06 September 2016

JOURNAL: "Historia Constitucional" (n. 17, 2016)

Historia Constitucional, n. 17, 2016

all information here


PresentationPDF (ESPAÑOL)


The Democratic Constitution of the 20th Century: Origins and PerspectivesPDF (ESPAÑOL)
Maurizio Fioravanti 1-14



Scope and Limits of the Defence of Freedom of Expression in Baruch Spinoza’s Political TheoryPDF (ESPAÑOL)
María Nieves Saldaña      15-44
Drafting and Parliamentary Approval of the First Apportionment Bill of the United States (1789)PDF (ESPAÑOL)
María Corrés Illera      45-54


Parliamentary Rules on the Grounds of European and Spanish ConstitutionalismPDF (ESPAÑOL)
Josu De Miguel Bárcena      55-81
Liberalism without liberty: Religious unity and public order in 1812 and 1837 ConstitutionsPDF (ESPAÑOL)
Alberto Cañas de Pablos      83-102
The Holy Alliance of Peoples facing a national resistance.Circulation and dissemination of fraternal and cosmopolitan ideas during the Trienio liberalPDF (ESPAÑOL)
Laurent Nagy      103-125
“Cadenas de papel”. A Study of “Análisis de la Constitución española” (1823) of Karl-Ludwig von HallerPDF (ESPAÑOL)
Josep Escrig Rosa      127-164


Stereotypes of Gender and Regal Marriage As Strategy of Legitimacy in Contemporary Spanish MonarchyPDF (ESPAÑOL)
Alicia Victoria Mira Abad      165-191
Perceptions of Justice in Spain in the Early Twentieth Century: The Echoes of the Constitution of 1812PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Miguel Ángel Morales Payán      193-260


Brief Remarks about the Legal Nature of the Italian Social RepublicPDF (ESPAÑOL)
Daniele Trabucco, Michelangelo De Donà      261-272
The Constitutional Justice of General Gustavo Rojas Oinilla: Between the Constitutional Court and the Constitutional Affairs Chamber. Colombia, 1953-1957PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Mario Alberto Cajas Sarria      273-307
The “ Programa do Movimento das Forças Armadas” : the original history of the Revolutionary Constitution of Portugal´s 25th April 74
Ricardo Luis Leite Pinto      309-343


Parlamentary Critic Invoking Balanced Constitution: Bolingbroke and His Idea of a Patriot King. Review of Clara Álvarez Alonso (edit.), "Henry St. John, vizconde de Bolingbroke, Idea de un rey patriota"PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Jorge Pérez Alonso 345-351
Progressives during the Espartero’s Regency (1840-1843). Review of: Pedro Díaz Marín, La Monarquía Tutelada: el Progresismo durante la Regencia de Espartero (1840-1843)PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Adrian Shubert 353-355
A Collective Biography. Political Representation and the Construction of an Autonomous Government in Castilla-La Mancha, 1977-1982. Review of José Antonio Castellano López, "Quién fue quién en la transición en Castilla-La Mancha (1977-1982)"PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Óscar José Martín García 357-359
Five new keys about building the Constitutional State in Spain (1808-1978), Review of Joaquín Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (Dir.), "Colección Leyes Políticas Españolas. 1808-1978"PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Antonio Filiu Franco Pérez 361-368


International Seminary: Seminario Internacional "La tradición constitucional de México y la Constitución de 1917", del 17 al 19 de junio de 2015PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Catherine Andrews

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