29 December 2022

BOOK: Emanuela DI STEFANO, Maestri e allievi nel Medioevo. Alle origini dell'Università di Camerino (Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2022). ISBN: 9788849549799, pp. 196, € 34,00

(Source: esi)


Analizzare le cause che hanno determinato la nascita di una delle creazioni più originali del Medioevo occidentale significa, per usare le parole di Gina Fasoli, «studiare il momento in cui l'una o l'altra Università si è formata ed è diventata quell'organismo culturalmente e istituzionalmente ben definito». Coerentemente con queste premesse, attraverso l'analisi serrata di una varietà di fonti l'autrice non si è limitata a individuare il momento fondativo di una delle Università italiane più prestigiose e durature, ma il movimento culturale da cui è nata, la presenza di maestri e allievi, le condizioni politiche, sociali ed economiche che hanno favorito l'evolversi e lo sviluppo di un ruolo definito nel panorama culturale, diventando istituzione-cardine che supera ampiamente i confini spaziali e temporali della Marca medievale.



Una premessa

Tavola delle abbreviazioni

Capitolo I


Tracce di cultura superiore


Gli anni di Innocenzo IV

Capitolo II


Verso una nuova istituzione

Domini, iudices, magistri


L’indirizzo politico e i segni della continuità

Capitolo III


Dopo il Sacco svevo

Il peso economico e demografico

Studio, carta e peciae

Una difficile transizione politica

Andrea Accursi e la continuità dello Studio

Capitolo IV


Gli Statuti riformati del 1355

Lo Studio generale

1424: maestri e studenti nei nuovi Statuti

Capitolo V


Studi religiosi e secolari

I Mendicanti e la teologia

Medicina: il radicamento e la continuità

Facoltà d’arti: Scientia grammaticalis

Capitolo VI


Canonisti: dottori e maestri

Esami finali e titolo dottorale

La tradizione dello ius civile

I luoghi dello studio

Appendice. Documenti

Doc. 1 - 1303, Gennaio 31, Laterano

Doc. 2 - 1491, Aprile 11, Camerino

Doc. 3 - 1552, Agosto 8, Camerino


Indice dei nomi

Indice dei luoghi

Indice delle illustrazioni

JOURNAL: Forum historiae iuris, debatten "Entangled international and national legal orders in the long 19th century", Herausgegeben von: Raphaël Cahen Frederik Dhondt Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina

(Source: https://forhistiur.net/)

Raphaël Cahen
Frederik Dhondt
Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina


1This special session of the journal “Forum Historiae Iuris” collects the contributions presented at the conference “Entangled international and national legal orders in the long nineteenth century”, which took place in Zurich on 2 and 3 March 2020.1 

Pietro Costa

Nation-building e State-building nel ‘lungo’ Ottocento: miti identitari e strategie di dominio

Frederik Dhondt

Legal arguments in the debate on recognition of Italian independence in Belgian parliament (November 1861)

Lisa Ford

Sovereignty and the Problem of Order in Belize, 1763-1821

Inge Van Hulle

African Lawyers and the Strategic Uses of Legal Entanglements: the Case of the Gold Coast and Lagos (1880-1920)

Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina

National, Colonial and International Entanglements in Nineteenth-Century Legal Discourses on Land Law and Land Registration Systems

Raphaël Cahen

The Consultative Litigation Committee of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs: A Study in Constitutional and International Legal Entanglements

More information: https://forhistiur.net/entangled-international-and-national-legal-orders-in-the-long-19th-century-cahen-dhondt-fiocchi-malaspina/beitraege/

28 December 2022

JOURNAL: Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa / Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History 15 (2022), nr. 3 


(image source: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego)

I. Between Democracy and Ochlocracy in the Context of the Centuries-Old Dispute about the Perfect Form of Government: The Legal Heritage of the Antiquity in View of the Challenges of Modernity (Paweł Wiązek)

(DOI 10.4467/20844131KS.22.024.16172)


The author endeavored to enliven the universal discourse on the perfect system of government applicable to human society, which to many luminaries constitutes a certain paradigm of the science on the state and the law. While adopting a classical, chronological convention of the narrative herein commenced, the author made the time of Antiquity the point of departure, selected the Enlightenment as a form of a modern counterpoint thereto, and then finalized the deliberations carried out here against the reality of contemporary times. The intent of the exploration here was to place the research subject within the interdisciplinary framework, which was undoubtedly supported by the multifaceted nature of the problem at issue and by subsidiary utilization of the advantages of the comparative approach. The intention to present the issue through a broad perspective, transcending the boundaries of academic discourse, was naturally convergent therewith. As a result, the author did not shy from controversy, seeking the purpose of the actions undertaken, thereby in the formation of conclusions on what the applicable law should be. That allowed for the presentation of numerous remarks, assessments, and opinions, among which at least some may be deemed disputatious or plainly speaking, highly debatable. The investigator did not attempt to evade those; on the contrary – sought it in complete premeditation.

II. The Crown of St. Stephen as a Symbol of Legal Continuity and Hungarian Constitutionalism (Historical Background) (Tadeusz Kopyś)

(DOI 10.4467/20844131KS.22.025.16173)


In Hungarian history, the Crown of St. Stephen was an important relic symbolizing the unity of the Hungarian state. It was not merely a coronation jewel or symbol of royal prerogatives, but a respected element of the country’s historic “millennial”constitution. Although the doctrine associated with it was a unique Hungarian constitutional theory, symbolizing national independence, it was flexible enough to serve various political ideas and ambitions. The Crown has always embodied the monarchical form of the Hungarian State, and its sacred character symbolized the strong alliance of the monarchy with the Catholic Church. Is this historical doctrine compatible with the values and requirements of modern Europe and the requirements of present-day Hungarian constitutionalism?

III. The Component of Respublica Romanorum in the Constitutional Heritage of Nobiliary Polish-Lithuanian Republic (16th through 18th Centuries) (Kazimierz Baran)

(DOI 10.4467/20844131KS.22.026.16174)


When in the 16th century in many European states, the monarchal power began to drift toward absolutism, the Polish-Lithuanian state evolved in its constitutionalism along the Republican lines. Its monarch could be brought to accountability for the violation of the law. Likewise, he was freely elected by the nobles and held his position for life. The nation of nobles that, by the standards of the time, made up a remarkable section of the entire population of the country was protected against the monarch’s attempts against their liberties by a series of remarkable privileges. And indeed, a noble’s property was prevented from being unreasonably confiscated. Likewise, an individual of nobiliary status could not be arbitrarily imprisoned. The representatives of nobles, while sitting in the benches of the Seym, had a considerable share in exercising the state power, particularly in the area of the law-creating process and when the imposing of tax liabilities was debated. In addition, the clauses of the Henrician Articles (1573), which were a kind of Fundamental Law of the Nobiliary Republic, guaranteed the mass of the nobles’religious toleration within the Christian denominations. The spirit of this toleration in practice also applied to the non-Christians (Jews and Muslim Tartars who inhabited the Republic).

The republican slogans that were responsible for forming a specific frame of mind of the nobles assumed a new dimension when the culture of Latinitas type began to be promoted. The latter started to develop on the occasion of the acceptance by the authorities of the Nobiliary Republic of the principles of the Council of Trent, which happened in the 1570s. The Republic remained within the Catholic Camp. From that time on, the young nobles used to be educated in numerous Jesuit colleges and had not only a fluent command of Latin but also a profound knowledge of the history and culture of antiquity. Hence, they looked at their state, the Respublica Polonorum as a successor of the late Respublica Romanorum with the virtues of the latter. These virtues, when filtered through the system of Christian values –pushed to the foreground the concern for the welfare of the motherland, support for the democratic ethos and egalitarian spirit within the nobiliary milieu, and also the willingness to defend the Christian world against the invasion of the barbarians (the concept of Antemurale).

The republican spirit survived the era of constitutional deterioration in the country that started in the mid-17th century. With the era of reforms which began in the 1760s, the constitutional improvement reached its climax in the Constitution of 3rd May 1791. Like in the British system, king was located at the position of the monarch who could do no wrong since all his executive acts required the endorsement made by the right minister. The separation of powers was emphasized. The ministers could be brought both to their political responsibility to parliament if they lost the support of the majority in the houses and also to constitutional responsibility for their contra legem acts.

