30 April 2019

BOOK REVIEW: Kjell A. MODÉER reviews Johannes LIEBRECHT, Die junge Rechtsgeschichte: Kategorienwandel in der rechtshistorischen Germanistik der Zwischenkriegszeit (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018) (American Journal of Legal History Advance Articles)

(image source: Mohr Siebeck)

First paragraph:
The intellectual history of German legal history of the 19th century has been well investigated in recent works by several scholars. Research on that history of the 20th century, however, to a great extent has been concentrated on intense research on the “Abominable Lawyers” of the Third Reich. We know how the Germanic law oriented paradigm of the legal historians in the “Bonn-Republic” had a difficult time after World War II, due to their affiliation to the politically totalitarian context. But there has been a gap regarding the continuity back to the interwar period, research on the generations of Germanic oriented legal historians from the end of the aristocratic German Empire in...
Read more with Oxford Journals.

CONFERENCE: Sovereignty. A Global Perspective [2019 Annual Conference of the St Andrews Institute of Legal and Constitutional Research] (St Andrews, 29-30 APR 2019)

(image source: St Andrews)

A conference is currently being held at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) on the topic "Sovereignty. A Global Perspective".


Sovereignty: A Global Perspective
University of St Andrews
29-30 April, Gateway Building, University of St Andrews
 Part of the British Academy Conference Programme and supported by the Academia Europaea

Monday 29 April
8.50 – 9.15
Professor Sally Mapstone, FRSE, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St Andrews
Fiona Hyslop, MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs
Professor Christopher Smith
10.30 – 12.30  Chair: Professor Catherine Steel, University of Glasgow
Professor Dean Hammer, Franklin and Marshall College: ‘Thinking about Sovereignty: Is there a Fictional State in the Roman Republic?’
Professor Valentina Arena, UCL: ‘‘Actiones populares, the Commonwealth, and the Right of the Individual’?’
Dr Christoph Lundgreen, Technische Universität Dresden: ‘Sovereignty – a concept to be avoided at all costs for the pre-Bodin world?’
13.30 – 15.30 Chair: Dr Pamela Edwards, Senior Research Scholar, Yale Center for the Study of Representative Institutions
Professor Luke Habberstad, University of Oregon: ‘Forms and Memories of Sovereignty in Early Imperial China: Beyond Heaven’s Mandate, All-Under-Heaven, and So Forth’
Dr Ben Holland, University of Nottingham: ‘Pufendorf on Sovereignty in the Composite Moral Person of the State’
Professor Stephen Legg, University of Nottingham: ‘Scalar, Spectacular and Subaltern Sovereignty: Negotiating Colonial Autocracy and Democracy at the India Round Table Conference, 1930-32’
15.30- 16.00
16.00 – 17.30  Chairs: Professor Ian Taylor and Dr Konrad Lawson, University of St Andrews
Dr Catherine Jones, University of St Andrews: ‘Chinese World Order, Sovereignty, and International Practice’
Dr Filippo Costa Buranelli, University of St Andrews: ‘The institution of sovereignty in Central Asia’
18.00  Chair: Professor John Hudson, University of St Andrews
Keynote Lecture: ‘The Enlightenment Crisis of Sovereignty’, Professor Richard Whatmore, University of St Andrews
Tuesday 30 April
9.30 -10.45  Chair: Professor Tony Lang, University of St Andrews
Dr Richard Alcaro, Istituto Affari Internazionali: ‘The fraying transatlantic order and Europe’s struggle in a multipolar world’
Professor Joost Fontein, Johannesburg: ‘Water, power and sovereignty: Case studies from Zimbabwe and Kenya’
11.15- 12.30  Chair: Professor Ali Watson, University of St Andrews
Professor Elena Isayev, University of Exeter: ‘Hosts and Higher Powers: Asylum as Discourse on Sovereignty and Responsibility’
Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge, University of Birmingham: ‘Hannah Arendt in Baddawi: ‘The definite is the shadow and not the owner’ (Yousif M. Qasmiyeh)’
13.30-15.00 Chair: Professor John Ferguson, University of St Andrews
Dr Taylor St John, University of St Andrews: ‘Renegotiating Sovereignty: Governments and the Incremental Adjustment of International Investment Law’
Dr Kanad Bagchi, MPIL Heidelberg: ‘Monetary sovereignty and international Monetary Coordination: Never the Twain Shall Meet?’
Dr Mark Somos, MPIL Heidelberg: ‘Company-states, sanctions and secession: expansive and divisible sovereignty in law and history’
15.00- 15.30
15.30-16.30  Chairs: Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge, University of Birmingham, Professor Christopher Smith, University of St Andrews
Professor Harmut Rosa, Erfurt: ‘Resonant Sovereignty? The Challenge of Social Acceleration – and the Prospect of an Alternative Conception’
16.30-17.30 Round Table Discussion
Chair: Professor John Hudson
Jim Gallagher, Centre on Constitutional Change.
Leila Sansour, CEO, Open Bethlehem.
(more information at the conference website)

