25 June 2024

PROGRAM: PHEDRA’s Summer School (Palos de la Frontera: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 25-28 JUN 2024)


(Source: Phedra)

Summer school of the international research network PHEDRA: Pour une Histoire Européenne du DRoit des Affaires

25th June 2024

18.00-20.00 – Plenary session – AULA MAGNA

Lecture 1. Roman Law in the Sources of Commercial Law – Prof. Dario Mantovani and prof. Guido Rossi


26th June 2024

9.00-11.30 Parallel sessions

AULA 2 Antiquity – Discussants: prof. Luisa Brunori, prof. Olivier Descamps, prof. Carlos Petit                                      

Albert Gómez Jordán – Las cripto monedas como precio del contrato de compraventa/Los bienes con elemento digitales como objeto del contrato de compraventa/ La negotiorum gestio: casos dudosos.

Carlota Hernández García – El estudio de la multa en el derecho romano y el análisis del comercio marítimo en la Antigüedad.

Julio Romano Cabello – Reconstrucción del derecho privado constantiniano a partir de los rescriptos de la época.

Vid Žepič – Favor debitoris and Factors of Its Evolution in the Imperial Legislation between the 4th and 6th Centuries.

AULA 6 Early Modern Period – Discussants: prof. Giovanni Chiodi, prof. Florent Garnier

Femke Gordijn – Law and Trade in Late Medieval Bruges and Southhampton (c. 1400-1520).

Alexis Audemar – The legal treatment of labour by the early modern scolastics.

Paola Iezzone – The saffron trade in Rome during the Renaissance: archive sources and trade routes from Abruzzo.

AULA MAGNA Contemporary Period  – Discussants: prof. Albercht Cordes, prof. Dave De ruysscher

Damian Baçzkiewicz – A Tsunami or a Gentle Tide? The Influence of the French Commercial Code of 1807 on the Formation of Belgian Legal Discourse.

Aurelia Ghetivu – Le rôle de la coutume jurisprudentielle devant le Tribunal de commerce de la Seine sous la Second Empire (1852-1870).

Jérôme Hecker – L’importance du cadre juridique dans le développement économique au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Une perspective historique (1929-1990).


12.00-13.30 – Plenary session – AULA MAGNA

Lecture 2. Long Distance Trade – Prof. Ron Harris


15.30-18.00 – Parallel sessions

AULA 2 – Middle Ages – Discussants: prof. Luisa Brunori, prof. Olivier Descamps, Prof. Ana Belem Fernández Castro

David De Concilio – The Ecclesiastical Stance on Just Price in the Thirteenth Century

Niels Fieremans – Law, Leverage and Litigation. Legal strategies of foreign merchants in late medieval Bruges.

Daniele Tinterri – The Liber Gazarie

Ana Cláudia Silveira – Setúbal, a rising Portuguese sea port in the international trade of the Late Middle Ages.

AULA 6 – Early Modern – Discussants: prof. Giovanni Chiodi, prof. Albercht Cordes; Prof. Florent Garnier

Andriws González Barrera – Florence and Toulouse (1450-1550): Early Modern Examples of Economic Sovereignty and Legal Drafting in Commercial Policies.

Daniel Bökenkamp – A Tale of Two Cities: sovereignity, diplomacy and commerce in early modern Lübeck and Rouen.

Stefano Cattelan – In the Shadow of the Great Powers: Freedom of the Sea and Neutrality in the Long Eighteenth-Century.

Francesca Fusco Italian terms of commerce in German: the entries of the MICOLL glossary

AULA MAGNA – Contemporary Period Discussants: Prof. Anja Amend-Traut, Prof. Dave De ruysscher, prof. Carlos Petit

Greta Spineti – New Forms of Cultural Tourism in Adriatic: The Potential Role of Ancient Maritime Wine Routes.

Christian Magaling – Private Colonialism and Island Diplomacy: Germany’s Company Rule in Pacific Politics.

Hélène Hu – La concession française de Shanghai : aspects juridiques et juridictionnels.

Carolina Argiroffi – Commercial law goes to the countryside: Association and labour subordination in the 19th-20th century Italian legal discourse.


18.30-20.00 – Plenary session – AULA MAGNA

Lecture 3. – Early-modern archival sources on foreign commercial nations’ judicial competences, and their relations to the local, regional and central jurisdictions (illustrated by Antwerp cases) – Prof. Georges Martyn


27th June 2024

9.00-10.30 – Plenary session – AULA MAGNA

Lecture 4. The Sources of Northern European Commercial Law – Prof. Heikki Pihlajamäki


11.00-13.30 – Parallel sessions

AULA 2 – Early Modern Discussants: prof. Anja Amend-Traut, prof. Dave De ruysscher, prof. Olivier Descamps

Roberto Ganau – Sovranità e commercio nella Francia del XVI secolo. Verso una storia intellettuale della bancarotta

Gilles Hebben – The Levant Company (1592-1825).

Victor Le Breton-Blon – A transnational history of commercial paper in Europe (16th-18th century)

Laurine Manac’h – Incorporating business: merchants, law and the regulation of business organizations in the age of liberalism. Barcelona and Buenos Aires, 1778-1840.

AULA 6 – 18th-19th c. – Discussants: prof. Albrecht Cordes, prof. Florent Garnier, prof. Ana Belem Fernández Castro

Matthieu Mraizika – Modélisation mathématique et impôt dans la France du XVIIIe siècle.

Luca Jacopo Salvadori – Mutual Aid in Eighteenth Century.

Manon Séréni – Le crédit dans les répertoires de droit, d’une crise à l’autre (1715-1789).

Alexandre Valverde – L’idée de codification du droit privé à l’échelle européenne et internationale (fin XVIIIe s-début XXe).

AULA MAGNA – Contemporary Period – Discussants: prof. Luisa Brunori, Prof. Giovanni Chiodi, Prof. Carlos Petit

Andrea Raffaele Amato – Tra Progresso e Innovazione: Il lungo itinerario della scienza giuridica italiana verso la socializzazione dell’ordine familiare.

Marjorie Carvalho de Sousa – A General Law out of a Special Jurisdiction: Commercial Law of Labor in Nineteenth-Century Brazil.

Justine Chauvel – Le bail immobilier du local commercial-Histoire comparée des droits européens (XVIIIe-XXe siècle).

Rodrick Van Der Smissen – Roman law and the formative interpretation of history in nineteenth-century insolvency law (c. 1850-c. 1900)”. 


15.30-17.30 – Plenary session – AULA MAGNA

Lecture 5. Reading the Sources of Commercial Law Doctrine – Prof. Annamaria Monti and prof. Xavier Prévost


18.00-20.00 – Plenary session – AULA MAGNA  

Lecture 6. Lexicon and Translation of Commercial Law Sources – Prof. Jake Dyble and Prof. Stefania Gialdroni


Practical information

Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA)

Paraje de La Rábida s/n, 21819 Palos de la Frontera – Huelva – Spain

Phone +34 959350452

Breakfast 8.00h – 9.00h
Lunch 14h-15h
Dinner 20.30h-21.30h

Luisa Brunori +33 6 37 79 23 70 / +39 331 77 33 230
Ana Belem Fernández Castro +33 7 77 33 66 71
Carlos Petit +34 666 41 86 3

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