01 November 2018

WORKSHOP: Transferring and Translating Concepts in Law and History (Brussels: VUB, 14 DEC 2018)

(image source: KUL)

Transferring and Translating Concepts in Law and History
2nd Workshop of Average - Transaction Costs and Risk Management during the First Globalization (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries)

14th December 2018, Black Room, U-residence
Generaal Jacqueslaan 271, 1050 Brussels

9.00-9.30              Maria Fusaro (Exeter-AveTransRisk) & Dave De ruysscher (VUB-Tilburg-
                                           AveTransRisk) Introduction

9.30-10.30           Nick Foster (SOAS) The Modern Financial Shari’a: A Possible Comparator in the
                                          Study of the Law of General Average

10.30-11.00         COFFEE

11.30-12.30         Albrecht Cordes (Frankfurt), The Language of the Law: The Lübeck Law Codes (ca.
                                          1224 - 1642)

12.30-13.30         Ana Maria Rivera Medina (UNED- AveTransRisk), The construction of the concept of
maritime risk from the ius proprium to a maritime law in the Iberian world (13th–16th C.)

13.30-14.30         LUNCH

14.30-15.30         Dave De ruysscher (VUB-Tilburg- AveTransRisk), Legal rules in the merchants'
                                          words: maritime law in merchant manuals (16th c.)

15.30-16.30         Heikki Pihlajamäki (Helsinki) Philipp Crusius and the German Translation of the
                                          Medieval Swedish Town and Land Laws (1648)

16.30-17.00 COFFEE

17.00-18.00         Nandini Chatterjee (Exeter) Persian documents in English courts: some reflections
                                          on legal translation

18.00-19.00         Giacomo Todeschini (Trieste), Contractual consensus, mutual agreement and
                                          duress: theological and socioeconomic implications at the origin of the
                                          European dynamics of contracts (14th-16th C.)

19.00-19.30       General Discussion

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