04 March 2015

WORKSHOP: "Annual Comparative Law Work-in-Progress Workshop" (Princeton, 6-7 March 2015)

WHAT: the Annual Comparative Law Work-in-Progress Workshop

WHEN: 6-7 March 2015

WHERE: Princeton University, Princeton

All information here

Co-sponsored by the American Society of Comparative Law; the Program in Law and Public Affairs, Princeton University; the University of Illinois College of Law and the UCLA Law School
Workshop Planning Committee:
Kim Lane Scheppele, Program in Law and Public Affairs, Princeton University
Maximo Langer, Law School, University of California at Los Angeles
Jacqueline Ross, University of Illinois College of Law

The annual workshop continues to be an important forum in which comparative law work in progress can be explored among colleagues in a serious and thorough manner that will be truly helpful to the respective authors.   "Work in progress" means scholarship that has reached a stage at which it is substantial enough to merit serious discussion and critique but that has not yet appeared in print (and can still be revised after the workshop, if it has already been accepted for publication.)   It includes law review articles, book chapters or outlines, substantial book reviews, and other appropriate genres.
Our objective is not only to provide an opportunity for the discussion of scholarly work but also to create the opportunity for comparative lawyers to get together for two days devoted to nothing but talking shop, both in the sessions and outside. We hope that this will create synergy that fosters more dialogue, cooperation, and an increased sense of coherence for the discipline.

Friday, 6 March
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Session 1:  Dan Priel, Osgoode Hall Law School
"Conceptions of Authority and the Anglo-American Common Law Divide"
James Whitman, LAPA Fellow and Yale Law School
Peter Danchin, CTI Fellow and University of Maryland Law School
Session 2:  Akis Psykgas, University of Bristol
"Administrative Democracy in Europe: Expanding the 'Public Space' Through Stakeholder Participation in Regulatory Policymaking"
Jacqueline Ross, University of Illinois College of Law
Hans-Martien ten Napel, CTI Fellow and Leiden University Law Faculty
Session 3:  Kevin Davis, New York University Law School, Maíra Machado and Guillermo Jorge
"Coordinating the Enforcement of Anti-Corruption Law:  South American Experiences"
Maximo Langer, UCLA Law School
Michelle McKinley, LAPA Fellow and Oregon School of Law
Session 4:  Katharina Schmidt, Yale Law School
"Unmasking 'American Legal Exceptionalism': German Free Lawyers, American Legal Realists and the Transatlantic Turn to 'Life,' 1903-1933"
Ellen Kennedy, University of Pennsylvania
Jonathan Hafetz, LAPA Fellow and Seton Hall Law School
Session 5:  Federico Fabbrini, University of Copenhagen Law Faculty
"The Euro-Crisis and the Challenges of Legislating in the EU: Designing a Legislative Process Fit to Govern Economic and Monetary Union"
Andrew Moravcsik, Princeton University
Carles Boix, Princeton University
Saturday, 7 March
9-10:30 am
Session 6:  Will Smiley, Princeton University
"'The Sublime State Would Not Act Contrary to Sharia and Contrary to Promises': An Early Debate on Islamic Law, Treaties, Childhood, and Apostasy"
Mark Massoud, University of California at Santa Cruz
Mary Ellen O'Connell, CTI Fellow and Notre Dame Law School
Session 7:  Marie Kim, St. Cloud State University
 "Travails of Judges:  Judicial Process under Authoritarian Rule in South Korea"
David Law, LAPA Fellow and Washington University, St. Louis, Law School
Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University

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