
31 January 2022

ONLINE WEBINAR: Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Friday Lecture: 'International Law and the Politics of History' - Prof. Anne Orford, Melbourne Law School - Friday, 4 February 2022 - 1.00pm

(Source: LCIL)


As the future of international law has become a growing site of struggle within and between powerful states, debates over the history of international law have become increasingly heated. In this lecture discussing her new book 'International Law and the Politics of History', Anne Orford explores the ideological, political, and material stakes of apparently technical disputes over how the legal past should be studied and understood. Drawing on a deep knowledge of the history, theory, and practice of international law, she argues that there can be no impartial accounts of international law's past and its relation to empire and capitalism. Rather than looking to history in a doomed attempt to find a new ground for formalist interpretations of what past legal texts really mean or what international regimes are really for, she urges lawyers and historians to embrace the creative role they play in making rather than finding the meaning of international law.

Friday, 4 February 2022 - 1.00pm. You can register here.


Anne Orford is Melbourne Laureate Professor and Michael D Kirby Chair of International Law at Melbourne Law School, and Visiting Professor of Law and John Harvey Gregory Lecturer in World Organizations at Harvard Law School. She researches and teaches in the areas of international law, history and theory of international law, international dispute settlement, international economic law, and climate change. She is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and a past President of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law. Her publications include International Law and the Politics of History (Cambridge University Press, 2021), Pensée Critique et Pratique du Droit International (Pedone, 2020), International Authority and the Responsibility to Protect (Cambridge University Press, 2011), and Reading Humanitarian Intervention (Cambridge University Press, 2003), and the edited collections Revolutions in International Law: The Legacies of 1917 (Cambridge University Press, 2021) (co-editor), The Oxford Handbook of the Theory of International Law (Oxford University Press, 2016) (co-editor), and International Law and its Others (Cambridge University Press, 2006). She presented a special course on Civil War and the Transformation of International Law at the Hague Academy of International Law in 2021. She has been awarded honorary doctorates in law by Lund University, the University of Gothenburg, and the University of Helsinki, and the Woodward Medal for Excellence in Humanities and Social Sciences by the University of Melbourne.

28 January 2022

LECTURE SERIES: "The Principle of Non-Discrimination and its Implementation in the Different Legal Systems", Jeroen Temperman - 2-4 February 2022, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca


LECTURE SERIES: "The Principle of Non-Discrimination and its Implementation in the Different Legal Systems", Thomas Woelki - 1 February 2022, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca


BOOK: Mário SBRICCOLI. A penalística civil: teorias e ideologias do direito penal na Itália unificada. (Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2021). ISBN 9786558580454



Um ponto fundamental da abordagem de Mario Sbriccoli neste texto que já é um clássico da historiografia jurídica contemporânea é a relação entre a civilização e direito penal,a construção de um direito penal civilizado. Qualquer pessoa intelectualmente interessada nesse tema candente da esfera pública hodierna o problema penal há de encontrar neste livro pérolas para uma reflexão serena e realista. Certamente, um dos grandes desafios contemporâneos e a reinvenção de uma esfera pública degradada pelos assaltos que ela vem sofrendo pela violência e pela própria demanda punitivista por violência. Além disso, é um livro que colabora para que o jurista atual consiga localizar adequadamente na história uma parte significativa uma parte de seu arsenal teórico. O penalista é um personagem fundamental na história contada por Sbriccoli no contexto do dito embate entre “escola clássica” e “escola positiva” (incluindo as tentativas de superar essas disputas) entre o século XIX e XX. Qual é o papel do penalista enquanto jurista? A expressão “Penalistica Civile” remete exatamente a esse aspecto. As respostas não estão no passado, mas colocar as questões de maneira adequada passa pela comparação diacrônica.

27 January 2022

ESCLH THIRD POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE (Augsburg: University of Augsburg [online], 18-19 FEB 2022)

Click on the images to enlarge and visualise the program.
Registration with the organising chair.

BOOK: Felice BATLAN & Marianne VASARA-AALTONEN (Eds.), Histories of Legal Aid. A Comparative and International Perspective (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). ISBN: 978-3-030-80270-7, pp. 330


This book focuses on the history of the provision of legal aid and legal assistance to the poor in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in eight different countries. It is the first such book to bring together historical work on legal aid in a comparative perspective, and allows readers to analogise and contrast historical narratives about free legal aid across countries. Legal aid developed as a result of industrialisation, urbanization, immigration, the rise of philanthropy, and what were viewed as new legal problems. Closely related, was the growing professionalisation of lawyers and the question of what duties lawyers owed society to perform free work. Yet, legal aid providers in many countries included lay women and men, leading at times to tensions with the bar. Furthermore, legal aid often became deeply politicized, creating dramatic conflicts concerning the rights of the poor to have equal access to justice.


Felice Batlan is Professor of Law and affiliated Professor of the Humanities at IIT Chicago-Kent, USA.  She is the author of the award-winning Women and Justice for the Poor: A History of Legal Aid, 1863-1945 (2015). Her research focuses on the legal history of women and gender in the U.S. and internationally.

Marianne Vasara-Aaltonen is University Lecturer in Legal History at the University of Helsinki, Finland. She is the author of Learning Law and Travelling Europe: Study Journeys and the Developing Swedish Legal Profession (2020), and several articles on the history of legal education, the legal profession, and the courts.


Available here.