IV. The Practice of Supervisory Rights in Hungarian Cartel Law with Special Attention to the Duties of the Minister and the Legal Director (Norbert Varga)

(DOI 10.4467/20844131KS.22.027.16175)


Hungary introduced provisions on cartels with the enactment of Act XX of 1931. To protect good morals and public interests, the Act regulated the tools of state intervention and supervision. This legal field was the summarization of the proceedings of cartel supervisory authorities, in which not only executive state bodies but also judiciary organs took part. The paper focuses on the development of the Hungarian cartel law, with special attention to the practice of the courts and the aims of the State related to the supervisory power over the cartels before the codification of the Hungarian cartel law. The main aim of the study is to put an emphasis on the tasks of the responsible Minister and the legal director, mainly by analyzing the related primary sources. The purpose of this study is also to explain the tasks of the responsible Minister after the Cartel Act came into force, and the demonstration of the practice related to the proceedings. The main question is what the functions of the supervisory authorities related to the cartels were.  (n connection with the legal director, I would like to illustrate his task as a representative of state interests in the mainly cartel-related lawsuits.

V. Fundamental Rights in Czechoslovakia between 1920 and 1938: Their Doctrinal Theorizing and Judicial Application (Michal Šejvl)

(DOI 10.4467/20844131KS.22.028.16176)


The article presents an overview of the problem of fundamental rights during the First Czechoslovak Republic and focuses especially on the role played by the fundamental rights catalogue of the 1920 Czechoslovak Constitutional Charter. Section 2 presents the 1920 catalogue itself, methods of specification and of limitations of rights (usually by particular laws) and postulates continuity with pre-1918 Austrian and Hungarian law. Section 3 is dedicated to opinions of Czechoslovak legal doctrine (mainly Czech authors) on the role of the 1920 catalogue. Section 4 examines the case-law of the Supreme Administrative Court protecting fundamental rights and tries to show that some fundamental rights were applied directly by this Court and that direct application sometimes leads also to a limited form of constitutional review of pre-1918 law.

VI. Nieznane protokoły posiedzeń podkomisji prawa o stosunkach z pokrewieństwa i opieki Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z 1939 roku (część II) (Marian Mikołajczyk, Grzegorz Nancka)

(DOI 10.4467/20844131KS.22.029.16177)


 When Poland regained independence in 1918, the different legal systems of the various partitioning states all remained in force on its territory. Drafts of uniform laws were to be drawn up by the Codification Commission established in 1919. One of its tasks was the preparation of a draft of the family and guardianship law. The sub-commission addressing this division of civil law worked until the outbreak of World War Two. The minutes of its sittings disappeared in September 1939 along with the total output of the Codification Commission. However, copies of minutes of the sittings of the sub-commission held in 1939 were found in Kazimierz Przybyłowski’s collection of books donated to the Faculty of Law and Administration of University of Silesia in Katowice. These minutes shed new light on the final phase of the codification works. Publication of these documents will enable further detailed research on the history of family law in interwar Poland. The second part of the publication consists of minutes nos. 183–189.

Events and Books in the Sphere of the Study of Legal and Constitutional History in Hungary in 2020–2021 – A Historiographic Outline (Balázs Rigó)

(DOI 10.4467/20844131KS.22.030.16178)

Legal History Research in Belgium (2021) (Jens Van Paemel)

(DOI 10.4467/20844131KS.22.031.16179)

Chronicle of Scholarly Events in Legal History Held in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic in 2021 (Adriana Švecová, Ingrid Lanczová)

(DOI 10.4467/20844131KS.22.032.16180)

A Brief Review of Scholarly Events in Legal History in Ukraine in 2021 (Roman Shandra)

(DOI 10.4467/20844131KS.22.033.16181)

Slovak Legal History – a Non-exhaustive Overview of Active Researchers (Ingrid Lanczová)

(DOI 10.4467/20844131KS.22.034.16182)

27 December 2022

BOOK TALK ANNOUNCEMENT: Ada Kuskowski, Vernacular Law: Writing and the Reinvention of Customary Law in Medieval France - 20 January 2023, 12:30--2 pm (on Zoom)


Where does law come from? In the Middle Ages, there were generally two answers: legislation and custom. Later history would see custom largely pushed out of the realm of the legal, notably because of the advent of the legislative state and philosophies of legal positivism (with some exceptions). During the Middle Ages, however, legislation was piecemeal and record-keeping nascent. Large swathes of legal life were governed not by fiat but by custom. 

What custom meant, however, went through a radical shift during the period. Between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, custom went from being a largely oral and performed practice to one that was also conceptualized in writing. Based on French lawbooks known as coutumiers, Ada Kuskowski traces the repercussions of this transformation – in the form of custom from unwritten to written and in the language of law from elite Latin to common vernacular – on the cultural world of law. Vernacular Law offers a fresh understanding of the formation of customary law as a new field of knowledge. Instead of a fossilized and somewhat inaccurate presentation of legal practice, this book shows authors combining ideas, experience and critical thought in order to transform disparate individual customs and practices into a new medium that presented them as a cohesive 'customary law.' Medieval customary law, commonly seen a community norm repeated by rote, emerges also as a product of individual craft and a law of dynamic innovation. 

Registration Link: https://law.stanford.edu/event/sclh-presents-ada-kuskowski-and-vernacular-law-writing-and-the-reinvention-of-customary-law-in-medieval-france/

BOOK: Adom GETACHEW and Jennifer PITTS (eds.), W. E. B. Du Bois: International Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022), 300 pp., ISBN 9781108491648, £69.99


(image credit: Cambridge University Press)

Book description: 
W. E. B. Du Bois was one of the most significant American political thinkers of the twentieth century. This volume collects 24 of his essays and speeches on international themes, spanning the years 1900-1956. These key texts reveal Du Bois's distinctive approach to the problem of empire and demonstrate his continued importance in our current global context. The volume charts the development of Du Bois's anti-imperial thought, drawing attention to his persistent concern with the relationship between democracy and empire and illustrating the divergent inflections of this theme in the context of a shifting geopolitical terrain; unprecedented political crises, especially during the two world wars; and new opportunities for transnational solidarity. With a critical introduction and extensive editorial notes, W.E.B. Du Bois: International Thought conveys both the coherence and continuity of Du Bois's international thought across his long life and the tremendous range and variety of his preoccupations, intellectual sources, and interlocutors.
Table of contents: 

Democracy and Empire: An introduction to the international thought of W. E. B. Du Bois select chronology of William Edward Burghardt Du Bois
1. The present outlook for the dark races of mankind (1900)
2. To the nations of the world (1900)
3. The African roots of war (1915)
4. Of the culture of white folk (1917)
5. Letter from W. E. B. Du Bois to President Woodrow Wilson (1918)
6. To the world (Manifesto of the second Pan-African congress) (1921)
7. Worlds of color (1925)
8. Liberia and rubber (1925)
9. Liberia, the League and the United States (1933)
10. Where do we go from here? Address to the Rosenwald economic conference (1933)
11. Inter-Racial implications of the Ethiopian crisis: A Negro view (1935)
12. The clash of colour: Indians and American Negroes (1936)
13. The union of colour (1936)
14. What Japan has Done (1937)
15. Black Africa tomorrow (1938)
16. The realities in Africa: European profit or Negro development? (1943)
17. Prospect of a world without race conflict (1944)
18. Colonies and moral responsibility (1946)
19. A cup of Cocoa and chocolate drops (1946)
20. An Appeal to the world: A statement of denial of human rights to minorities, Introduction (1947)
21. Colonies as cause of war: Address to the world peace congress, Paris (1949)
22. On the West Indies (1952)
23. To the world peace council, Budapest (1953)
24. Colonialism and the Russian revolution (1956)

About the editors: 
Adom Getachew is Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Political Science and the College at the University of Chicago. She is the author of Worldmaking after Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination (2019). Her writing has appeared in Dissent, Nation, London Review of Books, and The New York Times.

Jennifer Pitts is Professor of Political Science and in the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago. Her previous publications include A Turn to Empire: The Rise of Liberal Imperialism in Britain and France (2005) and Boundaries of the International Law and Empire (2018). She is co-editor of The Law of Nations in Global History (2017) and the editor and translator of Alexis de Tocqueville: Writings on Empire and Slavery (2001).

More information can be found here

26 December 2022

JOURNAL: Glossae 19 (2022) [special section on Law & Literature] [OPEN ACCESS]


(image source: Glossae)

On the journal (message by Prof. Aniceto Masfferer Domingo, former president of the ESCLH):

The last issue of GLOSSAE. European Journal of Legal History 19 (2022) came out some time ago: 


The OJS has been implemented, so from now on manuscripts need to be submitted through the website. As you may already know, GLOSSAE is indexed in SCOPUS, SJR-2019 is 0.111, Q4 on Law & History. It can be found in several catalogues' systems: DICE, RESH, ERIHPlus, LATINDEX Catálogo v2.0, CARHUS Plus+ 2018 (Grupo A), CIRC (Grupo C), MIAR (ICDS de 7.4). It is available on the following databases: SCOPUS, HEINONLINE-Law Journal Library, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), DIALNET, WorldCat, etc.

If someone is interested in submitting an article for the next issue, keep in mind the deadline (May 31, 2023), the submission procedure and the rules of publication:


The Editorial Board of GLOSSAE welcomes articles written in English dealing with legal history, no matter their geographical and chronological context .

