(image source: historyoflaw)
on European History of Law, vol. 11 (2020), issue 1
Table of
Christian Neschwara: „Zurück in die Zukunft“:
Österreichs staatsrechtliche Zeitreise im Jahr 1945“
Andrew Watson: Changes in American Court
Advocacy during the Long Nineteenth Century: Classical Influences, their
Decline, Similarities and Comparisons with England and Wales
Brenno Bianchi: The Courage of Beccaria: the
Disruption of “On Crimes and Punishments” in the Climate of the “Son-of-Fear’s
Law” in Bellum Exulum
Javier Belda Iniesta: “Una cum capite suo”:
the Relations between the Pope and the Council from the 4th to the 9th Century
Adolfo A. Díaz-Bautista Cremades: Personal
Injury Claims
Dmitry Poldnikov: The Formalistic Pattern of
Soviet Civil Codification as a Chapter in European Legal History
Konstantin P. Krakovskiy: Jeremy Bentham and
the Judicial Reform of 1864 in Russia
Vasil Gorbachov: On the Impartiality of the
Prosecutor in the Courts of the Russian Empire (Normative Regulation and
Practice of Implementation)
Georg W. Oesterdiekhoff: Divergent Worlds of
Political Consciousness and Behavior in Contemporary Societies. The
Contribution of the Cognitive-developmental Approach to the Foundation of the
Political Sciences
Tomasz Chłopecki: The Petroleum Law in Poland
in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Piotr Z. Pomianowski: Legal Status of Women in
Codes Binding in Central Polish Lands in the Early Nineteenth Century
Piotr Michalik: Consent to a Jewish Marriage
in Legislation of the Free City of Cracow (1815 – 1846)
Konrad Graczyk: Die (beschleunigte)
Evakuierung des Sondergerichts Kattowitz im Jahre 1945
Karol Siemaszko: Comments on the Concept of
Arbiter in Roman Law
Magdalena Pyter: A Centenary of Legal
Education at the University of Lublin. The Early-Stage Challenges
Judit Balogh: Debates in Articles (Positions
in the Legal Literature on the Possibilities of Private Law Codification,
István László Gál: The Relationship between
Economic Crises and Criminality from the 18th Century to Today
Csaba Cservák, György Tamás Farkas:
Development of the Nationality Law in Hungary
János Erdődy: SC Claudianum: a Positive
Feedback on Property or Defence of Family Bonds?
Ihor Lohvynenko, Igor Nevzorov, Gennadii
Dedurin: Formation of the Constitutional and Legal Status of National
Minorities in the Second Polish Republic
Bashkim Rrahmani: Kosovo Judicial Position
from the Second World War until 1974
Jiří Bílý: The Human Rights, Canonic Law and
the Impact of Religion from the Perspective of Vatican II
David Parra Gómez: The Failure of the Weimar
Constitution: Institutional Keys and Lessons to be Drawn 188
Book reviews
Hans Petter Graver: Der Krieg der Richter. Die
deutsche Besatzung 1940-1945 und der norwegische Rechtsstaat
Christian Baldus, Wojciech Dajczak (Hrsg.):
Der allgemeine Teil des Privatrechts: Historische Wurzeln – Leistungsfähigkeit
im 21. Jahrhundert
Reidar Maliks, Johan Karlsson Schaffer (eds.):
Moral and Political Conceptions of Human Rights: Implications for Theory and
Vitalii Voropanov: Sud i pravosudie v
provincii Rossiiskoi imperii vo vtoroi polovine XVIII v.
Mona Hasenritter: Wilhelm Theodor Kraut
(1800-1873), Ein Leben für die Lehre
Wilhelm Güde: Max Güde (1902 – 1984), ein
Juristenleben im 20. Jahrhundert
Hans Hugo Klein: Vor- und
Entstehungsgeschichte des Bundesverfassungsgerichts
Detlev Fischer: Maklerrecht
Christoph Sorge: Verpflichtungsfreier Vertrag
als schuldrechtlicher Rechtsgrund. Das Rechtsgeschäft der condictio ob rem
gemäß § 812 Abs. 1 S. 1 Alt. 2 BGB jenseits von Erfüllungszwang und Markttausch
Reports from history of law
Richter am Bundesgerichtshof a.D.
Dr. Detlev Fischer erhält Verdienstkreuz am Bande des Verdienstordens der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
(read more here)
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