08 October 2015

CONFERENCE: Law and Governance in Pre-Modern Britain (Ontario, 23-24 October 2015)

(image: Vivat Rex (National Archives (Kew)), Source: Western University)

H-Law announced the following conference:

Law and Governance in pre-Modern Britain is the fifth conference on this general theme held at Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, and the second to focus entirely on the pre-modern period. The theme of the conference is intentionally broad, and the speakers have been asked simply to talk about whatever aspect of their research interests them most at the time.
Over the course of two days we will hear from an international group of leading legal historians with interests in crime, religion, the intersection of laws, the development of the profession, pardon, prison, process and trade. The range of topics is broad but their intersections are complex and varied. Two of the speakers are involved with the Early English Laws project to re-edit and translate all English legal texts written before Magna Carta, and thus are playing a role in revolutionizing the way we access sources and conduct research. Three are authors of volumes of the Oxford History of the Laws of England, either in print or in preparation, and thus are shaping the way we will understand the field for a generation.
The conference will take place in the Moot Court room of the Faculty of Law, and the atmosphere will be informal, with ample opportunity for discussion and conversation during breaks or over the conference lunch or Friday night dinner. Registration is available online, but will also be available on-site at the time of the conference. Space at the conference dinner on Friday evening is limited: early booking is strongly recommended and no bookings will be taken after October 19.

Law and Governance in pre-Modern Britain

Moot Court Room, Faculty of Law

The University of Western Ontario

Friday, 23 October 2015
12:15-1:15: Registration / pick-up conference packets at the Moot Court Room


Panel 1: Law in Principle and Practice1:30-3:20pm
Chair: David Sylvester, Kings University College
1."Statutory Interpretation and Principles of Medieval Government." Richard Helmholz, University of Chicago.
2."The Local and National Contexts of Merchant Law in Medieval England." James Masschaele, Rutgers University.
3."The Rule of Law in Fifteenth Century England." David Seipp, Boston University.


Panel 2: Making Sources, Making History3:45-5:15pm
Chair: Steven Bednarski, St. Jerome's University
1."A New Plea Roll for a New Audience: Henry of Bratton and his Assize Rolls." Thomas J McSweeney, College of William & Mary.
2."The End of a Dilemma: Digital Editions and the Choice between Authorial and Received Texts." Bruce O’Brien, University of Mary Washington.

Conference Dinner, Windermere Manor (pre-registration required)

Saturday, 24 October 2015
9:45-10am: Registration

Panel 3: Centre and Locality10:00-12:00pm
Chair: Amy Bell, Huron University College
1."Keeping the Peace without the Frankpledge System in Thirteenth-century England." Kenneth Duggan, King’s College London.
2."Anger and Criminal Intent in Medieval English Law." Elizabeth Kamali, Harvard University.
3."Seeking Sanctuary in England, 1400-1550." Shannon McSheffrey, Concordia University.

Lunch (included with registration)
The Learning Chambers

Panel 4: Individuals Understanding Institutions 1:15-2:45pm
Chair: Allyson May, Western University.
1."Geoffrey Elton's History of Law and Governance." DeLloyd Guth, University of Manitoba.
2."Constitutionalism and international law: Parliamentary sovereignty in Sir Robert Cotton’s ‘Relation of the Proceedings against Ambassadors who have miscarried themselves’." Kelly DeLuca, Ryerson University.


Panel 5: Law and Context 3:15-5:15pm
Chair: Donna Rogers, Brescia University College
1."Ine’s Laws on Church and State." Stefan Jurasinski, State University of New York, Brockport.
2."Family Values and the Law of Property: Inheritance by the ‘Hearth Child’ in the King’s Courts of Thirteenth Century England’." Paul Brand, All Souls College.
3."Peine Fort et Dure: A ‘Monument of the Savage Rapacity of Feudalism,’ or Evidence of Increasing Civility?." Sara Butler, Loyola Univcersity, New Orleans.

Wine and Cheese Reception (included with registration)
Windermere Manor

Margaret McGlynn: mmcglyn@uwo.ca

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