23 June 2020

BOOK: Nicolas DROCOURT & Élisabeth MALAMUT (Eds.), La diplomatie byzantine, de l’Empire romain aux confins de l’Europe (Ve-XVe s.)(Leiden: Brill, 2020). ISBN: 9789004431805, €121.00

La diplomatie byzantine, de l'Empire romain aux confins de l ...
(Source: Brill)


Series: The Medieval Mediterranean, Volume: 123

In La Diplomatie byzantine, de l’Empire romain aux confins de l’Europe (Ve-XVe s.), twelve studies explore from novel angles the complex history of Byzantine diplomacy. After an Introduction, the volume turns to the period of late antiquity and the new challenges the Eastern Roman Empire had to contend with. It then examines middle-Byzantine diplomacy through chapters looking at relations with Arabs, Rus’ and Bulgarians, before focusing on various aspects of the official contacts with Western Europe at the end of the Middle Ages. A thematic section investigates the changes to and continuities of diplomacy throughout the period, in particular by considering Byzantine alertness to external political developments, strategic use of dynastic marriages, and the role of women as diplomatic actors. 

Contributors are are Jean-Pierre Arrignon, Audrey Becker, Mickaël Bourbeau, Nicolas Drocourt, Christian Gastgeber, Nike Koutrakou, Élisabeth Malamut, Ekaterina Nechaeva, Brendan Osswald, Nebojša Porčić, Jonathan Shepard, and Jakub Sypiański.


Nicolas Drocourt is an Associate Professor of Medieval history at the University of Nantes. He published Diplomatie sur le Bosphore. Les ambassadeurs étrangers dans l’Empire byzantin des années 640 à 1204 (Leuven, 2015), and numerous articles on Middle Byzantine diplomacy. He also edited or co-edited different volumes on medieval diplomacy, notably La figure de l’ambassadeur entre mondes éloignés (XIe-XVIe siècle) (Rennes, 2015) and Themis en diplomatie. Le droit et les arguments juridiques dans les Relations internationales de l’Antiquité tardive à la fin du XVIIIe siècle (Rennes, 2016). He is currently working on the co-edition of Byzantium and the Latin West (860-1204), to be published by Brill.

Élisabeth Malamut is Professor Emeritus of the University of Aix-Marseille. She is a specialist in the Byzantine Empire. Her research interests focus on island and urban history, holy monks and travelers, diplomatic and cultural relations and on women, especially empresses. She is the author of Les îles de l’Empire byzantin, VIIIe-XIIe s. (Paris, 1988), Sur la route des saints byzantins (Paris, 1993), Alexis Ier Comnène (Paris, 2007). She is currently working on the history of the Byzantine Empire to be published by Humensis.


Liste des Illustrations
Liste des Contributeurs
        Nicolas Drocourt

Part 1 ère ie: Une diplomatie en transition ( V e– VI e siècle)
1. From Hegemony to Negotiation: Reshaping East Roman Diplomacy with Barbarians during the 5th Century
           Audrey Becker
2. Collusion on the Eastern Front: The Strange Cases of Constantine of Theodosiopolis and Theodorus of Martyropolis
           Ekaterina Nechaeva

Part 2 ème ie: Rechercher et identifier les acteurs de la diplomatie médio-byzantine
3. Photius entre l'Assyrie et al-Andalus - Jakub Sypiański
4. Le traité byzantino-russe de 944, acte fondateur de l’État de la Kievskaja Rus’ ?
           Jean-Pierre Arrignon
5. À propos des formules protocolaires concernant les Bulgares dans le Livre des Cérémonies : réception et correspondance
            Élisabeth Malamut

Part 3 ème ie: Le poids de l’Occident dans la diplomatie byzantine aux XIII e– XV e siècles
6. Le traité de 1279 entre Charles d’Anjou et Nicéphore Ier d’Épire
    Brendan Osswald
7. Changes in Documents of the Byzantine Chancery in Contact with the West (Michael VIII and Andronikos II Palaiologos). Language, Material, and Address
    Christian Gastgeber
8. Manuel II Paléologue en Occident (1399–1402) : la perspective de l’échec confrontée aux sources
    Mickael Bourbeau

Part 4 ème ie: Permanences et mutations. Le temps long de la diplomatie
9. The Emperor’s Long Reach: Imperial Alertness to ‘Barbarian’ Resources and Force Majeure, from the Fifth to the Fifteenth Centuries
    Jonathan Shepard
10. Permanence and Change in Serbian Medieval Diplomacy
    Nebojša Porčić
11. Summit Diplomacy with a Female Face: Women as Diplomatic Actors in Byzantium from the 11th to the 15th century
    Nike Koutrakou
12. Les Alliances matrimoniales dans la diplomatie byzantine du 8e au 15e siècle : une stratégie dynastique revisitée sur la longue durée
    Élisabeth Malamut


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