07 September 2023

ZOOM SEMINAR: Comparative Legal History Dialogues on Comparative Constitutional History (25 OCT 2023 – 5-6 PM CET)


The journal Comparative Legal History is an official academic forum of the European Society for Comparative Legal History. It was first published in 2013 and aims to offer a space for the development of comparative legal history. Based in Europe, it welcomes contributions that explore law in different times and jurisdictions from across the globe. Submissions are currently welcome and are being assessed on a rolling basis.


The journal will host a one-hour public session to discuss the contemporary rise in interest in comparative constitutional history. Editors (past and present) will present exploratory points and all attendees will be invited to join in a general discussion.


The last few years have seen an explosion of publications on comparative constitutional history, often with a global reach and covering long time spans. What explains this rise in interest in such an approach to constitutional law? What does it signify for the fields of constitutional history and comparative legal history? Is this scholarly development related to contemporary constitutional crises and debates and their global scale? How is this wave of scholarship related to other fields of comparative legal history, and in what ways does it differ from them? Does the field display any shortcomings or blind spots that should be addressed? These and other questions will be explored during this public session.


The event is free and open to the public, and it will take place via Zoom.


Registration is required by sending an email to clhdialogues@gmail.com.

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