On behalf of the Editorial Board of GLOSSAE, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year 2023!


Ley natural, virtud y espiritualidad en J.R.R. Tolkien (Àlex Corona Encinas)

Dos problemas actuales de política criminal española a través de la lectura de Rebelión en la granja de George Orwell: la presunción de inocencia y el delito de acoso (art. 172 ter CP) en el anteproyecto de ley orgánica de garantía integral de la libertad (Luis de la Heras Vives)

Reflexión sociojurídica sobre el incendio intencional sustentada en un análisis de algunas novelas por entrega publicadas en España durante el siglo XIX (Loris de Nardi)

Un estudio reflexivo sobre los derechos y las libertades fundamentales del ser humano a través de Primavera con una esquina rota (Rocío Domene Benito)

La personalidad jurídica distópica: el tratamiento del ‘yo’ en la obra de Zamiatin (José Franco Chasán)

Inteligencia artificial en las sociedades digitales de la información: La novela distópica El círculo de Dave Eggers (Cristina Moreneo Atienza)

Ius ad bellum and ius in bello in Thomas More’s Utopia. Some interpretative challenges of a Twenty-first century reading (Miguel Martínez López)

Borges frente al nacionalsocialismo (Juan Alfredo Obarrio)

The tale of rhetorical trickery in Cicero’s pro Caecina (Marcus Schnetter)


El rol de la discapacidad intelectual en la formación de la jurisdicción voluntaria española: del Derecho romano a las primeras normas tras la Constitución de 1978 (Brian Buchhalter-Montero)

El primer gran debate parlamentario sobre derechos y libertades en la Era Isabelina: las propuestas de la Comisión de Contestación de 1834 (Manuela Fernàndez Rodríguez)

La Diputación provincial de Puerto Rico (1812-1898): Entre derechos, poderes y fronteras (Eduardo Galván Rodríguez)

Diferencias en el régimen jurídico aplicado a la mujer en materia penal durante el bajomedievo, entre el derecho romano y el longobardo, a tenor de las contrarietates de Andrea Bonello (Beatriz García Fueyo)

Acuerdos matrimoniales e infidelidad. Ayer y hoy (Carmen López-Rendo Rodríguez, María José Azaustre Fernández)

Medieval Milanese Notarial Culture and Uberto Decembrio’s Definition of a Republic (respublica) (Stuart M. McManus)

Relación entre munera y opus munitionem: gravámenes no fiscales (Ma Asunción Mollá Nebot)

Reflexiones doctrinales a propósito de los recursos procesales contra el tutor impuberum (Laura Sanz Martín)

Family Law in Medieval Serbia (Srđan Šarkić)

Represión penal de actividades relacionadas con la elaboración de uenena, ueneficia y medicamenta en el Derecho romano (Alicia Valmaña Achaíta)

Quod metus causa gestum erit, ratum non habebo (Karen Ma Vilacoba Ramos)



Read all articles in open access here.

23 December 2022

CALL FOR PROPOSALS : RDIDC Special Issue – Colonialisme et comparatisme: Pratiquer et penser le droit comparé à l’ère postcoloniale (DEADLINE : 15 January 2023)


(Source: Larcier)

The Revue de droit international et de droit comparé has a call for proposals for a special issue.

La Revue de droit international et de droit comparé (RDIDC) fêtera son 100e anniversaire de publication en 2023. La RDIDC est certes née en 1908 mais elle n’a pas été publiée chaque année en raison des deux guerres mondiales. Pour fêter cet événement, le comité de rédaction se mobilise pour préparer un numéro spécial de la RDIDC qui sera publié fin 2023. Ce numéro spécial s’intitulera « Colonialisme et Comparatisme : Pratiquer et penser le droit comparé à l’ère postcoloniale ». Identifier les règles de droit étranger, analyser les différences et les similitudes, s’inspirer des solutions proposées par d’autres législateurs : voici quelques-uns des objectifs classiques du droit comparé tels qu’ils se présentent, dès sa première parution en 1908, dans la Revue de droit international et de droit comparé (anciennement Revue de l’Institut de droit comparé). Dans un contexte marqué par l’expansion des systèmes juridiques européens à travers le monde, s’y ajoute une autre ambition, imposée par les réalités du moment : celle de gérer la rencontre avec les droits des « peuples colonisés », souvent qualifiés de « droits coutumiers ». Dans le cas belge, l’année 1908 voit en effet un jeune État en quête d’identité nationale reprendre les rênes de l’ancien domaine privé de son souverain décrédibilisé. Apparaissent ainsi les liens, souvent insoupçonnés, entre expériences nationale et coloniale, d’une part, et essor de la discipline moderne du droit comparé, de l’autre. Cette « congénitalité coloniale » du droit comparé n’est certes pas propre à la Belgique. Elle se manifeste clairement lors du Congrès international de droit comparé de 1900 à Paris, véritable moment de gloire de la discipline. Dans son allocution d’ouverture, Raymond Saleilles révèle son attachement profond à l’idéal de forger « une sorte de droit commun de l’humanité civilisée ». Avec cet idéal, Saleilles introduit une hiérarchie entre cultures juridiques qui, au moins depuis la fin de l’ère coloniale, est sous le feu des critiques. Loin des controverses provoquées par les propos de Saleilles, ce numéro spécial de la Revue de droit international et de droit comparé invite à une réflexion sur les effets concrets des rapports historiquement étroits entre droit comparé, identité nationale et colonialisme. A l’ère postcoloniale, à quel point la pratique du droit continue-t-elle à être marquée par l’expérience coloniale, malgré l’acquisition d’une indépendance politique formelle ? Comment les pratiques des comparatistes continuent-elles à être tributaires des catégories juridiques introduites au 19e siècle ? Où trouver des outils pour penser et pratiquer le droit comparé différemment, sans tomber dans les pièges ni d’un universalisme prétentieux, ni d’un relativisme paralysant ? Quelles stratégies développer pour « décoloniser » le droit comparé ? Outre des contributions de nature théorique, nous invitons à des études de terrain, par des académiques aussi bien que par des praticiens du droit. Nous souhaitons rassembler des cas à même d’illustrer le métissage, sur le long terme, entre institutions et droits des « colonisés » et des « colonisateurs » aux quatre coins du monde. A la lumière de la facilité avec laquelle se déplace et se transforme la pensée coloniale, il convient d’ailleurs de ne pas perdre de vue les métamorphoses de l’esprit hégémonique à l’aube du 21e siècle.

La RDIDC demande aux auteurs potentiels de soumettre 15-20 lignes de résumé du contenu de leur article pour le 15 janvier 2023 au plus tard via courriel (revue-didc@uclouvain.be). L’article devra comprendre entre 6500 et 8500 mots sans notes de bas de page. Les auteurs spécifieront leur affiliation institutionnelle et leur courriel. Les auteurs soumettront la version finale de leur article pour le 15 août 2023 au plus tard via courriel (revue-didc@uclouvain.be). Toute question d’ordre administratif peut être adressée à Monsieur David Leys, secrétaire de rédaction de la RDIDC (david.leys@uclouvain.be). Toute question d’ordre scientifique doit être adressée aux coordinateurs scientifiques de ce projet : Professeur Henri Culot (henri.culot@uclouvain.be) et Professeur Wim Decock (wim.decock@uclouvain.be)

More info on the journal here.

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Premio de Investigación Doctoral en Historia del Derecho en América Latina (DEADLINE : 3 February 2023)


(Source: Tirant)

Tirant Io Blanch has a call for nominations for a prize for PhD-theses dealing with Latin American legal history.

Con sede en Valencia, España, y en pleno proceso de expansión en América Latina, Tirant Lo Blanch es una de las principales casas editoriales del mundo jurídico hispanoparlante. Su fondo editorial rebasa los 5,000 volúmenes y anualmente publica más de 700 libros. Tirant se ha distinguido por su impulso a trabajos de vanguardia que exploran las insuficiencias y retos del derecho contemporáneo, así como por un notable esfuerzo para crear una nueva generación de manuales y libros de texto, más atentos a los cambios de la jurisprudencia y más adecuados a las necesidades pedagógicas de la era digital.

Es bajo ese espíritu vanguardista que Tirant lo Blanch abrió en 2018 una nueva colección dedicada a la historia del derecho en América Latina, con el propósito de ofrecer una plataforma editorial para los mejores y más novedosos estudios en la disciplina, así como un espacio de encuentro para las diferentes historiografías jurídicas de la región. Nos interesa apoyar la publicación de trabajos que exploren, con una perspectiva histórica, la relación dinámica entre el derecho y los distintos ámbitos de la vida social, es decir, que no reduzcan la historia del derecho al análisis formal de normas antiguas. La premisa central de la colección es que el derecho sólo resulta plenamente comprensible a la luz de la realidad que le da forma y en la que a su vez influye de muy distintas maneras. Por eso nos importa especialmente impulsar aquellos estudios que aborden tanto las dimensiones culturales del derecho –sus cambiantes significados históricos– como su experiencia concreta, es decir, su aplicación y vigencia efectivas, tal y como puede reconstruirse a partir de fuentes judiciales y administrativas.