BOOK: Christy L. PICHICHERO, The Military Enlightenment. War and Culture in the French Empire from Louis XIV to Napoleon (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2017),

(image source: Cornell UP)

Book abstract:
The Military Enlightenment brings to light a radically new narrative both on the Enlightenment and the French armed forces from Louis XIV to Napoleon. Christy Pichichero makes a striking discovery: the Geneva Conventions, post-traumatic stress disorder, the military "band of brothers," and soldierly heroism all found their antecedents in the eighteenth-century French armed forces. From Louis XIV through Napoleon, from Canada to the Caribbean and India, the military was one of the few institutions of the Old Regime to transform progressive theories into practice, actually operationalizing the Enlightenment. Pichichero isolates and examines a crisis in consciousness that has characterized attitudes toward war from the eighteenth century until today. The demands of global political power warrant an ever more formidable and efficient fiscal-military state, and at the same time, awareness of the "human factor" generates the desire to minimize the devastation of war on cities and landscapes, and civilians, as well as the mind, body, and heart of the soldier. Readers of The Military Enlightenment will be startled to learn of the many ways in which French military officers, administrators, and medical personnel advanced ideas of human and political rights, military psychology, and social justice.
(source: Cornell UP; see also Colin Jones's review for French Studies)

29 April 2019

BOOK: Alexander ORAKHELASHVILI, Domesticating Kelsen: Towards the Pure Theory of English Law [Elgar Studies in Legal Theory] (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019). ISBN 9781788111416, £67.50

Edward Elgar is publishing a new book on Hals Kelsen’s theories and English law.


There exists a genuine degree of scepticism as to whether Hans Kelsen’s pure theory of law can rationalise the intricacies of the English legal system. This groundbreaking book examines pertinent aspects of English law relating to constitutional patterns of law-making, the relationship between law and policy, and the ultimate efficacy of the legal order, through the pure theory’s prism.

This insightful book demonstrates that Kelsen’s theory is highly suitable to examine some of these issues, and in some aspects of English law it actually possesses the analytical cutting edge. Beginning with an overview of the outlook and methodology of the pure theory of law and placing it within the broader focus of positive scholarship, Orakhelashvili moves on to offer a description of the relationship between methods of the legal theory and the workings of a legal system, along with assessments of the relationship between law and policy in legal theory and in judicial practice, and of criticisms of the pure theory.

Thoughtful and perceptive, this book will be valuable reading for legal scholars, social scientists, judges, practicing lawyers, legal historians, political scientists, and law students.


Contents: 1. The Essence and Basic Methods of the Pure Theory 2. The State and the Law 3. Law and its “Others”: Natural Law, Morality and Social Policy 4. Constitution and Normative Hierarchy 5. The Basic Norm and Efficacy of the Legal System 6. The Rule of Law Conclusion Index
More information here

26 April 2019

CALL FOR PAPERS: Transformations of the State in Ireland, c.1600-c.1900, 25-26 SEP 2019 (DEADLINE 16 JUN 2019)

