23 February 2021

CALL FOR PAPERS: “The State of the Church and the Patrimony of Saint Peter in Tuscia: A territory and a history to be rediscovered” (Tarquinia, 16-17 October 2021) (DEADLINE: 30 April 2021)


We received a call for papers for the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the Tarquinia Society of Art and History.


Theme of the Conference


The goal of the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the Tarquinia Society of Art and History is to build a forum for interdisciplinary reflection aimed at enriching the knowledge available on the territory of Tuscia, not only with regard to its extremely rich and glorious history, but also to its conspicuous and valuable artistic and cultural heritage.

The lands subject to the pontifical domain, spread over the old Tuscan possessions located north from Rome, which correspond, more or less, to the province of Viterbo and the Civitavecchia territory, were included, at the end of the 12th century, in one of the administrative areas instituted by pope Innocent III (1198-1216) as a subdivision of the Ecclesiastical States. This district was called ‘Patrimony of Saint Peter in Tuscia’, precisely to specify its specific geographical connotation. In comparison with the other provinces of the Papal States, however, the one of the ‘Patrimony’ is the least studied and the aim of this conference is precisely to encourage studies in this field.


Proposals submission


The conference is open to the reflection of qualified scholars in the following macro-areas:

1. The State of the Church and the Patrimony of Saint Peter in Tuscia: Medieval and modern history.

2. The State of the Church and the Patrimony of Saint Peter in Tuscia: Legal, economic and institutional history.

3. The State of the Church and the Patrimony of Saint Peter in Tuscia: Archaeology and history of art.


Submission of Proposals: 1) Title of the paper; 2) Academic affiliation; 3) 200 word abstract; by 30 April 2021 to the following e-mail address: sanpietrointuscia@gmail.com.


Publication of the Proceedings: December 2022.


Scientific Committee


Bernard Ardura (Presidente Pontificio Comitato di Scienze storiche); Javier Belda Iniesta (Universidad Católica de Murcia); Richard Hodges (American University of Rome); Mario Ascheri (Università di Roma Tre); Laura Moscati (Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’); Giovanni Minnucci (Università di Siena); Paolo Alvazzi del Frate (Università di Roma Tre); Alfio Cortonesi (Università della Tuscia); Cristina Carbonetti Vendittelli (Università di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’); Alessandro Dani (Università di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’); Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri (Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo); Anna Modigliani (Università della Tuscia); Marco Vendittelli (Università di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’ e Presidente del Centro studi internazionali G. Ermini); Tiziana Ferreri (Università di Siena); Eleonora Rava (Università St. Andrews - Centro studi S. Rosa); Angela Lanconelli (Archivio di Stato di Roma); Francesca Ceci (Musei Capitolini-Ispettore Onorario MiBAC Sopr. Etruria meridionale); Maurizio Ficari (Sovrintendenza capitolina ai beni culturali); Irene Berlingò (MIBACT); Daniele Federico Maras (soprintendenza beni archeologici Etruria meridionale - pontificia Accademia romana di Archeologia); Giuseppe Romagnoli (Università degli studi della Tuscia).

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