Con el objetivo de dar impulso a esta colección, la editorial Tirant Lo Blanch anuncia su quinto premio anual de investigación doctoral en historia del derecho en América Latina, bajo las siguientes bases:

  1. Podrán participar tesis doctorales que aborden cualquier tema relacionado con la historia del derecho en América Latina, defendidas públicamente entre el 16 de diciembre de 2021 y el 23 de diciembre de 2022. Se dará preferencia a las investigaciones que se ajusten a los objetivos generales de la colección arriba descritos.
  2. Sólo podrán participar obras en español que no hayan sido presentadas a otros premios de publicación ni publicadas en cualquier otro soporte previamente. Los autores deben tener la libre disposición de todos los derechos de explotación.
  3. No habrá restricciones de nacionalidad, edad o residencia para los autores.
  4. Los manuscritos participantes no podrán rebasar una extensión máxima de 115,000 palabras.
  5. Las tesis serán evaluadas por un comité científico integrado por la editora de Tirant Lo Blanch responsable de la colección, el director académico de la misma y tres especialistas. Los nombres de los tres últimos se darán a conocer cuando se anuncien las investigaciones premiadas.
  6. La obra que termine en primer lugar será publicada como libro en el plazo de 1 año natural desde su aceptación final. El autor premiado cederá a Tirant los derechos para la edición de su obra en todos los formatos y en todos los idiomas.
  7. La evaluación de las candidaturas se llevará a cabo en dos fases:

1.                  A más tardar el 3 de febrero de 2023, los interesados deberán remitir a la dirección electrónica premiohistoriaderecho@tirant.com la siguiente documentación:

1.                  Currículum vitae de 1 página.

2.                  Una constancia de la defensa de la tesis, en la que aparezca la fecha y el lugar del fallo, así como los nombres de los integrantes del jurado respectivo.

3.                  Una breve descripción de la tesis que no rebase 3500 palabras, y que resuma el tema general de la misma, sus principales aportaciones, su metodología y fuentes, y el capitulado.

4.                  Todo lo anterior deberá presentarse en un solo archivo pdf.

2.                  El 28 de febrero de 2023 los miembros del comité seleccionarán 4 propuestas para su evaluación integral. Únicamente los autores seleccionados enviarán el manuscrito completo de su obra, conforme a lo señalado en la base 4 de esta convocatoria.

3.                  El fallo será anunciado el 28 de abril de 2023 y será inapelable.

4.                  Para su publicación, el manuscrito premiado deberá ser entregado conforme a los lineamientos editoriales de Tirant Lo Blanch, que pueden encontrar en: http://www.tirant.net/index.php/editorial/directrices-editoriales.

  1. Durante los 30 días posteriores al anuncio de la premiación, la editorial se reserva el derecho preferente para hacer contratos de edición con alguna de las obras no premiadas que pasaron a la segunda fase del concurso.

(Source : Tirant)

BOOK: Marco CAVINA, Un inedito di Giulio Claro (1525-1575): il «Trattato di duello». Edizione dal manoscritto [Madrid] Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, g. II. 10 (Bologna: Bologna University Press, 2022), ISBN: 9791254771297 // OPEN ACCESS

(Image source: Bologna University Press)


Giulio Claro è universalmente noto come uno dei padri fondatori della scienza moderna del diritto criminale. Il saggio sul duello, che si offre qui alle stampe – sinora inedito in un manoscritto della Biblioteca di San Lorenzo de El Escorial – si segnala, fra l’altro, per illuminare di una luce nuova lo spirito con cui il Claro osservava e concepiva la società e il diritto del suo tempo. Nel trattato sul duello, l’acceso interesse per il diritto tradizionale del ceto nobiliare e per le modalità di soluzione dei conflitti intracetuali lo individua – insieme a una inedita vena laica e a un disinvolto utilizzo della lingua volgare – come nobiluomo del proprio tempo, profondamente calato nella propria cultura di ceto. Ne deriva un quadro assai più sfumato della sua immagine ufficiale e corrente di giurista dotto e alfiere della giustizia d’apparato fra trono e altare. Ma il trattato sul duello appare anche estremamente suggestivo per le notizie inedite sul diritto tradizionale nobiliare e sulle relative pratiche giuridiche esperienziali, di cui Giulio Claro si rivela profondo e acuto conoscitore e maestro.


Marco Cavina è Professore ordinario di Storia del diritto medioevale e moderno presso l’Università di Bologna, e ha insegnato nelle Università di Modena, Roma (Luiss) e Udine. È direttore del Centro dipartimentale per la Storia della Giustizia Criminale nell’Università di Bologna, del CISUI (Centro Interuniversitario per la Storia delle Università Italiane) e della rivista Annali di storia delle Università italiane, oltre che della relativa collana editoriale. Ha pubblicato numerosi saggi e monografie sulla storia della giustizia criminale, delle Università, della famiglia e dei diritti tradizionali. In particolare è autore di Il sangue dell’onore. Storia del duello (Roma, 2005), Il padre spodestato. L’autorità paterna dall’Antichità a oggi (Roma, 2007), Nozze di sangue. Storia della violenza coniugale (Roma, 2011), Andarsene al momento giusto. Culture dell’eutanasia nella storia europea (Bologna, 2015), Maometto Papa e Imperatore (Roma, 2018). Per la BUP dirige la collana editoriale “Diritto Cultura Società. Storia e problemi della giustizia criminale”, ed è autore di Ai confini del problema criminale. Saggi storico-giuridici (2015) e Lineamenti dei poteri paterni nella storia del patriarcato europeo (2017).

Detailed information and the entire publication can be found here.

22 December 2022

BOOK: Rome: Anne HUIJBERS (ed.), Emperors and imperial discourse in Italy, c. 1300-1500 (Publications de l’École française de Rome, 2022), ISBN: 9782728315635 OPEN ACCESS

(Image source: Ecole française de Rome)


Describing the Holy Roman Empire after 1250 as a hopeless dream or an empty formula only Roman in name, historians have long minimized the impact of the imperial presence in late-medieval Italy. The nationalist historiography, on which we still largely depend, presented the Empire as alien to the very essence of humanism and modernity. Associating humanism with republicanism, scholars silently suggested that the belief in the peace-bringing emperor faded away as the Renaissance unfolded. No real humanist, so it was believed, could genuinely support the medieval construct that was the Holy Roman Empire.

Only recently has this historiographical framework really been challenged. The present volume builds further on the thesis that humanism was perfectly compatible with imperialist political ideals. It aims to bring together new perspectives on empire and emperors in Italy and to highlight the continuing importance of the imperial ideal throughout the fourteenth and fifteenth century. It focuses on imperial discourses in the writings of Italian historians, humanists, poets, jurists and notaries.

The imitation of Roman emperors is both a sign of the Renaissance and a central aspect in medieval political thought. It may, therefore, not surprise that the descent of the “king of the Romans” into Italy attracted the attention of Italians with humanist tastes. The name of empire aroused high expectations. Orations, histories, treatises, and letters show that many still generally accepted the legitimacy of the empire and considered the contemporary Holy Roman Emperor as the lawful leader of the Christian world.


Anne Huijbers wrote her dissertation at Radboud University Nijmegen. Between 2016 and 2018 she stayed at the École française de Rome with a Rubicon Fellowship of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.


  • Introduction (Anne Huijbers)
  • Emperors of Rome: Italy and the “Roman-German” monarchy, 1308-1452 (Len Scales)
Imperium and res publica: conflict or harmony?
  • ‘Tullius’ and res publica. Uses and attributions of the republican notion in fourteenth-century Italy (Carole Mabboux)
  • Imperium e res publica nelle lettere di Cola di Rienzo e nel racconto delle cronache (Anna Modigliani)
  • Fazio degli Uberti, il Dittamondo e l’ideologia imperiale (Juan Carlos D’Amico)
The imperial discourse of jurists and humanists
  • La forza vitale di un’idea: l’Impero insegnato allo Studium di Padova nel primo Quattrocento (Daniela Rando)
  • Pro duobus magnis luminaribus mundi. Das Papst-Kaiser-Treffen 1433 und seine humanistische Rezeption (Veronika Proske)
  • Federico III d’Asburgo in Italia tra politica e retorica (Riccardo Pallotti)
The historiography of empire
  • Kaiser und Kaiserreich in spätmittelalterlichen Universalchroniken. Wissensbestände, Rezeption und Wirkung in Italien (Heike Johanna Mierau)
  • The fortune of imperial history. Giovanni Mansionario’s Ystorie imperiales and Benvenuto da Imola’s Libellus augustalis (Anne Huijbers)
  • Totus ero talis… tibi qualis eris. Albertino Mussato ed Enrico VII (Rino Modonutti)
  • Ludwig IV of Bavaria through humanist eyes, c. 1314-c. 1453 (Alexander Lee)
  • Das spätmittelalterliche Kaisertum und Italien: Ertrag und Perspektiven (Claudia Märtl) 

More information can be found here.