(image source: Oxford)
Conference call: 
For much of Ireland’s modern history, its supposed ungovernability was proverbial, at least among British and continental European observers. Yet Ireland was in fact an intensely governed space: law, property, welfare, religion, and the landscape itself were forcibly remade through repeated exercises of coercive and others forms of power. By 1850, Ireland had one of the most advanced railway systems in Europe, and some of the most detailed maps. Public authority interacted with more diffuse networks of kinship, religion and ‘civility’ to produce an unusually resilient society by the close of the nineteenth century. 
In recent decades, Irish historians of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have characterised public authority in Ireland as a kind of hybrid regime, at once ‘colonial’ and ‘European’. Building on the work of Patrick Carroll-Burke, David Fitzpatrick, Joanna Innes, K. T. Hoppen and others, this conference is concerned with the implications of this judgement, seeking to locate it more securely within a broader historiographical and theoretical framework. We want to understand how political agency and political coalitions developed in Ireland; not only in the usual narratives of constitutional, sectarian, and national conflicts, but in broader, less-studied fields of social and economic regulation, cultural transformation, intellectual history and mentalities. We also seek to bring together early modern and modern scholars of Ireland, too often separated into their respective academic silos. 
Through this investigation, we believe that we can develop a perspective on Irish political development that does not define it as a set of divergences from a British (or continental European) model of historical evolution. In both European and global history, hybrid regimes of various kinds are the rule. Sovereign nation-states and stable market economies are the exception. The study of Irish history can be viewed as an opportunity to examine a set of variations on this universal theme of political complexity. It can help us to perceive the conceptual inadequacy of common analytical categories, and to develop better ones. 
We welcome contributions on topics including (but not limited to) the following: 
1.   The interaction between public and private authority and capital in Ireland.
2.   The politics and ideology of administration and administrative reform.
3.   The gendered nature of political authority.
4.  Interactions between social class (and how it was structured in both rural and urban environments) and the mechanics of state governance.
5.   The development and construction of public infrastructure: roads, canals, railways, public buildings, environmental and reclamation projects.
6.   The hybridities of Ireland’s ‘semi-peripheral’ location in Europe and the Empire; the role of concepts of race and civilisational hierarchy in shaping Irish governance, and the ways in which the state in Ireland interacted with non-white imperial subjects.
7.   The culture of governing and governance.
8.   The cultural reaches and limits of state authority.
9.   The distinctive Irish experience of modernisation and modernity.
10. The extent to which British modernity was defined by Irish comparison and experience.

Organising Committee:
Ciara Breathnach (University of Limerick)
Richard Butler (University of Leicester)
Peter Hession (University of Liverpool)
Olwen Purdue (Queen’s University Belfast)
James Stafford (Bielefeld University)
Matthew Ward (University of Oxford)
Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words and a research CV of 1 page to james.stafford@uni-bielefeld.de and matthew.ward@kellogg.ox.ac.uk by 12 midnight on 16 June 2019. This conference is taking place with the support of the Sanderson Fund at Oxford University. Graduate and Early Career bursaries for travel and accommodation are available. Lunch and refreshments during the conference will be provided.

More information here.

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Cromwell Dissertation Prize 2019 (DEADLINE: 7 June 2019)

(Source: ASLH)

The American Society for Legal History has launched a call for its annual Cromwell Dissertation Prize (for PhDs received in 2018 dealing with American legal history). Here the call:

The William Nelson Cromwell Foundation Dissertation Prize is awarded annually to the best dissertation in any area of American legal history, including constitutional and comparative studies, although topics dealing with the colonial and early national periods will receive some preference.

The author of the winning dissertation receives $5,000. Anyone who received a Ph.D. in 2018 will be eligible for this year’s prize, which is awarded after a review of the recommendation of the Cromwell Prize Advisory Committee of the American Society for Legal History.

To be considered for this year’s prize, please EITHER send a hard copy of the dissertation and author curriculum vitae to all committee members listed below OR simply e-mail an electronic copy of the dissertation and author curriculum vitae to John Gordan (johngordan3@gmail.com) and H. Robert Baker (robertbaker@gsu.edu) with the subject heading: CROMWELL DISSERTATION PRIZE SUBMISSION no later than June 7, 2019.

More information can be found here

CONFERENCE: Journées internationales d'histoire du droit et des institutions: "La vie et la mort" [Société d'histoire du droit et des institutions des pays flamands, picards et wallons] (Audenarde: Black Nuns' Cloister, 31 MAY-1 JUN 2019); DEADLINE 15 MAY 2019

Journées internationales d'histoire du droit et des institutions
AUDENARDE, les 31 mai et 1er juin 2019
« La vie et la mort »

 (image source: Wikimedia Commons)

Programme du vendredi 31 mai
(version 22.04.2019)

