12 June 2020

ARTICLE: Antônio Manuel HESPANHA and Walter GUANDALINI JR. A motivação das sentenças de revista nas primeiras décadas dos Supremos Tribunais de Justiça no Brasil e em Portugal (1834-1866)

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The Law Journal Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UFPR has published an article by Antônio Manuel Hespanha and Walter Guandalini Jr. on "The motivation of appeal decisions in the first decades of the Brazilian and Portuguese Supreme Courts of Justice (1834-1866)". This is probably one of the last articles from prof. Hespanha, who sadly passed away in 1 July 2019.

A motivação das sentenças de revista nas primeiras décadas dos Supremos Tribunais de Justiça no Brasil e em Portugal (1834-1866)
In this study, a comparative analysis of the motivations in appeal decisions by the Supreme Courts of Justice inBrazil and Portugal in the second half of the nineteenth centuryis carried out. It begins by historically contextualizingthe doctrinal understanding,in the legal the duty of  motivation regarding sentences,showing yhat  in pre-modern societies this duty  was considered  an  accessory  instrument,  necessary  only  for  the  preservation  of  royal  law.  Then,  the content  analysis  method  was  used  to  evaluate itsspecificities  regarding  the  characteristics  of  the appeals (origin, matter, rationale) and of the recurrent parts (gender, social status). Correlations were identified between the applicants’characteristics, the matters contested and the typesof reasoning employed, and in the end it was possible to conclude that the decisions made during thisperiod maybe characterized as transitional jurisprudence, midway between the pluralistic reasoning of the oldregime and thelegalistic foundation typical of modernity.

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