21 December 2022

BOOK: Andrej KOKKONEN, Jørgen MOLLER, Anders SUNDELL (eds.), The Politics of Succession. Forging Stable Monarchies in Europe, AD 1000-1800 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022), ISBN : 9780192897510

(Image source: Oxford University Press)


The death of the ruler poses a significant threat to the stability of any polity. Arranging for a peaceful and orderly succession has been a formidable challenge in most historical societies, and it continues to be a test that modern authoritarian regimes regularly face and often fail.

Drawing on a unique dataset of the life and fates of monarchs in all major monarchies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, The Politics of Succession documents how succession have historically been moments of violence and insecurity. Deaths of rulers were often associated with civil war, and the shadow cast by looming successions caused coups and depositions.

But this book also shows that the development and spread of primogeniture – the eldest-son-taking-the-throne – mitigated the problem of succession in Europe in the period after AD 1000. The predictability and stability that followed from a clear hereditary principle outweighed the problems of incompetent and irrational rulers sometimes inheriting power. The data used in the book demonstrates that primogeniture reduced the risk of depositions and civil war following the inevitable deaths of leaders.

In this way, hereditary monarchy helped create political stability and lengthen the time horizons of rulers and elites alike, thereby facilitating state-building. The book thus sheds light on the rationale of a system of leader selection that today often appears illogical and outdated – and it uses these findings to shed light on the key advantage of modern representative democracy: its ability to complete power transfers peacefully.


  • Andrej Kokkonen, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg,
  • Jørgen Møller, Professor, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University
  • Anders Sundell, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg


1. Introduction
2. The Politics of Succession
3. Conceptual Framework and Data
4. The Origins and Spread of Primogeniture
5. Civil War and International War
6. Leader Depositions
7. The Development of Parliaments
8. Family and Dynasty
9. The Politics of Succession in Comparative Perspective
10. Conclusions

More information can be found here.

20 December 2022

BOOK: Thibault BARBIEUX, Contractualisme provincial et souveraineté monarchique dans la France d’Ancien Régime [Collection des Thèses] (Paris : IFJD, 2022), ISBN 9782370323705.


(image source: LGDJ)


Outre la pensée des Monarchomaques ou les théories du contrat social, le contractualisme connaît aussi, dans l’Ancienne France, son versant provincial. Cette doctrine est articulée autour de contrats d’union – authentiques ou non – et de capitulations. Organisant le transfert de souveraineté et garantissant la pérennité des particularismes locaux, ces pactes permettent de penser la relation à la Couronne en termes horizontaux (co-État), relativisant la verticalité de la souveraineté absolue. Le contractualisme est également un faisceau de pratiques visant à « capituler avec le Prince ». Certains États provinciaux conditionnent l’octroi du don gratuit ou contractent avec le roi. L’âge d’or de ce contractualisme (début XVIIe siècle) voit émerger des mécanismes de garantie. Ce mouvement se heurte toutefois à la logique louis-quatorzienne de la grâce, l’obéissance prévalant sur le marchandage. Si les formes de la négociation demeurent, le pactisme est démonétisé. Le monde robin offre au contractualisme provincial son renouveau, au Siècle des Lumières. L’apogée doctrinal coïncide avec l’assimilation des contrats d’union, par les cours souveraines, aux constitutions provinciales. Le registre contractuel est intensément mobilisé contre les réformes royales, et se trouve mêlé à des théories éloignées (union des classes, contrat social). Sa cohérence en est affaiblie, alors même qu’il souffre d’apories internes (difficulté à penser l’hypothèse de la rupture). Cette culture juridique est mobilisée une dernière fois face à la réforme Lamoignon. C’est un chant du cygne, les unanimités provinciales se brisant à l’approche des États généraux. Apanage du second ordre, le contractualisme local irrigue peu les doléances. Balayé en 1789, désormais associé à la contre-révolution, il fait l’objet de débats intenses à la Constituante. Mais, ne survivant que sous la plume de quelques magistrats émigrés, ce pactisme à la française sombre dans l’oubli.

On the author:

Docteur en droit, Thibault Barbieux est historien du droit et des institutions, et qualifié aux fonctions de maître de conférences (section 03 du Conseil national des universités).

Read more here

BOOK: Lionel GERMAIN, Les livres d’ordonnances consulaires de Najac et de Villeneuve en Rouergue (Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Midi, 2022), ISBN 9782810712229


À Najac et à Villeneuve en Rouergue, des gouvernements communaux – des consulats – émergent dans le deuxième tiers du XIIIe siècle. Les consuls des deux petites communautés d’habitants acquièrent et exercent très tôt une potestas statuendi qui leur permet de légiférer dans la ville (échanges économiques, police urbaine, gestion des affaires publiques, etc.). Dans la première moitié du XIVe siècle, plus d’un demi-siècle d’ordonnances consulaires ainsi promulguées est compilé dans deux prestigieux livres. En mettant en ordre les actes normatifs encadrant la vie communale, ils constituent de véritables outils de gouvernement et le grand soin apporté à leur confection révèle aussi leur valeur symbolique : ils incarnent et manifestent l’ancienneté et la légitimité des deux consulats et de leurs prérogatives. Les deux livres apportent ainsi un éclairage précieux tant sur la vie communale que sur les usages de l’écrit de gouvernement dans les petites villes du Midi de la France aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles.

Cette édition, avant de proposer une analyse et une transcription intégrale des deux livres, présente une enquête d’archéologie documentaire qui permet de reconstituer leur forme et contenu originels.


Lionel Germain est attaché temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche à l’université de Lille (IRHiS). Il achève à l’université Paris-Saclay une thèse de doctorat sur l’émergence et la construction des gouvernements communaux dans le Rouergue du XIIe au XIVe siècle, en particulier par leurs usages de l’écrit.



  • Les premiers temps des communautés urbaines de Najac et de Villeneuve
  • L’institutionnalisation des consulats et l’exercice d’une potestas statuendi 

Archéologie des manuscrits édités

  • Le Livre des coutumes de Najac (1299-1333)
  • Le Livre du consulat de Villeneuve (1340-1350)

Les enjeux de l’édition de deux livres d’ordonnances consulaires

Tables analytiques

  • Cahier d’ordonnances de Najac (AD Aveyron, 2 E 178-4)
  • Livre des coutumes de Najac (AD Aveyron, 2 E 178-6)
  • Livre du consulat de Villeneuve (AD Aveyron, 2 E 301-18)

Édition des manuscrits 

  • Principes d’édition
  • Charte de coutumes de Najac de 1255 (copiée dans le Livre des coutumes) 
  • Cahier d’établissements consulaires de Najac (copié dans le Livre des coutumes) 
  • Livre des coutumes de Najac 
  • Livre du consulat de Villeneuve 


  • I. Liste des consuls de Najac (1243-1349)
  • II. Liste partielle des consuls de Villeneuve (1243-1350)
  • III. Inventaire des biens mobiliers du consulat de Najac en 1332

Detailed information can be found here.

19 December 2022

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Tangier Statute Centenary Conference (18 December 2023, Tangier) (DEADLINE: 15 May 2023)


(Source: Gavclaw.com)

We learned of a call for expressions of interest for a conference on the centenary of the Statute of Tangier. Here the call:

On 18 December 2023 (i.e. a year from now), Willem Theus (KU Leuven – UCLouvain), Dr Michel Erpelding (University of Luxembourg), Prof Dr Francesco Tamburini (University of Pisa), Prof Dr Fouzi Rherrousse (University of Oujda), and myself are organising a conference to celebrate the centenary of the Statute of Tangier, signed at Paris. Credit for kicking off the process goes to Willem.

This treaty, signed between France, Spain and the United Kingdom, and later joined by Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal and Italy, provided for the creation of a new legal entity: the International Zone of Tangier. Established by 1925, the Tangier Zone was formally an integral part of Morocco, but subject to a special regime that left most of its institutions under the joint administration of several Western powers. This special regime would last until Morocco’s independence in 1956, with some international elements remaining in place under a Royal Charter until 1960.

