Second conference, Bordeaux, March 13th,
« Pedagogic Content and Goals
of Legal Education Outside National Borders »
Silvia Falconieri (chargée
de recherches CNRS, IMAF) :
Catherine Fillon (professeur, Université Jean Moulin
Lyon III) :
Laetitia Guerlain (maître de conférences, Université de Bordeaux) : laetitia.guerlain@u-
Florence Renucci
(directrice de recherches CNRS, IMAF) :
For the second
conference (Bordeaux, March 13th, 2020),
proposals shall be sent to the four convenors
with a brief résumé,
no later than sept. 1st, 2019.
Answers shall be given to the candidates by oct. 15th).
These past few decades, French historiography
has made important progress regarding the history of legal education. A Société pour l’histoire des facultés de droit was founded
in 1983, allowing the development and coordination of research in this specific field. Despite this
progress, the history of legal education
has, for a long time, remained a mere history
of ideas and schools
of thought, and has only considered law schools as a mere structure enabling
ideas to emerge
and develop. More recently however, French historiography has paid more
attention to the law schools themselves, in the perspective of a social
history. Studies have been published
about the functioning of law schools,
their staff, their
students or their
budget. Such studies
already existed in other
fields of higher
education (Charles, 2004 ; Picard,
2007 ; Singaravelou, 2009 ; Ferté et Barrera, 2010), but legal historians
have only recently engaged in them. This historiographical turn is sometimes linked
with the current
debates regarding global
law and the transformations of French legal education (Ancel et Heuschling, 2016 ; Jamin
et Van Caeneghem, 2016).
This renewal of research led legal historians to investigate, for example, the birth of legal
disciplines and the carriers of law professors. A database of 600 law
professors (1804-1950) called Siprojuris has been launched
on line a few years ago, under
the supervision of Catherine Fillon. This important collective work has opened
new perspectives for the social history of legal elites. It has also made intellectual
portraits easier. One must also mention the creation, in 2008, of a European network
dedicated to the history of legal education
(Réseau européen pour l’histoire de l’enseignement du droit).
Thus, the progress of the history of legal
education in the contemporary era has been substantial. This cycle of
conferences intends to build on this dynamism to address a phenomenon that has not
been investigated enough
so far : the history of legal education outside national borders in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Even if the 19th and 20th centuries are undeniably a time of nationalisation of law and its teaching
(compared, for instance, to the Middle Ages or the Modern Times), they
also are a time of spreading of the
French academic world (Audren et Halpérin, 2013).
Firstly, in the
context of military
or colonial expansion, mainland France tried
to duplicate its legal
education system within
new institutions (creation of law schools
in countries that fell under the rule of the
Napoleonian Empire ; law schools in the colonies (Alger or Hanoï, for instance) ; law schools
in eastern countries
such as Egypt or Lebanon,
Secondly, outside those authoritarian contexts, many law professors, especially from the 1920s-1930s onward, travelled abroad
in order to promote French
legal culture (lectures, lessons in many cultural
institutes, etc.).
Therefore, this transnational approach of legal education intends
to address three issues that have recently emerged : the raise of a transnational history
of education in other fields
than law ; the historiographical turn towards
global or connected history ; the
current reflection on global legal education. We are very much interested in inviting foreign
colleagues that could enlighten
us about similar experiments in their own countries, thus making comparison possible. This
research programm will be developed within 3 conferences :
1) Lyon, November 22nd, 2018 : « Places and Shapes of Legal Education Outside National Borders
This first colloquium intends to understand
better the structures of legal education outside national borders. We know that
in the colonies, the French state has sometimes created law schools similar
to those existing
in metropolitan France.
Yet, in the most numerous
cases, France had to be more
inventive in territories that did not abdicate their sovereignty, especially
when other countries intended to promote their own legal cultures in such
places. This first meeting will seek to sketch the multiple forms that legal
education can take depending on the context (lectures, creation of law schools,
creation of cultural institutes, control on local institutions already existing, etc.). With what partners and with what money was France able to promote
its legal education system ?
Bordeaux, March 13th, 2020
: « Pedagogic Content and
Goals of Legal
Education Outside National Borders ».
This second symposium will specifically address
the question of the content
and goals of law
courses outside national borders. What are the purposes of such teachings
depending on the local context ? (educating local elites ? making French
students familiar with local law ? promoting French legal culture in occupied
countries ? etc.). For example, do law professors teach French civil law the same way in the colonies
and in cultural institutes ? Do they adapt the pedagogic content of their teachings according
to the kind of students
they address ?
3) Aix-Marseille, 2021 : « The Actors of Legal Education Outside National Borders
last colloquium will question the actors of legal education outside national
borders, namely professors and students. As for law professors, the main question
will be about
the reasons of their exile, be it temporary or long-lasting. For what reasons
does a law professor choose to go abroad to teach ? For material
reasons ? Intellectual reasons ? Ideological ones ? What does this experience abroad teach us about those scholars ? Is it a sign of their
openmindedness ? Does is
have an influence on their way of teaching law ? Does it bear a political
meaning ? As for law students, prosopography studies would be very welcome.
Students’ migrations can do a lot for the circulation of knowledge. They can also put the states’ stability
to risk.
COLL., Actes des États
généraux de la recherche sur
le Droit et la Justice, Paris, Lextenso, 2018, voir en particulier les articles de la partie
« professions juridiques et judiciaires ».
