02 December 2022

BOOK: David DEROUSSIN, Martin LOHNIG, Ferdinando MAZZARELLA, Stephan WAGNER (curr.), Bürgerliches Recht im nachbürgerlichen Zeitalter – 100 Jahre Soziales Privatrecht in Deutschland, Frankreich und Italien. Bd. I: Vom Liberalen zum Sozialen Privatrecht? Der französisch-italienische Obligationenrechts-Entwurf von 1927 (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2022), ISBN: 9783465044314


Over the past hundred years, the development of private law in Europe has followed a trajectory from a liberal notion of private law to a more socially oriented one. The foundations for this were laid in the German-French-Italian discourse in between the two World Wars; further significant impulses occurred under the fascist regimes in Germany and Italy and then, after 1945, in the context of the European integration of the three states. Now, for the first time, the genesis of a modern social private law has undergone an in-depth analysis in trilateral conferences at the Villa Vigoni.

This book – the first of three volumes resulting from these discussions – offers a look at the 1927 draft of a French-Italian law of contracts and obligations (Progetto di Codice delle obbligazioni e dei contratti – Projet de Code des obligations et des con­trats) and its significance in this context.

More information can be found here.

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