08h30   Accueil et administration

09h00   Stanislas HORVAT (Ecole Royale Militaire et Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vice-Président de la Société d'histoire du droit et des institutions des pays flamands, picards et wallons) : Accueil
Emese VON BONE (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Présidente de la Société d'histoire du droit et des institutions des pays flamands, picards et wallons) : Introduction aux journées internationales d'histoire du droit et des institutions

09h15   Martine VANWELDEN (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Campus Kortrijk), La vie et la mort dans une banlieue : textile et soucis à Leupegem au XVIe siècle

09h45   Kevin DEKOSTER (Universiteit Gent), Towards a Genealogy and Anatomy of Early Modern Post-Mortem Examinations. The Case of the County of Flanders (communication en anglais)

10h15   Cyril CLERBOUT (Université d’Artois), La commémoration des défunts en milieu monastique à l’époque moderne, un enjeu de pouvoir ? L’exemple des bénédictins de Saint-Omer et de Cambrai

10h45   Café

11h15   François PIERRARD (Université de Lille), Des Diggers à Beccaria. Les fondements des premiers plaidoyers abolitionnistes de la peine de mort (1649-1764)

11h45   Wouter DE RYCKE (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Arguing peace. Legal positions in pacifist print media (1840-1870), (communication en anglais)

12h15   Maki FUKUDA (Université de Lille), Motiver la condamnation à mort. Comparaison des condamnations à mort du Parlement de Flandre au XVIIIe siècle et du tribunal criminel du Nord entre 1791 et l’An VIII

12h45   Buffet-sandwiches (sur place)

14h15   Jérémy BOUTIER, L’assassinat de Cassignol : procès criminel et condamnations à mort à l’Ile Bonaparte (1808)

14h45   Pieter DE REU (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), 'Le législateur bienveillant a imaginé un palliatif'. Belgian’s pre-insolvency legislation and the resilience of enterprises, 1883-1914 (communication en anglais)

15h15   Anna KLIMASZEWSKA (Uniwersytet Gdanski), Commercial law vs. commercial life after the introduction of the French Code of 1807 in the 19th-century Polish territories (communication en anglais)

15h45   Café

16h15   Dirk HEIRBAUT (Universiteit Gent), Le nouveau Code civil belge et ses antécédents

16h45   Gert DE PRINS (Archives générales du Royaume), Les actes de présomption de décès en Belgique après la Seconde Guerre mondiale

17h15   Pierre BODINEAU (Université de Dijon, Président de la Société d'histoire du droit bourguignon), Entre liberté du culte et ordre public : les obsèques des gens de théâtre au XIXe siècle

18h15   Interlude musical privé à l’église de Pamele (à côté de l’ancien couvent des sœurs noires)

19h30   Dîner de la Société au restaurant « Le Comte de Flandre » (Markt 38, Oudenaarde – au bout de la Grand-Place) – moyennant inscription préalable

 Journées internationales d'histoire du droit et des institutions
AUDENARDE, les 31 mai et 1er juin 2019
« La vie et la mort »

Programme du samedi 1er juin
(version 22.04.2019)

08h45   Accueil et administration

09h00   Hans van de WOUW (Universiteit Leiden), Whatever the exit of Brexit, they still give food for thought (communication en anglais)

09h30   Marco IN ’t VELD (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Life, Death and Bankruptcy: The Case of Rembrandt (communication en anglais)

10h00   François-Xavier GERVASONI (Université  de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), La vie d’un haut personnage de l’Etat français : l’étonnante épopée de Nicolas Frochot, d’administrateur de la Côte d’Or à l’administration de la Capitale

10h30   Sébastien EVRARD (Université de Lorraine), La vie et la mort. La justice militaire sous la Révolution française. Fonctionnement d'une institution méconnue

11h00   Café

11h30   Johan VAN DE VOORDE (Universiteit Antwerpen), La prescription acquisitive de la qualité d’héritier sous le Code Napoléon

12h00   Ciarán CROWLEY (Université de Lille II), Where we die matters: Testamentary Freedom from a Comparative Perspective (communication en anglais)

12h30   Frederik DHONDT (Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Universiteit Antwerpen), Le théâtre de la guerre et l’art de la paix : la défaite française près d’Audenarde du 11 juillet 1708

13h00   Buffet froid (sur place)

14h00   Stanislas HORVAT (Ecole Royale Militaire & Vrije Universiteit Brussel), La réhabilitation des fusillés 14-18