Thinking about the Zone triggers an extravaganza of thoughts on international commercial courts, conflict of laws, history of law and so much more. The call asks for papers on

The Politics of Individual Powers Towards/Within the Zone
Moroccan Attitudes and Policies Towards/Within the Zone and Its Institutions
The Interzonal and Foreign Relations of the International Zone17
Politics in the International Legislative Assembly
The Veto-Role of the Committee of Control
The Zone’s Legal System/Codes
The Operation, Case Law and Reforms of the Mixed Court
The Bar of the International Zone

Careers of Individual Lawyers/Officials/Businessmen/Intermediaries
The Tangier Banking System
The Ecclesiastical, Jewish and Sharia Courts
The Working and Case Law of the American Consular Court
The Spanish Civil War and its Impact on the Zone
The Architecture of the International Administrative Buildings of the Zone
Smugglers and the Law; and
The Legal System of the Transition Period (1956–1960)

The call and further details are available in ArabicEnglishFrenchItalian and Spanish.

(Source: Gavclaw.com)


BOOK: Ryan Martinez MITCHELL, Recentering the World: China and the Transformation of International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022), 250pp, ISBN 9781108498968, £95


(image credit: Cambridge University Press)

Book description:
Recentering the World recovers a richly contextual, detailed history of Western-imposed legal structures in China, as well as engagements with international law by Chinese officials, jurists, and citizens. Beginning in the Late Qing era, it shows how international law functioned as a channel for power relations, techniques of economic domination, as well as novel forms of resistance. The book also radically diversifies traditionally Eurocentric accounts of modern international law's origins, demonstrating how, by the mid-twentieth century, Chinese jurists had made major contributions to international organizations and the UN system, the international judiciary, the laws of armed conflict, and more. Drawing on extensive archival research, this book is a valuable guide to China's often conflicted role in international law, its reception and contention of concepts of sovereignty, property, obligation, and autonomy, and its gradual move from the 'periphery' to a shared spot at the 'center' of global legal order.
Table of contents: 
Introduction: 'In the Nineteenth Century, There was No International Law'
Part I. Preserving Stateliness, 1850–1894:
1. Universal Prosperity
2. Synarchy
3. Vast Imperium
Part II. Asserting Sovereignty, 1895–1921:
4. The Public Law of Planet Earth
5. The Problem of Equality
6. Reconstituted Hierarchies
Part III. Internationalisms, 1922–2001:
7. Changing Circumstances
8. New Orders
9. Perpetual Peace
Conclusion: From Object to Subject? – China in a World of Institutions
Glossary of Chinese and Japanese Names
About the author: 
Ryan Martínez Mitchell is an associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School and a Ph.D. in Law from Yale University. His scholarship on China and international law has appeared in a number of leading scholarly journals.
More information can be found here.  

16 December 2022

BOOK: Oliver HEGEDÜS & Kolja LICHY(Eds.), Monarchie und Diplomatie Handlungsoptionen und Netzwerke am Hof Sigismunds III. Wasa (Leiden: Brill, 2023). ISBN: 978-3-506-70588-4


(Source: Brill)


Der polnische Königshof in der Zeit Sigismunds III. Wasa war eine wichtige Plattform europäischen Informationsaustauschs, dynastischer Netzwerke und der Koordination konfessionell geprägter Politik.
Ausländische Diplomaten suchten den Kontakt zum Hof, wie dort auch diplomatische Missionen ins Ausland organisiert wurden. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen den politischen Ansprüchen des Sejms und den dynastisch-politischen Interessen des Monarchen entspann sich damit ein Handlungsfeld, dessen Analyse einen Blick auf das Funktionieren europäischer Verflechtungen ermöglicht und zugleich zeigt, welche Handlungsoptionen dem Monarchen und dessen Umgebung im Rahmen der polnisch-litauischen Mischverfassung zukamen.


Oliver Hegedüs ist Projektmitarbeiter im SFB/transregio 138 „Dynamiken der Sicherheit” im Teilprojekt „Konfessionelle Minderheiten“ an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.

Kolja Lichy ist Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter ebendort.

More information with the publisher.

CALL FOR PAPERS: Société Internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité, 22 and 23 July 2023

(Source: https://univ-droit.fr/societe-savante/10662-societe-internationale-fernand-de-visscher-pour-l-histoire-des-droits-de-l-antiquite)


Chers collègues et amis,

La 76e session de la Société Internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité se déroulera à l’Université d’Helsinki, du 22 au 26 août 2023, sur le thème :

Matérialité et immatérialité dans les droits de l’antiquité 

J'ai ajouté à cette lettre un appel à contributions séparé en cinq langues. Le site web de la conférence, sur lequel toutes les informations seront mises à jour, est déjà disponible à l'dresse https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/sihda-2023. La date limite de réception des propositions est le 3 mars 2023. J'ai également ajouté quelques informations pratiques

à cette lettre.

Des informations sur les événements sociaux et les excursions, ainsi que sur les voyages et les hôtels, seront incluses dans la deuxième lettre circulaire envoyée en février 2023.

Nous nous réjouissons de vous rencontrer à Helsinki!


Kaius Tuori

l’Université d’Helsinki


1st Circular letter

Dear colleagues and friends,

The 76th session of the Société internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité shall take place at the University of Helsinki on August 22-26, 2023 with the theme:

Materiality and immateriality of ancient law

I have added to this letter a separate call for papers in five languages. The conference website, where all information will be updated, may already be found at

https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/sihda-2023 The deadline for proposals is March 3, 2023. I have also added some practical information to this letter.

Information on the social events and excursions, as well as travel and hotels, will be included in the second circular letter sent in February 2023.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Helsinki!

Sincerely yours,

Kaius Tuori

University of Helsinki


Practical information

Deadline for proposals is March 3, 2023.

The conference website may be found at https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/sihda-2023

The submission of proposals should be done through our electronic submission system: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/121213/lomake.html

The languages of the conference are French, English, German, Italian, Latin, and Spanish.

The registration fee will range from 75 euros for doctoral students to 350 euros for last-minute registrations with all dinners and excursions.

The location of the conference is Porthania, the Faculty of Law of the University of Helsinki, Yliopistonkatu 4.

The information about the social program, excursions and hotel reservations, as well as travel suggestions, will be announced in the second circular letter, in February 2023.

The weather in August is usually mild and not too hot.

Will there be a sauna? Yes, there will be opportunities.

Appel à contributions pour la 76ème session internationale de la SIHDA : Matérialité et immatérialité dans les droits de l’antiquité

SIHDA Helsinki 2023, 22-26.8.2023


email: sihda2023@helsinki.fi

L’étude des droits de l’antiquité se distingue de presque tous les autres domaines du droit dans la mesure où les sources y afférentes se répartissent nettement entre celles qui sont strictement matérielles, locales et casuistiques, par opposition à celles transmises presque exclusivement par une tradition textuelle, et qui se sont répandues au-delà des frontières nationales au fil du temps jusqu’à atteindre une portée presque universelle. Par exemple, le droit romain est connu à travers des sources documentaires provenant de chaque recoin de l’Empire, à partir d’inscriptions et de manuscrits, de tablettes de cire et de papyrus, qui révèlent le droit de la vie quotidienne et la manière dont le droit était utilisé dans la résolution des conflits. Par ailleurs, la compilation par Justinien et autres manuscrits ont permis au droit romain d’exercer une forte influence dans les cultures juridiques ultérieures, s’étendant bien au-delà des frontières de l’Empire romain, dans des lieux comme le Japon ou le continent américain.

L’objectif de cette session est d’explorer les implications de cette dichotomie. C’est pourquoi nous sollicitons des communications qui exposent comment les fouilles archéologiques et l’étude méticuleuse des sources anciennes ont transformé notre idée du droit de l’antiquité, apportant avec elles des idées telles que la diversité ou le pluralisme juridique, mais également des enquêtes sur la manière dont l’acte même de réception et son impact sur les cultures juridiques modernes a subtilement influencé notre compréhension, en particulier, du droit romain antique.

Les mots-clés sont matérialité et immatérialité, la juxtaposition d’un objet matériel comme une inscription et les notions immatérielles du droit et de la jurisprudence.

Dans le cadre du thème de la conférence, nous sommes particulièrement intéressés par des communications qui abordent :

- le rapport entre tradition documentaire et tradition manuscrite sur les droits de l’antiquité, par exemple des analyses juridiques autour du pluralisme juridique sur les disjonctions et les contradictions entre les deux types de sources;

- de nouvelles découvertes, par ex. les sources épigraphiques ou papyrologiques et leur signification; - le rôle des sources matérielles non littéraires dans la compréhension de la tradition juridique de l’antiquité; - l’application des thèmes de la matérialité juridique dans les droits de l’antiquité;

- l’impact de l’écriture et du matériel d’écriture dans le droit et la pratique juridique;

- l’environnement matériel du droit, comme les espaces de création et de pratique du droit, l’archéologie juridique et la symbolique juridique;

- les manières dont la matérialité était conceptualisée dans le droit antique, le droit des choses, la substantialité et la notion de materia;

- réception de la tradition manuscrite du droit antique et la projection d’idées modernes dans les textes de l’Antiquité.