26 January 2022

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Dynamics of Early Modern Colonial Laws and Legal Literature (Helsinki: Faculty of Law, 26-28 OCT 2022)


(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The conference organizers invite papers exploring how legislative strategies of early modern colonial empires affected each other, what they had in common, and how colonial laws emanating both from Europe and the colonies themselves developed into different directions. Conference papers will look at early modern colonial legislation of the empires in multiple contexts:  medieval inheritance of ius commune and legal pluralism; early modern transformations of legal orders, such as the growth of police regulation; and not the least, the local colonial realities and normativities.

Connected to the last point, contributions investigating local readings of “foreign” legal literature will also be welcome. One may ask what role legal literature had in the circulation of legal rules and concepts, and in confronting societal challenges. Examples from court practice and legislative bodies highlight these complex processes. “Legal literature” will not be understood in the sense of being strictly dogmatic or methodological, but in the broad sense of personally constructed texts on law, written for legal practitioners, both academically trained lawyers and laymen.  

This conference will bring together legal scholars, historians, and social scientists to explore the complex entanglements of early modern colonial laws. 

Confirmed keynote speakers are professors Thomas Duve (Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt) and Andréa Slemian (University of São Paulo).

The conference is organized jointly by two projects, Comparing Early Modern Colonial Laws: England, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain (Academy of Finland, University of Helsinki) and Reading Law Glocally: Local Readings of Foreign Legal Literature in a Globalized World (Seventeenth to Early Twentieth Centuries) (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / France, Ghent University, University of Helsinki, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). The conference committee consists of professors Laura Beck (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Serge Dauchy (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Georges Martyn (Ghent University) and Heikki Pihlajamäki (University of Helsinki).

Please send, in one file, your abstract (max. 300 words) and short CV to the address: The language of the conference is English. There is no registration fee. The organizers will consider applications for reimbursement of travel costs and/or accommodation for junior researchers presenting papers. Participation online will be possible, and publication of the conference papers is foreseen.  

The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2022.  

JOURNAL: MPILHLT Research Paper Series, 2021



A basic bibliography on the history of Ibero-America and the Spanish Caribbean in the colonial period - Otto Danwerth

Municipal Republics and its imprint on Independence processes. Rio de la Plata, first half of the Nineteenth Century. (Las repúblicas municipales y su proyección en los procesos de independencia. Río de la Plata, primera mitad del siglo XIX) - Alejandro Aguero

Transacciones (DCH) (Settlement Agreements (DCH)) - Wim Decock

Normative Orientierungen lokaler Schlichtung. Fallstudien aus einem Waldecker Friedensgericht von 1850. (Normative Orientations of Local Arbitration. Case Studies from a Waldeck Peace Court of 1850.) - Naoko Matsumoto

Beneficios eclesiásticos (DCH) (Ecclesiastical benefices (DCH)) - Julian Andrei Velasco Pedraza
„Sacrum Palatium“. Eine in der Gegenwart missbrauchte Konstruktion des 9. Jahrhunderts ('Sacrum Palatium'. A 9th Century Construction Abused in the Present Day) - Caspar Ehlers

Denuncias (DCH) (Complaints (DCH)) - Macarena Cordero-Fernández

Legislation on the Heritage Protection and Restoration of Antiquity. The Case of the Acropolis of Athens in the Nineteenth Century. - Chiara Mannoni

Excepciones (DCH) (Exceptions (Historical Dictionary of Canon Law in Latin America and the Philippines)) - Jesus Bogarin Diaz

Applying Lessons from the Past? Exploring Historical Analogies in ECB Speeches through Text Mining, 1997-2019 - Anselm Küsters

Ministros De Los Tribunales (DCH) (Court Ministers (DCH)) - Jaime Ricardo Gouveia

Audiencia Episcopal (DCH) - Jorge E Traslosheros

Vicario (DCH) (Vicar (DCH)) - Susana Frías

Sentencia (DCH) (Judgment (DCH)) - Faustino Martinez

Witchcraft, Murder and Adultery: 'Slavery as Punishment' in European Writings about Atlantic Africa around 1800 - Jutta Wimmler

Caught between International Law and National Constitution: The Legal Reckoning with Foreign War Criminals in Norway after 1945 - Lars-Erik Vaale, Baard Herman Borge

Adúlteros (DCH) (Adulterers (DCH)) - Herlinda Ruiz Martínez

Consideraciones Generales Sobre El Derecho Procesal Canónico En Hispanoamérica Y Filipinas (S. Xvi-Xviii) (DCH) (General Considerations on Canonical Procedural Law in Spanish America and the Philippines (16th-18th Centuries) (DCH)) - Faustino Martinez

25 January 2022

BOOK: Éric ANCEAU, Laïcité, un principe. De l'Antiquité au temps présent (Paris: Passés Composés, 2022), 384 p. ISBN 9782379336300, € 22


(image source: Passés Composés)

Book abstract:

La laïcité ne se résume pas à la loi française de Séparation des Églises et de l’État de 1905, par ailleurs mal connue et souvent instrumentalisée. Trouver une juste place pour les religions dans la société préoccupe l’autorité politique depuis l’Antiquité. Éric Anceau revient ici aux sources de ce questionnement en France, mais aussi dans le monde. Il décrit le rôle de la construction de l’État en confrontation parfois avec les pouvoirs religieux dont la papauté, l’influence des guerres de religion, l’intense réflexion des Lumières et de la Révolution. Il examine l’élaboration et le contenu des lois laïques des débuts de la Troisième République, en particulier de la loi de 1905, l’apaisement relatif qui s’en est suivi, les nouveaux questionnements posés par l’islam depuis trente ans. Les exceptions à la généralité française ici expliquées, à commencer par le régime de l’Alsace-Moselle, de même que le panorama international qu’il propose font de cet ouvrage la première synthèse mondiale sur le principe de laïcité à travers les siècles.