14h30   Emese VON BONE (Présidente de la Société), Conclusions et clôture des Journées internationales d'histoire du droit et des institutions
Suivies de l’Assemblée générale de la Société

15h30   Visite au musée de la ville (dans les anciennes halles aux draps) et à l’hôtel de ville d’Audenarde (entrée par l’office de tourisme, côté Grand-Place – rendez-vous devant l’hôtel de ville à 15h15 !) – moyennant inscription préalable

17h30   fin prévue du congrès



À envoyer avant le 15 mai 2019 / Vóór 15 mei 2019 te sturen / To be sent before May 15th, 2019
-        par courriel / per e-mail / by e-mail : guido.lambeets@mil.be
-        Par courrier/Per post/By mail : M. Guido Lambeets, ERM–SCGW, avenue de la Renaissance 30, 1000 Bruxelles (Belgique/België/Belgium).

Mme / Mevr. / Mrs – M. / Mijnheer / Mr: ………………………………………………...……...

Adresse / Adres / Address :              ...…………………………………………………………………

Portable / Gsm / Cell phone: …………………………………………………………………..…

E-mail : ……………………………………………………………………………………………

1° Droit d’inscription congrès / Inschrijving congres / Registration fee Congress : ……  x 25 €

2° Sandwich Lunch vendredi / vrijdag / Friday 31-05-19                  
    Nombre de personnes / Aantal personen / Number of persons :  …… x 30 €      Total :      .…. €

3° Buffet Lunch samedi / zaterdag / Saturday 01-06-19        
    Nombre de personnes / Aantal personen / Number of persons :  …… x 30 €      Total :      .…. €

4° Dîner / Diner / Dinner vendredi soir / vrijdagavond / Friday night
    Nombre de personnes / Aantal personen / Number of persons :  …… x 60 €      Total :      .…. €
    Choix plat principal / Keuze hoofdschotel / Choice main dish :           ……. x Rib eye Angus beef
                                                                                                           ……. x Barbue/Griet/Brill

Total à payer / Te betalen eindbedrag / Total amount to be paid:                                  ……. €

6° Visite de l’hôtel de ville & musée le samedi 1er juin / Bezoek van het stadhuis & museum op   
     zaterdag 1 juni / Guided tour of the town hall & museum on Saturday June 1st :
     Participera / Neemt deel / Will participate :                     OUI / JA / YES – NON / NEEN / NO
     Nombre de personnes / Aantal personen / Number of persons :          ……

Payements au compte bancaire / Betalingen op bankrekening / Payments on bank account :
IBAN BE77 7370 5007 1342 - BIC KREDBEBB
Au nom de / Op naam van / Account holder : S. HORVAT

Attention : Toute inscription donne lieu à l’obligation de paiement des frais
Opgelet: Door zich in te schrijven verbindt de deelnemer zich tot de betaling van de corresponderende kost
Be aware that registration leads to the obligation to pay the foreseen cost

BOOK: Sébastien EVRARD, Chouans contre bleus (1793-1795) - La justice militaire sous la Révolution française (Paris: Librairie LGDJ, 2019). ISBN 978-2-84934-407-1, €31.00

(Source: LGDJ)

LGDJ has published a new book on the Armée des Côtes de Cherbourg (1793-1795) and military justice.


Parmi les différentes justices qui existaient sous la Révolution, la justice militaire est originale et bien mal connue, en raison de sa complexité et de l'accès peu aisé aux sources. C'est pourquoi elle conserve une bien mauvaise réputation chez ceux qui s'y sont intéressés.

Néanmoins, en étudiant l'Armée des Côtes de Cherbourg (1793-1795), alors en position depuis la Normandie jusqu'au Maine, les sources disponibles — inédites - permettent de se faire une idée bien précise de ce qu'elle fut, les infractions qu'elle a poursuivies (au premier chef desquelles on trouve la désertion, le vol...) et les sanctions qu'elle a rendues. Pas moins de 973 prévenus ont été inquiétés par la justice militaire et 391 d'entre eux ont été condamnés à des peines variées (mort, fers, détention, dégradation civique...).

Rendre la justice à l'encontre de soldats n'est pas une affaire facile : les difficultés rencontrées sont en effet immenses, depuis le choix des juges, leurs moyens d'action, les obstacles qu'ils peuvent rencontrer (lenteur, impunité, intervention des représentants du peuple...). Cependant, ces juges se sont efforcés de punir autant que possible les infractions et de réfréner les violences commises par des militaires : la République, en effet, ne pouvait accepter que ses enfants qui la servent en armes ne deviennent des « soudards ».


