23 April 2021

SPECIAL ISSUE: Stratégies et procédures d’identification des étrangers (mondes hispaniques-Méditerranée, xviie-xixe siècles) (ed. Arnaud BARTOLOMEI & Sylain LLORET) (Mélanges de la Casa de Vélazquez LI (2021), nr. 1)

(image source: openedition)

Arnaud Bartolomei et Sylvain Lloret Présentation

Óscar Recio Morales Gobernar la alteridad El «Protector de Extranjeros» en España (siglos xvi-xviii)
The legal figure of the protector has its roots in the Roman Empire; it was taken up by the Christianity associated with the concept of charity and recovered in modern Europe in its triple aspect of guardian, mediator and defender. In the Spanish administration, the figure of the protector of the indians is the best known, thanks to the numerous studies on the legal status of the indigenous. The «Protector of Foreigners», on the other hand, is virtually unknown. This contribution examines its evolution and the practice of protection. It argues that the «Protector of Foreigners» could have contributed to the management of an otherness that moved, in a short time frame, from a reduced peninsular space to a global dimension. The practice of protection, however, was channelled by such a complex, technical list of subsidies, and such a broad set of non-institutionalised social mechanisms, that there was, in fact, an abundance of figures acting as protectors.
Jörg Ulbert Identifier pour contrôler La monarchie française et l’identification de ses ressortissants expatriés (xviie-xviiie siècle, Empire ottoman – Espagne)
Mercantilism views the population as wealth, as a resource that must be protected. To prevent emigration and transform it into controlled expatriation, the States implement restrictive legislation. In France, this desire is reflected in a series of texts designed to prevent its subjects from settling permanently abroad. Through these measures the government pursues several objectives. The most important being to ensure that the assets amassed by the expatriates eventually find their way back to France. Another objective concerns only non-Catholic countries and, first and foremost, the Ottoman Empire. The authorities try to do everything possible to prevent their nationals converting to Islam. The article offers an analysis of the motivations that lead the French government to control expatriation. Above all, it will clarify the role that French consuls play in its implementation.

Arnaud Bartolomei Déchéance de nationalité ou de citoyenneté ? L’exclusion de l’immatriculation consulaire des ressortissants français en Espagne ayant prêté le serment de fidélité à Charles IV en 1791

In 1796, the French consul in Cadiz refused to record «on the matricular register» of French citizens residing abroad, compatriots who, five years earlier, had agreed to take an oath of loyalty to the King of Spain to escape the threats of expulsion that then weighed on French nationals. This decision gave rise to protests and led the political authorities of the Directorate to rule on the case of the citizens who took these oaths and, more generally, on the meaning of the consular registration procedure. The debates between the most radical elements of the revolutionary government, who wanted to exclude those who had taken the oath from French nationality, and the pragmatists, anxious not to deprive France of part of its living forces, lead to the question of the condition of foreigners in modern Europe, and the changes induced by the revolutionary rupture, from the point of view of their country of origin.

Catia Brilli Una nación en camino La migración genovesa y la afiliación consular en las costas atlánticas (1770-1865)

Cet article analyse l’évolution du rôle des consuls dans les territoires de la monarchie hispanique, lors de l’émigration gênoise de la fin du xviiie siècle à la première moitié du xixe siècle. L’émigration depuis les côtes ligures a connu sur cette période de profonds changements politiques et institutionnels, qui ont conduit d’une part à la disparition de la même république de Gênes et à son annexion au royaume de Sardaigne, et d’autre part à la désintégration de la monarchie hispanique, à laquelle les hommes d’affaires génois avaient lié leurs fortunes. Afin d’identifier les éventuels changements ou les continuités dans l’affiliation consulaire génoise face à l’émergence de nouvelles réalités étatiques, l’analyse se concentrera sur le port de Cadix, un haut lieu du commerce avec les Indes et qui abrite l’une des plus importantes communautés d’expatriés à la fin de l’ancien régime, et le port de Buenos Aires, principal lieu d’établissement de l’émigration génoise moderne en Amérique après l’effondrement de l’ordre colonial.
Tomás Pérez Vejo La debatida nacionalidad de los españoles europeos en los nuevos Estados-nación americanos

The question of the nationality of Spaniards born in the monarchy’s European territories but living in America was complex and was debated in the States that had gained independence. Opinions oscillated between the universal declaration of citizenship and the equally universal expulsion of the natives of the old metropolis, both at times occurring within the same country. This work offers an analysis of the way in which this was resolved by the various new Nation-States, with particular attention to the Mexican case, on the assumption that it was not only an administrative problem, but that it formed part of the process of national construction in Latin America. A problem of nation rather than State.
Anne-Marie Planel Les ressortissants de la protection consulaire française en pays musulman  Le cas des Algériens de Tunisie sous le Second Empire
Since the capture of Algiers in 1830, Algerian Muslims and Jews who took refuge in this Ottoman regency could benefit from French consular protection under certain conditions and if they requested it. Few of them accepted being registered in this way. However, in 1865, Napoleon III’s declaration that the Arabs of Algeria were now French nationals, and no longer subjects, led to them hoping for «the right to have rights». The legal recognition of French national affiliation did not allow the Algerian colonised people to become French citizens collectively. However, it provoked a conflict of sovereignty between the French consulate and the bey of Tunis, the victims of which were the French-registered Algerians: some were deported by the Tunisian government to French Algeria, others were «denationalised» by the consulate if they continued to live within the «Tunisian nation»

Antoine Brix À propos de l’original français de la traduction catalane des Grandes Chroniques de France

Santiago Aragón Mateos Aproximación a los campos semánticos de la sociedad en la lengua del Siglo de Oro

Francisco Orrego González «Un descubrimiento reserbado en la oscuridad de estos destinos…»

Carlos Nogueira A sátira na poesia realista portuguesa

Actualité de la recherche

Débats. Reflections on the Interplay between Race, Ethnicity and Migration 

Marie L. Mallet-Garcia et Bani Gill Reflections on the Interplay between Race, Ethnicity, and Migration

Luisa Feline Freier et Matthew Bird Seeing «Race» through a Prism: Relational Socio-racial Hierarchies and Immigration

Carlos Vargas-Silva Quantitative modelling of race, ethnicity and migration issues

Marie L. Mallet-Garcia The Interplay of Race, Immigration Policy and Belonging for DACA recipients

Francesca Esposito Immigration Detention and the Coloniality of Gender

Michael Jones-Correa Reassessing Race and Ethnicity through a Migration Lens

Read more here: DOI 10.4000/mcv.14071

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