The following blog entry was posted recently on The Faculty Lounge blog:
"Law As ..." Theory and Method in Legal History
My interests run these days to how law serves as a gauge of culture and also as an important technology, as well as an instrument of power and governor of it (to a lesser extent). And I'm also mightily interested in the ways that legal scholarship can be applied to immediate issues (what is increasingly called "applied legal history.") I hope to write some more -- perhaps this summer when there's time! -- about the many directions legal historians are going. I have the feeling this field is pointing out in so many directions. I think you'll really enjoy the articles! Here they are:
- Catherine L. Fisk and Robert W. Gordon, Foreword: “Law As . . .”: Theory and Method in Legal History
- Steven Wilf, Law/Text/Past
- Laura F. Edwards,The Peace: The Meaning and Production of Law in the Post-Revolutionary United States
- Kunal M. Parker, Law “In” and “As” History: The Common Law in the American Polity 1790‒1900
- Roger Berkowitz, From Justice to Justification: An Alternative Genealogy of Positive Law
- Marianne Constable, Law as Claim to Justice: Legal History and Legal Speech Acts
- Christopher W. Schmidt, Conceptions of Law in the Civil Rights Movement
- Norman W. Spaulding, The Historical Consciousness of the Resistant Subject
- Barbara Young Welke, Owning Hazard, A Tragedy
- Peter Goodrich, Specters of Law: Why the History of the Legal Spectacle Has Not Been Written
- Shai J. Lavi, Enchanting a Disenchanted Law: On Jewish Ritual and Secular History in Nineteenth-Century Germany
- Assaf Likhovski, Chasing Ghosts: On Writing Cultural Histories of Tax Law
- John Fabian Witt, The Dismal History of the Laws of War
- Paul Frymer, Building an American Empire: Territorial Expansion in the Antebellum Era
- Mariana Valverde, “The Honour of the Crown is at Stake”: Aboriginal Land Claims Litigation and the Epistemology of Sovereignty
- Roy Kreitner, Money in the 1890s: The Circulation of Politics, Economics, and Law
- Ritu Birla, Law as Economy: Convention, Corporation, Currency
- Christopher Tomlins and John Comaroff, “Law As . . .”: Theory and Practice in Legal History
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