23 September 2012

NOTICE: Seminar on "Civitas, iura, arma" (University of Cagliari, Italy, 5-6 October 2012)

The Department of Law of the University of Cagliari (Italy) will host, on the 5th and 6th October 2012, an international seminar entitled "Civitas, iura, arma. Organizzazioni militari, istituzioni giuridiche e strutture sociali alle origini dell'Europa (sec. III-VIII)".
The seminar will take place in the Aula Arcari of the Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza according to the follwing schedule:

Friday 5 October 2012:
4:00 pm: Chairman: Francesco Sitzia
                Introduction: Luca Loschiavo
                Il problema dei laeti (Valerio Marotta)
                Loi salique et droit militaire romain (Jean-Pierre Poly)
                I capti ab hostibus salvati dall’esercito (Maria Virginia Sanna)
                Das Militärstrafrecht der Lex Baiuvariorum (Stefan Esders)

Saturday 6 October 2012
9.00 am: Chairman: Emanuele Conte
                En torno a Lex Visigothorum 9,2: De his, qui ad bellum non vadunt aut de bello    
                refugiunt (Esperanza Osaba Garcia)

                Conclusions and introduction to the round-table: Fabio Botta
Gisella Bassanelli, Maria Josè Bravo Bosch, Giuseppina De Giudici, Elio Dovere, Riccardo Fercia, Eugenia Franciosi, Paolo Garbarino, Stefano Gasparri, Giovanna Mancini, Elvira Migliario, Pietro Paolo Onida, Pierfrancesco Porena, Salvatore Puliatti, Francesco Sini, Emanuele Stolfi.
Organization: Elisabetta Oro, istdir@unica.it, +39 070 6753044

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