11 September 2013

REVIEW: Horst Dippel reviews works on early Nineteenth-Century constitutions (Archiv für Sozialgeschichte)

Horst Dippel (Kassel) reviewed three works on (comparative) constitutional history:
  • Ricardo Gómez Rivero, Die Königliche Sanktion der Gesetze in der Verfassung von Cadiz [Rechtskultur Wissenschaft; Bd. 4] [transl. from Spanish], Regensburg: Gietl Verlag, 2011, 189 p. (on the 1812 Constitution of Cádiz, issued by the Spanish Bourbon King Charles IV)
  • Jens Späth, Revolution in Europa 1820-1823. Verfassung und Verfassungskultur in den Königreichen Spanien, beider Sizilien und Sardinien-Piemont [Italien in der Moderne; 19], Köln: SH Verlag, 2012, 517 p. (on the spread of the Cádiz Constitution to the main Southern and Northern Kingdoms in Italy)
  • Martin Knauer & Verena Kümmel (eds.), Visualisierung konstitutioneller Ordnung 1815-1852 [Symbolische Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Wertesysteme; 38] Münster: Rhema Verlag, 2011, 194 p.
The review provides an interesting introductory synthesis for all those interested in the subjects of political history, comparative history of public law, legal iconography, Mediterranean history or just 19th century political history.

Fulltext online on recensio.net.

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