16 April 2020

OPEN ACCESS: Books on openedition.org (III)

(image source: Modernum)

Modernum, the French-speaking network of early modern historians in Belgium, published further selections of books in open access. Some of them are of particular relevance to legal historians.

  • Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle (kingship, transnational subjects), Toulouse 1 Capitole (criminal justice), Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille (with notably Jean-Matthieu Mattéi's magnum opus on the history of the laws of war), Presses universitaires de Caen (power and revolt), Franche-Comté (institutional history), PU de la Méditerranée (officers in the Kingdom of Valencia), Lyon (urban history), Rouen & Le Havre (e.g. history of the parlements)  (see here)
  • Presses universitaires du Midi, François-Rabelais (Henry IV of France, Calvin, university history in Spain and Latin America) (see here)
  • Ecole française de Rome (offices and the papacy; ambassadors; consuls; political theology in Rome during the French Revolution; identity and marriage in 16th Venice); Ecole Nationale des Chartes (peaceful territorial rattachements to France; judging "the false"); Université Grenoble-Alpes (How to become a King; Scottish Enligthenment); Presses universitaires de Liège (Erasmus, foreign relations under Prince-Bishops Jean-Louis van Elderen and Joseph Clement of Bavaria) (see here)

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