 On the author:

Éric Anceau est maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine à la Faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université, ainsi que membre de l'UMR Sirice. Il est spécialisé dans l'histoire politique et sociale de la France et de l'Europe au XIXe siècle, ainsi que dans les relations entre le peuple et les élites.

(source: Paris-Sorbonne

SEMINAR: Tra Diritto e Religione: dialoghi e influenze nella storia giuridica - Roma, 31 gennaio 2022

CALL FOR PAPERS: Conference Iustoria 2022, 25th-27th March 2022 - Theme: "Law, Health and Medicine” - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law (EXTENTED DEADLINE: 20 FEBRUARY 2022)

(Source: University of Belgrad)

We received notice that the deadline of the call of papers for the Conference Iustoria 2022: "Law, Health and Medicine” has been extended to February 20th, 2022.

The applications should be e-mailed to 

See our original post for the call for papers and all the details.

24 January 2022

BOOK: Nicolas LAURENT-BONNE & Xavier PRÉVOST (dir.), Penser l'ancien droit public. Regards croisés sur les méthodes des juristes (III) [Contextes - Culture du droit, ed. Anne-Sophie CHAMBOST] (Paris: LGDJ/Lextenso, 2022), ISBN 9782275080505, 278 p. € 44

(image source: LGDJ)

Book abstract:
L’ouvrage s’inscrit dans le sillage de deux précédents volumes, intitulés Penser l’ordre juridique médiéval et moderne et Penser l’ancien droit privé, qui tentaient d’évaluer la tendance des historiens des facultés de droit à jeter un voile dogmatique, sinon trompeur, sur les réalités normatives du passé. Consacré à l’écriture de l’histoire du droit public, ce troisième et dernier volume a pour ambition de livrer une réflexion épistémologique sur l’un des enjeux de l’historiographie juridique : peut-on penser l’ancien droit public à partir des catégories juridiques contemporaines ? Il semble en effet que le droit public – au moins en France – ait largement échappé à de tels questionnements, qui ont pourtant fait l’objet de débats nourris dans la plupart des autres champs de la connaissance historique. Afin de combler ce manque en revenant sur le dilemme bien connu du rapport de la recherche historique au présent, l’ouvrage interroge des concepts souvent considérés comme quasiment atemporels ; que l’on pense à la liberté, la justice, l’État ou l’impôt. Plus largement, les trois volumes des Regards croisés sur les méthodes des juristes souhaitent contribuer aux débats sur la place de l’analyse historique du droit.

On the editors:

Nicolas Laurent-Bonne est agrégé des facultés de droit et professeur d’histoire du droit à l’université Paris-Est Créteil. Xavier Prévost, agrégé des facultés de droit, agrégé d’économie et gestion, archiviste paléographe (diplômé de l’École des chartes), ancien élève de l’École normale supérieure de Cachan, est professeur d’histoire du droit à l’université de Bordeaux et membre junior de l’Institut universitaire de France.

Chapters by Soazick Kerneis, Aurore Gaillet, Michael Stolleis (+), Grégoire Bigot, Fabrice Melleray, François Saint-Bonnet, Cyrille Dounot, Anne Rousselet-Pimont, Paolo Alvazzi del Frate, Olivier Mattéoni, Cédric Glineur and Frédéric F. Martin.  

(source: LGDJ

BOOK: Bart RAYMAEKERS, Peter HEYRMAN & Wim DECOCK, Neo-Thomism in Action. Law and Society Reshaped by Neo-Scholastic Philosophy, 1880-1960 (Leuven: University Press, 2021). ISBN: 9789462703063, pp. 336, € 49.50

(Source: LUP)


Multifaceted and in-depth analysis of the neo-scholastic movement

In his encyclical Aeterni Patris (1879), Pope Leo XIII expressed the conviction that the renewed study of the philosophical legacy of Saint Thomas Aquinas would help Catholics to engage in a dialogue with secular modernity while maintaining respect for Church doctrine and tradition. As a result, the neo-scholastic framework dominated Catholic intellectual production for nearly a century thereafter.

This volume assesses the societal impact of the Thomist revival movement, with particular attention to the juridical dimension of this epistemic community. Contributions from different disciplinary backgrounds offer a multifaceted and in-depth analysis of many different networks and protagonists of the neo-scholastic movement, its institutions and periodicals, and its conceptual frameworks. Although special attention is paid to the Leuven Institute of Philosophy and Faculty of Law, the volume also discloses the neo-Thomist revival in other national and transnational contexts. By highlighting diverse aspects of its societal and legal impact, Neo-Thomism in Action argues that neo-scholasticism was neither a sterile intellectual exercise nor a monolithic movement. The book expands our understanding of how Catholic intellectual discourse communities were constructed and how they pervaded law and society during the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.

Contributors: Philippe Chenaux (Pontifical Lateran University), Jo Deferme, Jean-Pierre Delville, Joeri De Smet (KU Leuven), Kwinten Dewaele (KU Leuven), Vincent Genin (KU Leuven), Emiel Lamberts (KU Leuven), Faustino Martinez Martínez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Erik Sengers (Tilburg School of Catholic Theology), Jakub Štofaník (Masaryk Institute Prague), Cinzia Sulas (Sapienza Rome), Kasper Swerts (ADVN/Antwerp University)

This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).


Bart Raymaekers is professor in moral philosophy and philosophy of law at the Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven. Bart Raymaekers is hoogleraar aan het Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte aan KU Leuven. - Hoger Instituut van Wijsbegeerte, KU Leuven

Peter Heyrman is a historian and head of Research at KADOC-KU Leuven, Documentation and Research Centre on Religion, Culture and Society.

