28 July 2022

CALL FOR PAPERS: "Constitutional History: Concepts, Institutions and Experiences" (eds. Raphael PEIXOTO & Cristiano PAIXÁO) (Revista Jurídica da Ufersa); DEADLINE 30 SEP 2022

(image source: Wikidata)

 The dossier is being organized by:

Prof. Raphael Peixoto (PPGD-Ufersa/IDP)
Prof. Cristiano Paixão (UnB)

Constitutionalism and written constitutions are fundamental elements of the modern legal-political experience. We can identify in the revolutions of the late 18th century the formation of the decisive historical context that made possible a new way of understanding law and politics, inaugurating a new concept and a new constitutional practice.
This “constitutional revolution”, however, did not occur in the same way across the globe, but was marked by very different historical processes, producing plural constitutional traditions and experiences. Constitutionalism should also not be interpreted as a linear phenomenon, based on ideas of progress and evolution. If the modern constitutional lexicon made possible the permanent demand for inclusion, equality and limitation of political power, it also lived closely with colonialism and exclusion and was a useful instrument for authoritarian regimes.
To historically understand this complex and multifaceted development, it is necessary to adopt an interdisciplinary perspective. Producing knowledge in the field of constitutional history requires, therefore, a theoretical-methodological contribution and the perspective of approaching the most varied types of knowledge: law, history, political science, sociology, etc.
The Legal Journal of the Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido invites researchers to submit studies that can contribute to the historical reflection on modern constitutionalism. The dossier aims to encourage the production of research with various aspects: intellectual and conceptual history, specific constitutional experiences, institutional practices, constituent processes, theoretical-methodological aspects, etc.
The authors of the texts must be doctors or doctors in co-authorship with, at most, one postgraduate student.
Authors must have a PhD.
Deadline: September 30, 2022
Guidelines for submission:

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