ANCEL (P.) et HEUSCHLING (L.) (dir.), La transnationalisation de l’enseignement du
droit, Bruxelles, Larcier, 2016.
culture juridique française entre mythes et réalités, XIXe-XXe siècles, Paris, CNRS éd.,
AUDREN (F.), « Alma Mater sous le regard de l’historien
du droit. Cultures académiques, formation des élites
et identités professionnelles », in KRYNEN (J.) et D’ALTEROCHE (B.) (dir.), L’histoire du droit en France. Nouvelles
tendances, nouveaux territoires, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2014, p. 145-172.
BASTIER (J.), « L’enseignement du droit à Alger de 1879 à 1914 », in NELIDOFF (Ph.) (dir.), Les
facultés de droit de province au XIXe siècle, tome 1, Bilan et perspectives de la recherche, Toulouse, Presses de
l’Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2009, p.
CHARLE (Ch.), « Enseignement supérieur et expansion
internationale (1870-1930). Des instituts
pour un nouvel empire ? », in HEILBRON (J.), LENOIR (R.) et SAPIRO
(G.) (dir.), Pour une
histoire des sciences sociales.
Hommage à Pierre
Bourdieu, Paris, Fayard,
2004, p. 323-347.
WAGNER (P.) (dir.), Transnational
Intellectual Networks. Forms of Academic
Knowledge and the Search for Cultural Identities, Francfort, New York, Campus, 2004.
DE MARI (E.), FABRE (M.), RENUCCI (F.), Cours d’histoire du droit colonial, UNJF (en ligne), leçon 10 « De la connaissance à
la réorganisation du droit ».
FALCONIERI (S.), « Le « droit de la race ». Apprendre
l’antisémitisme à la Faculté de droit de
Paris (1940-1944) », Clio@themis. Revue électronique d’histoire du droit, n° 7, 2014
(en ligne).
FERTE (P.) et BARERRA (C.) (dir.), Étudiants de l’exil. Migrations internationales et universités
refuges (XVIe-XXe s.), Toulouse, Presses
universitaires du Mirail, 2010.
FILLON (C.), « L’enseignement du droit, instrument et enjeu de la diplomatie culturelle française.
L’exemple de l’Égypte au début
du XXe siècle », Mil neuf cent.
Revue d’histoire intellectuelle, n° 29
[La Belle Époque des juristes. Enseigner le droit dans la République], 2011/1, p. 123-144.
FILLON (C.), « Le Jésuite, l’Universitaire et le
Politique : stratégies de recrutement du corps enseignant de l’École Française de droit de Beyrouth (1913-1939) », in GAVEN (J.-C.)
et AUDREN (F.) (dir.), Les facultés de droit de province aux XIXe et XXe siècles,
tome 3, Les conquêtes universitaires, Toulouse,
Presses Universitaires de Toulouse
1 Capitole, 2011, p. 115-138.
GAILLARD (A.-M.) et (J.), Les enjeux des migrations scientifiques internationales. De la quête du
à la circulation des compétences, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1999.
GONZALEZ (C.), « Education and Empire : Colonial Universities in Mexico, India
and the United States », Research
and Occasional Paper Series, CSHE-Berkeley, 2014 (en ligne).
Les exilés du savoir.
Les migrations scientifiques internationales et leurs
L’Harmattan, 1994.
(J.-L.) (dir.), Paris, capitale juridique
(1804-1950). Études de socio-histoire sur la Faculté de droit de Paris,
Paris, Éditions rue d’Ulm, 2011.
JAMIN (Ch.) et VAN CAENEGEM (W.) (dir.), The
Internationalisation of Legal Education, Switzerland, Springer, 2016.
Outre-Mers. Revue
d’histoire, t. 105, n° 394-395 [Enseignement supérieur et universités dans les
espaces coloniaux : histoire, comparaisons (du XIXe siècle aux indépendances)], 2017, coordonné par Hélène CHARTON et Marc MICHEL.
PICARD (E.), « Étudiants et
enseignants : du dossier individuel à la prosopographie », Revue administrative, 2007, p. 55-58 (en ligne sur HAL).
(M.-Cl.) (dir.), La dénationalisation de l’enseignement juridique. Comparaisons
des pratiques, Paris, Institut
Universitaire Varenne, coll. « Colloques & Essais », 2016.
SINGARAVELOU (P.), « L’enseignement supérieur
colonial. Un état des lieux », Histoire
l’éducation, 122/2009,
p. 71-92
RENUCCI (F.) (dir.), Dictionnaire des juristes ultramarins (XVIIIe-XXe siècles), rapport de recherche GIP « Mission de recherche Droit et Justice », 2012.
TRONCHET (G.), Savoirs en diplomatie. Une histoire sociale
et transnationale de la politique universitaire internationale de la France (années 1870-années 1930), thèse de doctorat
en histoire contemporaine,
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2014.
Frédéric Audren (directeur de recherches CNRS, École de
droit de Sciences Po) Isabelle Giraudou (professeur associée, Université de
Halpérin (professeur, ENS)
Béatrice Jaluzot (maître de conférences, Sciences Po
Lyon) Emmanuelle Picard (maître de conférences, ENS Lyon) Guillaume Tronchet
(chercheur affilié à l’IHMC, ENS-Paris 1)
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