Wim Decock is professor of legal history at KU Leuven and Université de Liège.


Neo-Thomism, Law and Society 
Prolegomenon to Further Study
Wim Decock

The Landscape of Neo-Thomism 

Religious, Political and Social Settings of the Revival of Thomism, 1870-1960
Emiel Lamberts

The 1920s Francophone Thomistic Revival
Philippe Chenaux

Neo-Thomism at Leuven’s Faculty of Law
Joeri De Smet

National Contexts and International Networks

Vetera novis augere or Leuven Quebec augere: Lionel Groulx, Neo-Thomism and French-Canadian Nationalism
Kasper Swerts

Reception and Adaptation of Neo-Thomism in East-Central Europe, between the Intellectual and Social Involvement of the Catholic Church
Jakub Štofaník

The Influence of Neo-Thomism on Catholic Social Policy-Making in Belgium, 1880-1914
Jo Deferme

Between Gospel and Constitution. Neo-Scholastic Traces in the Legal World of Nineteenth-Century Spain
Faustino Martínez Martínez

The Notion of War in the Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, 1914-1918 
Cinzia Sulas


A Conservative Reading of Rerum Novarum through a Neo-Scholastic Lens
The Jesuit Auguste Castelein (1840-1922) and the Belgian Patrons Catholiques
Peter Heyrman

Arthur Vermeersch on Colonial and Conjugal Morality
A Presentist Approach to Saint Thomas
Vincent Genin

Joannes Aengenent (1873-1935)
A Thomistic Sociologist’s Call for a More Humane Economy
Erik Sengers

Antoine Pottier and the Neo-Thomistic Roots of Social Justice
Jean-Pierre Delville

Neo-Thomism and the Debates on the Just Wage in Belgium (1879-1914)
Kwinten Dewaele


More information is available with the publisher.

JOURNAL: Forum Historiae Iuris, 2021



11. Januar 2021

Andrea Mazzoleni

Brevi note in tema di administratio peculii: un concetto classico o un’introduzione giustinianea?

29. April 2021

Rafael Lamera Giesta Cabral

The 1934 Brazilian Constitution and the regulation experience of labor in Brazil (1930-1934)

11. Mai 2021

Robson Pedrosa Costa

Nicolau de Souza: the trajectory of a slave-owning slave, Brazil, 1812-1835

20. Juli 2021

Sebastian Felz

Staatsnothilfe und politischer Mord? Die Femeprozesse und der Gustloff-Prozess aus Sicht des Rechtsanwalts Friedrich Grimm (1888-1959)

2. August 2021

Riccardo Cavallo

La Costituzione di Weimar tra passato e futuro. Il contributo di Hermann Heller.

21. September 2021

Marialuisa Navarra

La marque du condamné.

29. September 2021

Arthur Barrêtto de Almeida Costa

The Tropical Fado that Wanted to Become a European Samba: The Cosmopolitan Structure of Brazilian Administrative Law Investigated with Bibliometric Data (1859-1930)

17. Dezember 2021

Benedikt Riedl

Der Herero-Krieg – Eine juristische Aufarbeitung

24. Dezember 2021

Stefano Lombardo

Il conflitto tra la magistratura e l’esecutivo attraverso gli uffici del pubblico ministero. I resoconti giudiziari nell’Italia postunitaria.


21. Januar 2021

Rezensiert von: Jonas Fischer

Stephan Meder, Rechtsmaschinen. Von Subsumtionsautomaten, Künstlicher Intelligenz und der Suche nach dem „richtigen“ Urteil

9. Februar 2021

Rezensiert von: Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina

Antonio Banfi, Massimo Brutti, Emanuele Stolfi (a cura di), Dall’esegesi giuridica alla teoria dell’interpretazione: Emilio Betti (1890-1968)

26. Juli 2021

Rezensiert von: Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina

Francesco di Chiara, La Praxis Inquisitionum: uno strumento di lavoro nella biblioteca di un erudito siciliano fra XVII e XVIII secolo

    4. Oktober 2021

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    Aglaia McClintock, Storia mitica del diritto romano

    29. November 2021

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    Centro Internazionale di Studi Gentiliani, A proposito dei recenti volumi della collana “Studi Gentiliani”

      24. Dezember 2021

      Rezensiert von: Constantin Willems

      Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Dennis P. Kehoe (Hg.), Roman Law and Economics, Oxford Studies in Roman and Society and Law

      More information: 

          21 January 2022

          SYMPOSIUM on Comparative Early Modern Legal History: Law, Theology, and the Moral Regulation of “Economy” in the Early Modern Atlantic World - 25th March 2022 - Newberry Library, Chicago

          Symposium on Comparative Early Modern Legal History: Law, Theology, and the Moral Regulation of “Economy” in the Early Modern Atlantic World

          Date: Friday, March 25, 2022

          Location: Newberry Library, Chicago

          (Source: The Newberry)

          Organized by: Brian Owensby (University of Virginia) and Richard J. Ross (University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign)

          The time is long past when the Western world’s emergent commercial culture could be understood solely in terms of a Protestant ethos or the division between commerce and social morality occasioned by the Protestant Reformation. Scholarship has shown that “modern” ideas regarding commerce and “economics” had their roots in late-medieval Catholic thought and in neo-scholastic ideas that blended theology, justice, and law. It is clear as well that the rise of commercial thinking was not a linear intellectual development. Protestants and Catholics alike, facing the moral and social implications of novel “economic” relations, undertook deep theological and legal reflections regarding unbridled, competitive, exchange-oriented gain seeking. Many of these concerns were raised in the context of Europe’s westward expansion to the New World. Usury, just price, interest, legal personality, slavery, reciprocity, property, cases of conscience, doubts regarding self-regulating mechanisms, concerns for the poor—all figured in a vibrant legal discourse that simultaneously elaborated and critiqued a set of ideas regarding human economy that became dominant between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. This conference will bring together historians, legal scholars, and social scientists to investigate law’s historical role in enabling and regulating behaviors now recognized as foundational to modern economies.

