16 February 2023

JOURNAL: Special Issue "Les frontières du droit" (Cahiers Jean Moulin VIII (2022)) (OPEN ACCESS)


(image source: openedition)

Présentation du dossier « Frontières de la science du droit »
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1546

Enquêter sur les savoirs juridiques : controverses juridiques et traductions conceptuelles (Vincent Réveillère)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1551

This contribution develops a methodological reflection on the way in which it is possible to investigate legal knowledge. Firstly, an inquiry into the surface of EU law is proposed: taking seriously the controversy before the judge and surrounding its rulings allow us to see its institutive dimension. Legal concepts are not mere tools, totally under control, used to achieve certain ends defined in other terms, outside the law. They are far more than that : they participate to the constitution of legal and social realities that they pretend to regulate. They enable and limit what participants of a language-game can do, and they can even influence what they may want to do. Secondly, this approach is used to study a conceptual translation that occurs in three rulings of the Court of justice of the European Union dealing with family name.


Rendre compte de l’activité scientifique : étude à partir de la Revue du droit public (1904-1913) (Guillaume Richard)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1614

The Revue du droit public was created during the Third Republic to become the main French forum for the science of public law, in conjunction with its institutionalization in French law schools. The study of the bibliographic sections of the journal during the decade 1904-1913 offers a rich insight on the doctrinal construction of public law. The study is based on the actual practices of reading and selecting written material that was considered as belonging to the field of public law. It makes the science of public law appear as a flow that must be controlled and organized. The Revue du droit public thus constituted a « school of activity »: its functioning contributed to defining common scientific practices, without there necessarily being intellectual and doctrinal homogeneity among the contributors.

Dépasser les frontières disciplinaires dans la recherche en droit : une approche empirique (Albane Geslin)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1671

It is conventional today to stress that legal research, particularly in France, is relatively isolated from other scientific fields. To know whether the facts corroborate this general feeling, I propose to measure the degree of openness of the legal field by using a quantitative and, more precisely, bibliometric analysis.

La répression judiciaire de l’activité et de la propagande communiste des années 1920 à la Libération : entre rupture et continuité de l’infraction politique en droit français (Jacques Duret)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1721

After the Russian revolution of 1917, French society of the early 20’s is marked by the fear of a communism insurrection. This communist "threat" (Monier, 1998, p. 89 et seq.) quickly spreads within courts, where judges are in charge of repressing it. That being said, far from merely implementing the criminal strategy defined by the government against those accused, judges do not hesitate to play a significant part in having communist defendants be no longer considered as political criminals but as social criminals. This evolution of the concept of political offense raises many questions amongst authors, which will lead judges to adapt their approaches against such defendants. After the First World War, common law jurisdictions are hesitative with regards to the repression of first communist defendants. Subsequent governments are then looking for the ideal system with the assistance of the judges. Faced with the absence of exceptional jurisdictions and of a specific repressive law, judges will assimilate communist actions to anarchist activities, which have been punished for a long time through the "monstruous" laws. The French Supreme Court approves such judgements. Though deeply criticised by certain legal authors, this case law will last under the Vichy government, and will prove very useful for the fight of the État français against its natural enemies, the communists, in particular with respect to the setting-up of the sections spéciales. This also leads to question the position of French judges with respect to these defendants and its reasons.

L’étrange destin d’une institution « abandonnée » : les conseils d’arrondissement (Marie-Odile Nicoud)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1791

As part of the territorial reorganization initiated under the Consulate, the law of 28 Pluviôse year VIII created the arrondissement, an intermediate administrative district between the department and the municipality, headed by a sub-prefect with whom sat a deliberative assembly, the arrondissement council. Although the arrondissement still exists today, its assembly disappeared after the law of 12 October 1940, which only suspended its sessions. If no text expressly suppressed the arrondissement councils, these assemblies, despite their limited activities concerned with local interests, were contested from the moment they were created, considered useless and insignificant, and ignored in the best cases. These assemblies disappeared with general indifference, because there was no room between the municipalities and the departments for an administrative district and not for a local authority with an elected assembly which could have challenge both the existence of thousands of municipalities and the authority of the departments, which continued to assert themselves as an essential collective body throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

L’Instruction sur la procédure criminelle de 1791 : une autre présentation de la loi des 16-29 septembre 1791 sur la police de sûreté, la justice criminelle et l’établissement des jurés (François Moncassin)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1866

Although historiography on the reform of criminal procedure by the Constituents has often focused on the law of 16-29 September 1791, it has not studied another text per se. This is the Instruction sur la procédure criminelle of 29 September 1791, which the deputies adopted to complete this law. This text is primarily technical in that it describes the criminal procedure regenerated by the Constituents. But beyond it lies a power issue. The adoption of this Instruction was intended to enable the National Constituent Assembly (1789-1791) to assert its authority over the judiciary. It also insists on the need to remove the police’s activities from the judiciary.

Croiser les vérités pour approcher le « chiffre noir de la criminalité » Le travail historique de la Commission indépendante sur les abus dans l’Église catholique (Thomas Boullu & Guillaume Richard)
DOI 10.4000/cjm.1984


Thomas Boullu a participé, en tant que membre du groupe de travail dirigé par Philippe Portier, aux travaux de la Commission indépendante sur les abus dans l’Église catholique (CIASE), présidée par Jean-Marc Sauvé, dont le rapport a conclu au caractère systémique des abus sexuels au sein de l’Église catholique. Il retrace dans cet entretien la méthode qui a été suivie par le groupe de travail sur l’histoire des prêtres abuseurs, les principaux résultats et le contexte dans lequel cette recherche a été menée.

Comptes rendus

  • Juan Manuel Hernandez Velez: Rafael Ramis Barceló, El nacimiento de la filosofía del derecho. De la Philosophia juris a la Rechtsphilosophie 
  • Florent Garnier:  Manon Altwegg-Boussac (sous la direction scientifique de), Introduire au droit. Regards critiques sur un enseignement 
Read the full issue in open access on openedition.

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