13 June 2024

CALL FOR COPY EDITORS: Journal "Comparative Legal History" (Extended deadline: 15 JUL 2024)



Journal Comparative Legal History


Call for Copy Editors


Deadline: 15 July 2024 



The European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) is seeking applications for the position of Copy Editor of its flagship journal, Comparative Legal History. A maximum of three Copy Editors will be appointed.


Evidence of scholarly ability, willingness to learn quickly, and membership (or a commitment to become a member if appointed) of the ESCLH are requirements. Full training in the journal's processes will be provided as needed.


You would contribute to the advancement of comparative legal history as part of a supportive and dedicated team.


The journal is an official academic forum of the ESCLH. It was first published in 2013 and aims to offer a space for the development of comparative legal history. Based in Europe, it welcomes contributions that explore law in different times and jurisdictions from across the globe. 


Applications, with a brief cover letter and short CV (no more than 4 pages), should be sent to Merike Ristikivi, (Vice-President of the ESCLH), merike.ristikivi@ut.ee , by 15 July 2024.


The ESCLH particularly welcomes applications from people underrepresented in academia generally, and in the ESCLH and the journal particularly. 


This position is not paid. 


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