Comme il est d’usage, ces exemples ne sont en aucun cas restrictifs et nous acceptons des propositions sur un large éventail de sujets, pour autant qu’ils aient un lien avec les droits de l’antiquité. Nous attendons des propositions pour des panels thématiques et des communications individuelles. Comme lors des réunions précédentes, un panel de base comportera trois communications de 20 minutes ainsi qu’un débat postérieur, mais nous acceptons également des panels animés par un ou plusieurs responsables. Nous recherchons aussi des propositions thématiques qui transcendent les limites géographiques ou chronologiques. Nous souhaitons également mettre en place quelques nouveaux types de panels ou formes de présentation structurée d’une durée de 90 minutes. Ils incluent le format de table-ronde (1-2 président(s), 3-4 présentateurs avec des présentations de 10 minutes) mettant l’accent sur la discussion, des propositions de panel d’auteurs-lecteurs sur des livres récents importants (1-2 président(s), 3-4 commentateurs) ainsi que des ateliers de compétences/pédagogie (président, 3-4 animateurs) qui se consacrent à l’étude et/ou l’enseignement des droits de l’Antiquité.

Call for papers: Materiality and immateriality of ancient law

SIHDA Helsinki 2023, 22-26.8.2023


email: sihda2023@helsinki.fi

The study of ancient law is distinguished from nearly all other fields of law in that its sources are divided sharply between sources that are intensely material, local and casuistic as opposed to sources that are transmitted almost exclusively through a textual tradition and which have spread over national boundaries and over time to have an almost global reach. For example, Roman law is known through documentary sources from all around the ancient world, from inscriptions and manuscripts, wax tablets and papyri, telling of the law of everyday life and how law was used in conflict resolution. On the other hand, the Justinianic compilation and other manuscripts have enabled Roman law to have an immense influence in later legal cultures, spreading far beyond the borders of the Roman Empire, to places like Japan or America.

The aim of this conference is to explore the implications of this dichotomy. We invite papers that study how archeological excavations and the meticulous study of ancient sources have transformed our conception of ancient law, bringing with it ideas such as diversity or legal pluralism, but equally investigations on how the very act of reception and impact on modern legal cultures has subtly influenced our understanding of ancient law. The key words are materiality and immateriality, the juxtaposition of a material object such as an inscription and the immaterial ideas of law and jurisprudence. 

Within the theme of the conference, we are especially interested in papers that engage:

- the relationship between documentary and manuscript tradition on ancient law, for instance legal pluralistic analyses on disjunctions and contradictions between the two

- new discoveries in e.g. the epigraphic or papyrological sources and their significance - the role of material, non-literary sources in understanding the ancient legal tradition

- the application of themes of legal materiality in ancient law

- the impact of writing and writing materials in law and legal practice

- the material surroundings of law, such as spaces of creating and practicing law, legal archaeology and legal symbolism

- the ways how materiality was conceptualized in ancient law, the law of things, substantiality and the notion of materia

- reception of the manuscript tradition of ancient law and projections of modern ideas into the ancient materials

As is traditional, these examples are not in any way restrictive and we welcome proposals from a broad range of topics. As always, we welcome proposals that represent the entirety of the ancient world, from ancient Mesopotamia to Late Antiquity. We invite proposals for complete panels and individual papers. As before, a basic panel consists of three papers of 20 minutes and discussion (with a total of 90 minutes), but we also welcome panels with a dedicated commentator or commentators. We encourage thematic proposals that transcend geographic or chronological boundaries.

We are also introducing a few new types of panels or forms of structured presentation for a 90-minute slot. They include the roundtable format (1-2 chairs, 3-4 presenters with 10- minute presentations) with emphasis on discussion, author-meets-readers panel proposals on important recent books (1-2 chairs, 3-4 commentators) as well as skills/pedagogical workshop (chair, 3-4 presenters) that engage in the study and/or teaching of ancient law.

Richiesta di contributi: Materialità ed immaterialità dei diritti dell’Antichità

SIHDA Helsinki 2023, 22-26.8.2023


email: sihda2023@helsinki.fi

Lo studio dei diritti dell’Antichità si distingue da quello di quasi tutti gli altri campi del sapere giuridico per il fatto che le fonti di tali diritti si dividono in modo netto tra fonti a forte caratterizzazione materiale, locale e casuistica, in opposizione ad altre tràdite quasi esclusivamente attraverso una tradizione manoscritta, la cui diffusione è stata in grado di oltrepassare i confini nazionali e del tempo, sino a raggiungere una portata pressoché globale. Per esempio, il Diritto romano è conosciuto attraverso fonti documentarie provenienti da tutto il mondo antico, che spaziano dalle iscrizioni ai manoscritti, alle tavolette cerate e ai papiri, e sono in grado di raccontare il diritto applicato nella vita di tutti i giorni e di come le regole venissero utilizzate nella risoluzione dei conflitti. D’altro canto, la compilazione giustinianea e altre opere di tradizione manoscritta hanno permesso al Diritto romano di esercitare un’influenza enorme sulle esperienze e le culture giuridiche delle epoche successive, la quale è andata espandendosi ben oltre i confini dell’antico Impero Romano, sino a raggiungere luoghi come il Giappone o l’America.

L’obiettivo di questa conferenza consiste nell’esplorare le implicazioni che la suddetta dicotomia tra le differenti tipologie di fonti comporta. Gli organizzatori invitano, pertanto, coloro che intendano partecipare a presentare ricerche volte ad indagare tanto il modo in cui gli scavi archeologici e lo studio meticoloso delle fonti antiche abbiano contribuito a trasformare le nostre idee sul diritto antico, facendo emergere concezioni quali quelle di diversità e pluralismo giuridico, quanto ed egualmente indagini sul modo in cui la concreta attività di recezione delle fonti e l’impatto da essa avuto sulle culture giuridiche moderne abbia sottilmente influenzato il nostro stesso modo di concepire i diritti antichi.

Le parole chiave sono materialità ed immaterialità, come esse possono essere apprezzate, ad esempio, attraverso la giustapposizione di un oggetto materiale, quale può essere un’iscrizione, e i concetti immateriali di diritto e giurisprudenza.

Nell’ambito del tema generale della conferenza, gli organizzatori sono particolarmente interessati a quelle relazioni che intendano affrontare uno dei seguenti argomenti:

- il rapporto tra tradizione delle fonti documentarie e tradizione manoscritta in relazione ai diritti dell’Antichità, visto ad esempio attraverso analisi in tema di pluralismo giuridico in grado di investigare incongruenze e contraddizioni tra le due tipologie di fonti menzionate

- la scoperta di nuove fonti, ad esempio epigrafiche o papirologiche, ed il loro significato

- il ruolo delle fonti materiali e non letterarie nella comprensione della tradizione giuridica dell’Antichità

- l’impiego di temi concernenti la materialità giuridica nel diritto antico

- l’impatto della scrittura e la rilevanza dei supporti materiali per la scrittura nel diritto e nella pratica legale

- i luoghi materiali del diritto, come, ad esempio, gli spazi dove creare ed esercitare il diritto, l’archeologia giuridica ed il simbolismo giuridico

- i modi in cui la materialità venne concettualizzata nell’Antichità, i diritti reali, la sostanzialità fisica e la nozione di materia

- la recezione della tradizione manoscritta dei diritti antichi e le retroproiezioni di idee e concetti moderni sulle fonti e i materiali del passato

Come da tradizione, gli esempi di tematiche che potranno essere discusse sopra elencati non sono esaustivi, e verranno accolte proposte di relazioni riguardanti il più ampio spettro possibile di argomenti. Come sempre, infatti, gli organizzatori saranno lieti di ricevere proposte per interventi in grado di rappresentare il mondo antico nella sua complessità ed interezza, dalla realtà dell’antica Mesopotamia e sino alla tarda Antichità. Gli organizzatori invitano i potenziali partecipanti a presentare proposte tanto per più interventi strutturati tenuti da un gruppo di relatori, quanto per relazioni singole ed individuali. Seguendo una regola consolidata, nel caso di più interventi strutturati tenuti da un gruppo di relatori su di un dato tema (basic panel) sono previste tre relazioni di 20 minuti ciascuna alle quali poi fa seguito la discussione (per una durata, nel complesso, di 90 minuti), ma gli organizzatori incoraggiano anche serie di interventi tenute da un gruppo di relatori che prevedano poi un confronto con uno o più commentatori appositamente scelti e nominati. Gli organizzatori, altresì, incoraggiano proposte tematiche in grado di trascendere i confini geografici e temporali.