          Brian Owensby (University of Virginia) and Richard Ross (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) organized “Law, Theology, and the Moral Regulation of ‘Economy’ in the Early Modern Atlantic World.” The conference is an offering of the Symposium on Comparative Early Modern Legal History, which gathers every other year at the Newberry Library in Chicago in order to explore a particular topic in the comparative legal history of the Atlantic world in the period c.1492-1815. Funding has been provided by the University of Illinois College of Law.

          Attendance at the Symposium is free and open to the public. Those who wish to attend should preregister by sending an email to Richard Ross at Papers will be circulated electronically to all registrants several weeks before the conference.

          For information about the conference, please consult our website at or contact Richard Ross at or at 217-244-7890.

          Here is the schedule:

          9:00 Welcome: Brian Owensby (Virginia, History) and Richard Ross (Illinois, Law and History)

          9:05 to 10:35: Panel: Moral Regulation of Market Activity

          Wim Decock (UCLouvain, Law): “Moral Regulation of the Market between Scholasticism and Modern Natural Law: The Case of Pedro de Oñate’s De Contractibus (1646)”

          Mark Peterson (Yale, History) “Market Regulation in Colonial Boston: Exploring a Historical Puzzle”

          Elvira Vilches (Duke, Romance Studies): “Moral Economies and the Early Modern Iberian Book Trade”

          Commentator: Laurent Mayali (Berkeley, Law)

          Chair: Richard Ross (Illinois, Law and History)

          10:35 to 10:50: Refreshment Break

          10:50 to 12:20: Panel: Money and the Common Good

          Regina Grafe (European University Institute, History): “All that Happened Below 5 Percent: Religious Endowments, Credit, and Interest Rate Discrimination in Colonial Spanish America”

          David Lantigua (Notre Dame, Theology): “Native Americans, European Commerce, and the Providential Nature of Money”

          Simon Middleton (William and Mary, History): “Country Pay and Current Money Conventions in the Seventeenth-Century North American Colonies”

          Commentator: Carl Wennerlind (Barnard, History)

          Commentator and chair: Robert Morrissey (Illinois, History)

          12:20 to 1:50: Lunch: Participants and audience members are invited to try the restaurants in the neighborhood around the Newberry

          1:50 to 3:10: Panel: Boundaries of Capital, Contract, and Usury

          Paolo Astorri (Copenhagen, Law): “Business Regulation in Sixteenth-Century Spain and Germany: Catholic and Lutheran Teachings on the Five Percent Contract”

          Luisa Brunori (Université de Lille-Cnrs, Law): “The Turning Point of Early Modern Scholasticism on Company Law: Theology Facing 16th Century Transatlantic Mercantile Practice”

          Commentator: Dwight Codr (Connecticut, English)

          Chair: Brian Owensby (Virginia, History)

          3:10 to 3:25: Refreshment Break

          3:25 to 4:55 Panel: Society, Economy, and the Vulnerable

          J. Michelle Molina (Northwestern, Religious Studies and History): “Sacramental Logics on the Jesuit Hacienda”

          Brian Owensby (Virginia, History): “‘All Human Life and Health Depend on the Help of Others’: Debates on Poor Relief and Society in Sixteenth-Century Spain and England”

          Steven Pincus (Chicago, History): “The Ideological Context of Governor Edward Trelawny of Jamaica’s Abolitionism”

          Commentator: Brodwyn Fischer (Chicago, History)

          Commentator and chair: Karen Graubart (Notre Dame, History)

          5:00 Adjourn

          SEMINAR: La storia della Magistratura nell'equilibrio dei poteri - 28 gennaio 2022, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

          WORKSHOP: Tradition et usage politique de l’histoire constitutionnelle: un dialogue interdisciplinaire et comparatiste / Tradition und politische Verwendungen der Verfassungsgeschichtsschreibung: ein interdisziplinärer und vergleichender Dialog - Frankfurt am Main und online (hybrid) - 9/10 Juni 2022 (deadline 28.1.2022)

          Journée d’études /Workshop

          Tradition et usage politique de l’histoire constitutionnelle : un dialogue interdisciplinaire et comparatiste
          Tradition und politische Verwendungen der Verfassungsgeschichtsschreibung: ein interdisziplinärer und vergleichender Dialog

          Ort : Frankfurt am Main und online (hybrid)
          Datum: 9-10, Juni 2022


          Der Workshop widmet sich der Vergangenheit und der Zukunft der Verfassungsgeschichte. Die Historiographie von Verfassungen wurde bislang maßgeblich von bestimmten nationalen Traditionen geprägt, die zu jeweils unterschiedlichen Perspektiven auf Verfassungen als historisches Phänomen führen. In dieser Tagung sollen drei damit zusammenhängende Themenbereiche erörtert werden:

          1 Die Geschichte der Verfassungsgeschichtsschreibung: nationale Traditionen in der Verfassungsgeschichte

          Wie schreibt man Verfassungsgeschichte? „Verfassung“ an sich ist kein einfach zu identifizierendes Objekt, und Verfassungshistoriker unterschiedlicher Länder definieren sie in unterschiedlicher Weise. Die Tendenz des 19. Jahrhunderts, Disziplinen national zu definieren – sogar die Chemie wurde für eine französische „Nationalwissenschaft“ gehalten  – machte auch vor der Verfassungsgeschichte nicht halt. Diese wurde demnach weniger wegen ihres Forschungsobjekts an sich (nationale Verfassungen und ihre Geschichten) als wegen unterschiedlicher Definitionen ihres Objekts als nationale Disziplin angesehen. Diese Sektion des Workshops betrifft Repräsentationen der Verfassungsgeschichte in den jeweiligen Rechtskulturen; Überlegungen über Methoden zur Geschichtsschreibung sind hier willkommen.

