16 October 2016

NOTICE: ESCLH presentation to the European Parliament, Juri Committee (October, 12 2016)

ESCLH presentation to the European Parliament, Juri Committee: 12/10/2016

A delegation from the ESCLH was invited to present to the European Parliament on Wednesday 10 October 2016. Matthew Dyson (Oxford, Vice President for External Affairs), Anna Klimaszewska (Gdańsk, from the 2016 conference organising committee) and Dirk Heirbaut (Ghent, Founding Vice President) presented on the work of the committee at the 9am session of the committee, at the Parliament in Brussels. The purpose of the presentation was to showcase some of the work the society and its members and strengthen the links between detailed research and policy-making. The event was at the invitation of the Juri committee, following discussions particularly with Michal Galedek and Anna Klimaszewska, to whom the Society is grateful. The delegation took the time to mention some of the papers from the 2016 Gdańsk conference, as well as go into depth into two specific areas of research.

The video of the hearing (from 09:09:00 until about 09:45:00) is available to download here:

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