06 May 2021

SCHOLARSHIPS: 20 Research Scholarships (predoc/postdoc) (DEADLINE 1 JUNE 2021)

(image source: MPILHLT)

The Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt is a world leader in research on legal history and legal theory. Its international research community of over 70 scholars, the unrivalled collections of its specialist library and its numerous national and international co-operations make it a central research hub for a global scientific community investigating the past, present and future of legal regimes.

We award several Postdoctoral and Research Scholarships annually to enable outstanding researchers to spend time at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory and are now inviting applications for research stays in 2022.

Scholarship holders are expected to pursue their own research project, which should relate to the Institute’s current research agenda.

In 2022, the Department European and Comparative Legal History (Stefan Vogenauer) will award up to 20 scholarships for early career scholars proposing to work on one of the following topics:

  • Legal transfer in the common law world and more generally
  • History of European Union law

Applications should be written in English and consist of the following documents:

  • Research proposal (up to 10,000 characters), including an explanation as to how the project relates to the Department’s main research activities
  • CV
  • List of publications
  • Names and contact details of two scholars who have agreed to provide references (upon request)
  • Scan of the completed and signed form ‘Additional Application Details’
  • Three relevant publications of the last five years (as PDFs)

Deadline: All applications must be submitted via the online application system by 1 June 2021. Decisions will be communicated before the end of the following month.

Scholarships run for either 3 or 6 months, starting at the beginning of January, April, July or October.

Scholars without a regular income receive a monthly stipend of either €2,500 for postdoctoral researchers or €3,000 for senior researchers. Scholars with a regular income from employment or other forms of financial support may still receive compensation for expenses at a fixed rate for up to three months.

Dr Stefanie Rüther, Research Coordinator: ruether@lhlt.mpg.de

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