19 July 2022

JOURNAL: C@ahiers du CRHiDI. histoire, droit, institutions, société XLIV (2022) [Special Issue Paroisses et pouvoir civil dans les anciens Pays-Bas sous l'Ancien Régime, ed. Philippe DESMETTE] (OPEN ACCESS)


(image source: Popups ULiège)

Paroisses et pouvoir civil au travers des siècles : je t’aime moi non plus ? (Philippe Desmette)

Entre paroisse et commune : la « conduite de la charité » et la législation dans les Pays-Bas du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle (Jean-Marie Cauchies)


A decree of Charles V (1531) lays the foundations of a legislation on assistance to the poor and entrusts the responsibility of it to the local authorities. The resulting measures bear witness to a desire to centralize actions towards pauperism. Including within the city walls, where the creation of "common grants" is recommended for this purpose. In the subsequent legislation, a sore point will be the determination of the relief place of residence of the indigent, even in the 18th century. If the concentration of charitable ways remains difficult, this sector of intervention finds municipalities and parishes working together willy-nilly.

La charge des églises et des chapelles au diocèse de Liège (1559-1794) (Christian Dury)


The responsibility for the churches and chapels of the diocese of Liège (1559-1794) belongs to different people and institutions. It is the source of daily difficulties, mainly concerning the tithe and its revenues. This vast dossier is approached on the basis of many examples extracted from a very abundant documentation in a territory that remained very extensive after the erection of the new dioceses in the Netherlands (1559-1570).

 Gérer les églises et tables des pauvres en Hainaut et Tournaisis, XVIe–XVIIIe siècle (Philippe Desmette)


The first objective of this article is to determine who, in Hainaut and Tournaisis from the 16th to the end of the 18th century, was responsible for the day-to-day management of parish institutions. The aim will be to determine the precise role of these persons and the manner in which they were appointed. Then, the question of the administration of these institutions will be considered. In other words, we will examine which authorities were competent in this matter. Rural and urban situations will be distinguished in order to determine the specificities according to institutional realities.

De la mambournie à la fabrique : la présence et l’action des laïcs dans la gestion matérielle des paroisses d’antan (Jean-François Van Caulaert)


Early on, the Church felt the need to limit and regulate the presence of the laity, both in its buildings and its management structures. Over the centuries, records of archidiaconal and decanal customs echoed them, while distinguishing the missions and profiles of the executing staff (sacristan, cantor, midwife, ...) from those of the management staff (guardian, church warder, treasurer, etc.), all laity whose obligations and possible remunerations varied according to the location, the wealth and the importance of the parish, but also the period considered. In addition to the rules, the inspection tour reports provide a glimpse of the margin that could be made from theory to practice.

Quand les cloches se taisent. Acteurs et enjeux autour de la suppression d’une paroisse (Saint-Nicaise de Tournai, 1769-1773) (Bernard Vandermeersch) 


The suppression of the parish Saint-Nicaise of Tournai in 1769 encountered some difficulties. Five actors argue about the suppression: the bishop, the cathedral chapter, the government, the city and the parishioners. Even if they disagree, they share the same view on the parish’s utility: more than a religious institution, it is an essential socio-economic structure in the local community.

Read all articles here

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