          2 Politischer Gebrauch der Verfassungsgeschichte

          Indem sie von solchen nationalen historiographischen Traditionen ausgeht, ist Verfassungsgeschichte oft kein rein wissenschaftliches Unterfangen. So wie Adhémar Esmein über das soeben entstandene republikanische Regime schrieb, hatten Otto von Gierke die Vereinigung der deutschen Länder, Heinrich von Treitschke das deutsche Kaiserreich, und zahlreiche Juristen und Historiker (z.B. Otto Brunner) den Nazistaat im Blick. Die Verfassungsgeschichtsschreibung vom 19. bis zum Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts kann demnach als politische Bewegung angesehen werden. Dieses Panel konzentriert sich auf die politische Dimension dieser Disziplin und reflektiert das Verhältnis zwischen Geschichte und Staatsbildung in den verschiedenen Rechtskulturen.

          3 Die Verfassungsgeschichte zwischen Globalgeschichte, Verflechtungsgeschichte und vergleichender Geschichte

          Auch wenn Verfassungen in den meisten Fällen nationale Dokumente sind, zielen neuere Entwicklungen zunehmend auf transnationales Verfassungsrecht ab, wie z.B. in der europäischen Union. Doch auch die Geschichte nationaler Verfassungsdokumente wird zunehmend transnational geschrieben, und es ist für Juristen und Historiker unumgänglich geworden, lokale Verfassungsgeschichte mit einem „global design“ zu verbinden. Dieses Panel will neue Wege der Verfassungsgeschichtsschreibung erwägen.

          Angaben zu den Bewerbungen

          Der Workshop wird am 9-10.06.2022 in Frankfurt am Main und online stattfinden. Die Organisatoren werden für Transport- und Unterbringungskosten (1 Nacht) aufkommen. Der Workshop richtet sich vorwiegend an junge Forscherinnen und Forscher (fortgeschrittene Masterstudenten und vor allem Doktoranden und Postdoktoranden). Die Arbeitssprachen sind Französisch, Deutsch und Englisch.

          Bewerbungen sind bitte bis zum 28.01.2022 an Yuan Chia-Hsin (Doktorand am l’EHESS/IFRA-SHS ; Egas Bender de Moniz Bandeira (Wissenschaftler am Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie ; zu richten. Sie müssen auf Französisch, Deutsch oder Englisch verfaßt sein und sollten 400 Wörter nicht überschreiten; bitte fügen Sie einen Lebenslauf mit Publikationsliste und Angabe Ihrer Sprachkenntnisse bei. Über die Annahme zur Tagung wird bis zum 11.02.2022 entschieden.

          Journée d’études /Workshop

          Tradition et usage politique de l’histoire constitutionnelle : un dialogue interdisciplinaire et comparatiste
          Tradition und politische Verwendungen der Verfassungsgeschichtsschreibung: ein interdisziplinärer und vergleichender Dialog

          Lieu : Frankfurt am Main et Online (Hybride)
          Date : 9-10, Juin, 2022


          Notre journée d’études se consacrera à discuter l’histoire passée et l’avenir de l’histoire constitutionnelle. Chaque culture juridique écrit la constitution selon son propre style et sa propre tradition : la constitution comme phénomène historique peut ainsi être observée au prisme de perspectives variées et caractérisées par des traditions nationales. Notre discussion sera orientée autour de trois thématiques.

          1 L’histoire de l’histoire constitutionnelle : les traditions nationales dans les histoires constitutionnelles  

          Comment écrire l’histoire constitutionnelle ? La question ne nous semble pas si simple à résoudre : la constitution n’est pas un objet en soi, qui est facile à identifier et des juristes et historiens de chaque pays n’y procèdent pas de la même manière. Si au XIXème siècle, la science chimique est pensée comme une science nationale française , l’histoire constitutionnelle peut aussi être considérée comme une discipline nationale, non en raison de son objet (à voir la constitution nationale et son histoire), mais de la façon d’identifier son objet. Nous touchons ici à la représentation diverse de l’histoire constitutionnelle dans chaque culture juridique. Les réflexions sur les méthodes d’écrire l’histoire constitutionnelle seront ici bienvenues.          

          2 L’usage politique de l’histoire constitutionnelle

          Sur le socle de la tradition nationale de l’historiographie constitutionnelle, il apparait souvent le cas que l’histoire constitutionnelle ne se réduise pas seulement à une production purement scientifique. Comme Esmein procède pour le régime républicain tout juste consolidé ; von Gierke écrit dans le cadre de l’unification des états germaniques, tandis que von Treitschke en faveur de l’Empire wilhelmien et que de nombreux juristes et historiens (tel Otto Brunner) s’adonnent à l'État nazi. L’historiographie constitutionnelle du XIXème siècle et du début du XXème siècle pourrait sous cet angle être vue comme un mouvement politique. Cette section se focalise sur la dimension politique de cette discipline et réfléchit sur la relation entre l’histoire et la construction de l’Etat dans les différentes cultures juridiques.