Si è infine deciso di introdurre alcune nuove tipologie di presentazioni di gruppo o comunque strutturare della durata di 90 minuti. Esse includono il formato della tavola rotonda (con 1 o 2 presidenze e 3 o 4 relatori, i quali potranno tenere un intervento di 10 minuti ciascuno), durante la quale dovrà essere dato risalto al momento della discussione, proposte di incontri autori-lettori dedicate a libri di particolare importanza e di recente pubblicazione (1 o 2 presidenze e 3 o 4 commentatori), nonché, da ultimo, seminari di tipo didattico/pedagogico concentrati sulle competenze per lo studio e/o l’insegnamento dei diritti dell’Antichità.

Aufruf für Beiträge: Materialität und Immaterialität des antiken Rechts

SIHDA Helsinki 2023, 22-26.8.2023


email: sihda2023@helsinki.fi

Die Erforschung des antiken Rechtes unterscheidet sich von fast allen anderen Rechtsgebieten dadurch, dass seine Quellen deutlich in materielle, lokale und kasuistische Quellen unterteilt sind, im Gegensatz zu Quellen, die fast ausschließlich durch eine Texttradition überliefert sind und sich über nationale Grenzen hinweg und im Laufe der Zeit zu einer fast globalen Reichweite verbreitet haben. Das römische Recht beispielsweise ist durch dokumentarische Quellen aus der ganzen antiken Welt bekannt, durch Inschriften und Manuskripte, Wachstafeln und Papyri, die vom Recht des täglichen Lebens und der Anwendung des Rechts bei der Konfliktlösung erzählen. Andererseits haben die justinianische Sammlung und andere Handschriften dem römischen Recht einen immensen Einfluss auf spätere Rechtskulturen verschafft, der weit über die Grenzen des Römischen Reiches hinausging, etwa nach Japan oder Amerika.

Ziel dieser Konferenz ist es, die Auswirkungen dieser Dichotomie zu untersuchen. Wir freuen uns über Beiträge, die untersuchen, wie archäologische Ausgrabungen und das akribische Studium antiker Quellen unsere Vorstellung vom antiken Recht verändert haben, indem sie Ideen wie Diversität oder Rechtspluralismus mit sich brachten, aber auch Untersuchungen darüber, wie der Akt der Rezeption und der Einfluss auf moderne Rechtskulturen unserVerständnis des antiken Rechts subtil beeinflusst hat.

Die Schlüsselwörter sind Materialität und Immaterialität, die Gegenüberstellung eines materiellen Gegenstands wie einer Inschrift und der immateriellen Ideen von Recht und Rechtsprechung.

Im Rahmen der Thematik der Konferenz sind wir besonders an Beiträgen interessiert, die sich mit folgenden Themen beschäftigen:

- das Verhältnis von urkundlicher und handschriftlicher Überlieferung des antiken Recht, z.B. rechtspluralistische Analysen zu Disjunktionen und Widersprüchen zwischen diesen Überlieferungsformen

- neue Entdeckungen z.B. in den epigraphischen oder papyrologischen Quellen und deren Bedeutung 

- die Rolle der materiellen, nicht-literarischen Quellen für das Verständnis der antiken Rechtstradition

- die Anwendung von Themen der juristischen Materialität im antiken Recht

- der Einfluss von Schrift und Schriftgut im Recht und in der Rechtspraxis

- das materielle Umfeld des Rechts, wie z. B. Räume der Rechtsschöpfung und -ausübung, Rechtsarchäologie und Rechtssymbolik

- die Art und Weise, wie Materialität im antiken Recht konzeptualisiert wurde, das Recht der Dinge, Substantialität und der Begriff der materia

- die Rezeption der handschriftlichen Überlieferung des antiken Rechts und die Projektion 11 moderner Vorstellungen in die antiken Materialien.

Wie üblich sind diese Beispiele in keiner Weise einschränkend, und wir begrüßen Vorschläge aus einem breiten Themenspektrum. Wie immer begrüßen wir Vorschläge, die die gesamte antike Welt abdecken, vom alten Mesopotamien bis zur Spätantike. Wir laden zu Vorschlägen für komplette Panels und Einzelbeiträge ein. Wie bisher besteht ein normales Panel aus drei 20-minütigen Vorträgen und einer Diskussion (mit einer Gesamtdauer von 90 Minuten), aber wir begrüßen auch Panels mit einem oder mehreren engagierten Kommentator*innen. Wir ermutigen zu thematischen Vorschlägen, die über geografische oder zeitliche Grenzen hinausgehen.

Wir führen zudem einige neuartige, neunzigminütige Panels oder strukturierte Präsentationen ein. Dazu gehören das Roundtable-Format (1-2 Vorsitzende, 3-4 Referenten mit 10-minütigen Präsentationen), das den Schwerpunkt auf die Diskussion legt, Autor- trifft-Leser-Panelvorschläge zu bedeutenden neueren Büchern (1-2 Vorsitzende, 3-4 Kommentatoren) sowie Kompetenz-/Pädagogik-Workshops (Vorsitzender, 3-4 Referenten), die sich mit dem Studium und/oder der Lehre des antiken Rechts befassen.

Candidatura abierta para la presentación de contribuciones: Materialidad e inmaterialidad del derecho antiguo

SIHDA Helsinki 2023, 22-26.8.2023


email: sihda2023@helsinki.fi

El estudio del derecho antiguo se distingue de casi todos los demás campos del derecho en que sus fuentes se dividen claramente entre intensamente materiales, locales y casuísticas frente a aquellas que se transmiten casi exclusivamente a través de una tradición textual, y se han extendido más allá de los límites del territorio nacional y a través del tiempo, hasta lograr un alcance casi global. Por ejemplo, el derecho romano es conocido a través de fuentes documentales de todo el mundo antiguo, desde inscripciones y manuscritos, tablillas de cera y papiros, que hablan del derecho de la vida cotidiana y de cómo se usaba la  ley en la resolución de conflictos. Por otro lado, la compilación de Justiniano y otros manuscritos han permitido que el derecho romano tenga una inmensa influencia en las culturas legales posteriores, extendiéndose mucho más allá de las fronteras del Imperio Romano, a lugares como Japón o América.

El objetivo de esta conferencia es explorar las implicaciones de esta dicotomía. La invitación se extiende a trabajos que estudien cómo las excavaciones arqueológicas y el estudio meticuloso de fuentes antiguas han transformado nuestra idea de derecho antiguo, trayendo consigo ideas como diversidad o pluralismo jurídico, pero igualmente, investigaciones acerca de cómo el propio acto de recepción e impacto en las culturas jurídicas modernas ha influido sutilmente en nuestra comprensión del derecho romano antiguo.

Las palabras clave son materialidad e inmaterialidad, en cuanto a la yuxtaposición de un objeto material como una inscripción y las ideas inmateriales del derecho y la jurisprudencia.

Dentro del tema de la conferencia, estamos especialmente interesados en trabajos que incluyan o se centren en:

- la relación entre la tradición documental y manuscrita en el derecho antiguo, por ejemplo, análisis centrados en la óptica del pluralismo jurídico sobre disyunciones y contradicciones entre ambos tipos de fuentes.

- nuevos descubrimientos, p.ej. fuentes epigráficas o papirológicas y su significado

- el papel de las fuentes materiales no literarias en la comprensión de la antigua tradición jurídica

- la aplicación de temas relacionados con la materialidad que afecta el derecho antiguo

- el impacto de la escritura y los materiales de escritura en el derecho y la práctica jurídica

- el entorno material del derecho, como los espacios de creación y práctica del derecho, la arqueología y los símbolos legales

- las formas en que la materialidad fue conceptualizada en el derecho antiguo, la ley de las cosas, la sustancialidad y la noción de materia 

- recepción de la tradición manuscrita de la ley antigua y proyecciones de ideas modernas en los materiales antiguos

Como es tradicional, estos ejemplos no son de ninguna manera restrictivos y damos la bienvenida a propuestas de una amplia gama de temas. Invitamos propuestas para paneles completos y trabajos individuales. Como antes, un panel básico consiste en tres ponencias de 20 minutos y discusión, pero también aceptamos paneles con un comentarista o comentaristas dedicados. Animamos especialmente la presentación de propuestas temáticas que trasciendan fronteras geográficas o cronológicas.

Con ocasión del evento, estamos introduciendo algunos nuevos tipos de paneles o formas de presentaciones estructuradas en espacios de 90 minutos. Incluyen el formato de mesa redonda (1-2 presidentes, 3-4 presentadores con presentaciones de 10 minutos) con énfasis en la discusión, propuestas de paneles de autor y lectores sobre libros recientes importantes (1-2 presidentes, 3-4 comentaristas) así como como taller de técnicas/pedagógico (presidente, 3-4 presentadores) que se dedican al estudio y/o enseñanza del derecho antiguo.