(Source: OUP)
Legal pluralism involves the coexistence of multiple forms of law. This involves state law, international law, transnational law, customary law, religious law, indigenous law, and the law of distinct ethnic or cultural communities. Legal pluralism is a subject of discussion today in legal anthropology, legal sociology, legal history, postcolonial legal studies, women's rights and human rights, comparative law, international law, transnational law, European Union law, jurisprudence, and law and development scholarship.
A great deal of confusion and theoretical disagreement surrounds discussions of legal pluralism—which this book aims to clarify and help resolve. Drawing on historical and contemporary studies—including the Medieval period, the Ottoman Empire, postcolonial societies, Native peoples, Jewish and Islamic law, Western state legal systems, transnational law, as well as others—it shows that the dominant image of the state with a unified legal system exercising a monopoly over law is, and has always been, false and misleading. State legal systems are internally pluralistic in various ways and multiple manifestations of law coexist in every society. This book explains the underlying reasons for and sources of legal pluralism, identifies its various consequences, uncovers its conceptual and normative implications, and resolves current theoretical disputes in ways that are useful for social scientists, theorists, jurists, and law and development scholars and practitioners.
Brian Z. Tamanaha is a jurisprudence and law and society scholar, and the author of nine books and over fifty articles and book chapters. His books have received six awards, including the 2019 IVR Book Prize for best book in legal philosophy, the 2006 Dennis Leslie Mahoney Prize in Legal Theory, and the 2002 Herbert Jacob Book Prize in Law and Society. Altogether his publications have been translated into eleven languages. He has delivered eight named lectures around the globe, including the Kobe Memorial Lecture in Tokyo and the Julius Stone Address in Sydney. He spent a year in residence as Member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. His work has been the subject of four published symposia, and his books have been reviewed in many venues, including the Harvard Law Review, Michigan Law Review, Cambridge Law Journal, Law and Society Review, and Law and History Review. He is the John S, Lehmann University Professor at Washington University School of Law.
Introduction: Three Themes
Chapter One: Legal Pluralism in Historical Context
Chapter Two: Postcolonial Legal Pluralism
Chapter Three: Legal Pluralism in the West
Chapter Four: National to Transnational Legal Pluralism
Chapter Five: Abstract Versus Folk Legal Pluralism
Conclusion: Legal Pluralism Explained
More information with the publisher.
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