          3 L’histoire constitutionnelle nationale confrontée aux approches transnationales (histoire mondiale, histoire croisée, histoire comparée)

          Avec le développement de l’Union Européen, la constitution commence à acquérir des dimensions transnationales. Le récit national de l’histoire constitutionnelle pourrait dès lors être bouleversé par les approches transnationales. Cette section invite les jeunes chercheuses et les jeunes chercheurs à considérer la possibilité de faire une autre histoire constitutionnelle. Bien évidemment, la constitution, dans la plupart des cas, demeure nationale. Mais percevoir la rencontre d’autre de la constitution et sa dimension globale tend à devenir un champ d’études important pour les juristes et les historiens.

          Envoi des candidatures

          Cette journée d’études se tiendra à Francfort/Main (Allemagne) et en ligne, 9-10/06/ 2022. Les frais de transport et d’hébergement (1 nuit) seront pris en charge par les organisateurs. Cette manifestation s’adresse prioritairement aux jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs (masterant(e)s avancé(e)s, mais plus spécialement aux doctorant(e)s et post-doctorant(e)·s). Les langues de travail seront le français, l’allemand et l’anglais.

          Les propositions de communication sont à adresser à Yuan, Chia-Hsin (Doctorant à l’EHESS/IFRA-SHS) : et à Egas Bender de Moniz Bandeira (chercheur à l’Institut Max Planck pour l’histoire et la théorie du droit) :  avant le 28/01/2022. Elles peuvent être soumises en français, en allemand ou en anglais et ne doivent pas excéder 400 mots. Il est demandé d’y joindre un simple CV avec la mention des éventuelles publications et des compétences linguistiques de la candidate/ du candidat. Un comité scientifique procédera à la sélection des propositions et donnera sa réponse le 11/02/2022 au plus tard.

          JOURNAL: Giornale di Storia Costituzionale/Journal of Constitutional History, nº 42, 2021/2, Heads of State. The Authoritarian Dynamic of Political Power in Romanian Constitutional History


          Sommario / Contents:

          Manuel GuțanIntroduzione / Introduction

          Manuel Guțan, A Failed Constitutional Experiment: The Monarchical Constitutionalism and the Organic Regulations of 1831-1832 / Un esperimento costituzionale fallito: il costituzionalismo monarchico e i regolamenti organici del 1831-1832
          Răzvan Cosmin Roghină, In 1866 and back to the Future with a Sense of Déjà vu. The Fall and revival of the Head of State’s authoritarianism/ Nel 1866 e tornando al futuro con un senso di déjà vu. La caduta e il revival dell’autoritarismo del Capo dello Stato
          Alexandra Alina Iancu, Bogdan Iancu, The Rise and Fall of Quasi-Parliamentary Government in Romania (1871-1937) / L’ascesa e la caduta del governo quasi-parlamentare in Romania (1871-1937)

          Mihai Ghițulescu, Some Notes for a History of Reversed law-making. Decree-laws in Interwar Romania / Alcune note per una storia della tecnica della legislazione invertita. Decreti-legge in Romania tra le due guerre
          Dan Constantin Mâță, Le Chef d’État et l’état de siège. Constructions normatives et interprétations doctrinaires dans la Roumanie de l’entre-deux-guerres / Il capo di Stato e lo stato d’assedio. Costruzioni normative e interpretazioni dottrinali nella Romania tra le due guerre
          Victor Rizescu, Corporatism in Interwar Romania: Overlapping Sources and Competing Varieties / Il corporativismo in Romania fra le due guerre: fonti coincidenti e varietà contrastanti
          Cosmin Cercel, Under the Shadow of the Exception: the Romanian Head(s) of State in the Age of Extremes / All’ombra dell’eccezione: il Capo di Stato rumeno nell’età degli estremi
          Bogdan Dima, The President as an Active “Constitutional King”. The Birth of the Romanian Postcommunist System of Government / Il Presidente come “Re costituzionale” attivo. La nascita del sistema di governo rumeno post-comunista

          Valeria Ferrari, Educare nella virtù. Educare alla virtù. Gli illuministi italiani e la lotta alla corruzione fra riforme e rivoluzione / Educating in virtue. Educating to virtue. The Italian Illuminists and the fight against corruption between reforms and revolution
          Ulrike MüßigThe Kantian Legal Turn of ‘Republicanism’: ‘Rightfulness’ by a Categorical Right to Justification / La svolta giuridica kantiana del ‘repubblicanesimo’: ‘legittimità’ attraverso un diritto categorico alla giustificazione
          Stefano MalpassiTra «Liberty And Property» e «Regulation And Democracy». Il percorso giuridico-costituzionale del governo dell’economia negli Stati Uniti d’America, tra fine Ottocento e «early New Deal» / From «Liberty And Property» To «Regulation And Democracy». The Juridical-Constitutional Path of USA Economic Governance, from Late Eighteenth Century to «Early New Deal»
          Fabio Corigliano, L’Europa costruita “dall’alto”: radici leibniziane del Manifesto di Ventotene / Europe built “from above”: Leibnizian roots of the Ventotene Manifesto
          Giovanni di Cosimo, Difendere il Parlamento, dal fascismo alla Repubblica / Defending Parliament, from Fascism to Republic

          Primo piano / In the foreground
          Marco Fioravanti legge / reads Manuela Albertone e Michel Troper (a cura di), La Représentation politique. Anthologie
          Ninfa Contigiani legge / reads Paolo Passaniti, Il diritto cangiante. Il lungo novecento giuridico del paesaggio italiano

          Ventitré proposte di lettura / Twenty-three reading proposals

          Autori / Authors


          20 January 2022

          BOOK: Giuseppe TERRANOVA, Il ragionamento giuridico (Milano: Giuffrè, 2021). ISBN 9788828834854, pp. 209, € 27,00

          ABOUT THE BOOK

          La porosità e la parziale indeterminatezza del linguaggio costituiscono, per il giurista, una sfida: un problema, ma anche un’opportunità. Il problema viene in parte risolto con il ricorso alle tradizioni ermeneutiche, alle dottrine e ai loro dogmi, che attribuiscono un significato canonico alle norme e consentono di stabilizzare il sistema.

