applications are to be sent by March 15, 2013. Applicants will be informed at the end of April whether or not they have been offered a place on the summer academy.
Dr. Isabell Ludewig, Coordinator graduate programs
Fon: +49 (69) 78978 - 137
Fax: +49 (69) 78978 - 169

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