          Tali rimedi, tuttavia, negli ordinamenti più evoluti non tolgono al diritto la necessaria flessibilità, che consente d’adattare la norma al fatto, sia pure in forme tipizzate e, quindi, necessariamente subottimali. Tra le interpretazioni canoniche e le esigenze pratiche si crea, così, un rapporto dialettico, che tende a un ideale di razionalità, senza mai raggiungerlo. Da qui, l’emergere della ragionevolezza, del discernimento e della prudenza come dimensioni del giuridico: un insieme di valori che si nutre delle esperienze di vita per tradurle in concrete regole di condotta. In definitiva, l’opera si propone d’assecondare una svolta compiutamente empirista nello studio del diritto.


          Giuseppe Terranova è professore ordinario nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare IUS/04 (Diritto commerciale) presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".


          Available in PDF format here.

          NEW BOOK SERIES: Law, Peace, and Justice in Medieval and Early Modern Europe - General Editor: Prof. Krista Kesselring

          Law, Peace, and Justice in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

          This series seeks to bring together work on ‘peace-keeping’ amongst medieval and early modern Europeans in the broadest sense: from criminal justice to transitional justice, from the resolution of interpersonal conflict within communities to treaty-making between states, from feud to refuge to reparations, from criminal trials to cultures of toleration. The series crosses conventional boundaries between medieval and early modern and welcomes work that crosses disciplinary boundaries, too, or that uses interdisciplinary approaches to subjects such as law, theology, art, political philosophy, social practice, etc. It aims broadly to promote work that helps us understand how law and justice were implicated in the ways in which people in the past imagined, implemented, and used ‘peace’, both within Europe and as Europeans moved out around the globe.

          Prospective authors and editors are encouraged to contact the General Editor, Krista Kesselring, Dalhousie University ( 

          Formal proposals and general inquiries should be sent to

          Editorial board

          Paolo Broggio, Roma Tre University; Tom Hamilton, Durham University; Marie Houllemare, University of Geneva; Elizabeth Papp Kamali, Harvard University; Krista Kesselring, Dalhousie University; Helle Vogt, University of Copenhagen

          More information with the publisher.

          WEBINAR: Approches épistémologiques ethistoriographiques du droit criminel Jalons pour une histoire intellectuelledu droit pénal. 21 January 20 online





          9h00 : Propos introductifs
          Marine Vetter, Doctorante, Université de Bordeaux


          I. Penser le droit pénal par-delà les frontières

          9h20 : The Reception of Criminal Positivism in 19th Century Europe : France and Spain
          José Franco-Chasán, Lecturer, Universität Augsburg (Germany)

          9h40 : Entangled History of Criminal Law Literature Between Brazil and France (1830-1890)
          Ricardo Sontag, Professeur, Federal University of Minas (Brazil)

          10h00 : Discussion
          Elisabetta Fusar Poli, Professeure, Università degli studi di Brescia (Italy)

          10h30 : Pause


          II. La pensée pénale à l’épreuve de la science

          11h00 : La raison algorithmique en droit criminel : anatomie d’une nouvelle épistémè
          Mathieu Garcia, Doctorant, Université de Bordeaux

          11h20 : The Criminal Liability Crisis during the 19th Century. From Cesare Lombroso and “Social Criminal Law” to Neuroscience : Are we Really Free ?
          Pietro Schirò, Assegnista di ricerca, Università degli studi di Verona (Italy)

          11h40 : Discussion
          Mathieu Soula, Professeur, Université Paris Nanterre


          12h10 : Coupure méridienne


          III. Un renouvellement de la pensée sur la peine

          14h00 : Prolégomènes et actualisation de la théorie de l’individualisation des peines de Saleilles, de l’avant-projet du Code pénal Italien de 1866 à la 3e édition du Traité théorique et pratique de droit pénal de René Garraud
          Dominique Messineo, Maître de conférences, Université d’Orléans

          14h20 : Entre méfiance, fascination et riposte : les réactions des pénalistes français à l’essor des droits pénaux « autoritaires » dans les années 1930
          Nicolas Picard, Docteur, Université Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne

          14h40 : Discussion
          Jérôme Ferrand, Maître de conférences HDR, Université de Grenoble- Alpes

          15h10 : Pause


          IV. La pensée pénale saisie par sa méthode

          15h40 : Le frémissement d’un approche « Droit & Littérature » sous la plume des pénalistes au tournant 1900. L’exemple du Crime dans ses rapports avec l’art dramatique d’Emile Garçon
          Victor Janin, Doctorant, Université de Bordeaux

          16h00 : Enjeux et limites de la cartographie des réseaux des pensées pénales contemporaines
          Yohan Bihan, Doctorant, EHESS

          16h20 : Discussion
          Nader Hakim, Professeur, Université de Bordeaux

          16h50 : Propos conclusifs
          Alexandre Frambéry-Iacobone, Doctorant, Université de Bordeaux



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