Sébastien Evrard est docteur en droit de l'Université Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), il enseigne le droit, l'histoire et l'économie à l'Université de Lorraine.

More information here

BOOK: Andrew FORSYTH, Common law and Natural Law in America : From the Puritans to the Legal Realists [Law and Christianity] (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019). ISBN 9781108476973, £ 85.00

(Source: CUP)

Cambridge University Press is publishing a new book on the interactions between common law and natural law in American legal history.


Speaking to today's flourishing conversations on both law, morality, and religion, and the religious foundations of law, politics, and society, Common Law and Natural Law in America is an ambitious four-hundred-year narrative and fresh re-assessment of the varied American interactions of 'common law', the stuff of courtrooms, and 'natural law', a law built on human reason, nature, and the mind or will of God. It offers a counter-narrative to the dominant story of common law and natural law by drawing widely from theological and philosophical accounts of natural law, as well as primary and secondary work in legal and intellectual history. With consequences for today's natural-law proponents and critics alike, it explores the thought of the Puritans, Revolutionary Americans, and seminal legal figures including William Blackstone, Joseph Story, Christopher Columbus Langdell, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and the legal realists.


Andrew Forsyth, Yale University, Connecticut


1. Puritan natural law: early New England and the colonial colleges
2. Modern natural law: revolutionaries and republicans
3. Organizing common law: William Blackstone in America
4. subsuming natural law into common law: Joseph Story
5. Law as science: Christopher Columbus Langdell
6. Breaking with natural law: Oliver Wendell Holmes and the legal realists
More information here

25 April 2019

LECTURE VIDEO: Michael STOLLEIS on the unity of legal history (Nantes: Université de Nantes, 19 MARCH 2019)

The university of Nantes published a video of the lecture deliverd by Prof. em. dr. dr. h.c. mult (MPI for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main) on 19 March 2019.

(source: R. Cahen)

BOOK: Pierre DUBOIS, De la reconquête de la Terre sainte. Suivi de De l'abrègement des guerres et procès du Royaume des Francs (Paris: les belles lettres, 2019), LXVIII + 540 p. ISBN 9782251448794, € 65

(image source: Les belles lettres)

Book description:
Paix universelle, création d’une union européenne, établissement d’un tribunal d’arbitrage international, cessation des guerres et fin des litiges, une armée paneuropéenne pour pacifier le Proche-Orient, la papauté réduite au rôle de guide spirituel suite au démantèlement des États du Pape, sécularisation des biens ecclésiastiques, promotion des femmes dans l’éducation, formation de femmes-chirurgiens, enseignement des langues orientales – autant de projets qui seraient d’actualité aujourd’hui encore, mais qui datent de 1307 !Le présent volume vise à faire connaître au lecteur les plus importants écrits politiques du légiste normand Pierre Dubois (c. 1255 - c. 1321), De la reconquête de la Terre Sainte et De l’abrègement des guerres et procès du royaume des Francs.Sa vision de reconquête de la Terre Sainte lui suggère une série de réformes touchant à tous les aspects de la vie de la chrétienté : de l’établissement de la paix universelle et la réforme des rapports entre l’Église et l’État, jusqu’à la fondation d’écoles de type nouveau.
Pierre DUBOIS Pierre Dubois vit le jour dans les années 1250 et étudia à Paris. Il reçut une formation en droit romain et canonique avant d’entrer au service du roi comme avocat royal. Il prit la plume à l’occasion de différents conflits et événements politiques : campagne aragonaise de Philippe III, conflit entre Boniface VIII et Philippe le Bel, suppression de l’Ordre du Temple… « Ni théologien de l’Eglise, ni philosophe de l’Université, Dubois marque une des premières manifestations européennes de l’esprit laïc, quoiqu’il s’exprime encore en des termes théologiques et perçoive le monde à travers leur grille. » Marianne SÁGHY Marianne Sághy est professeur des Études médiévales à l’Université de l’Europe Centrale (Budapest). Alexis LÉONAS Alexis Léonas est maître de conférences à l’Université Gáspár Károli de l’Église Réformée de Hongrie (Budapest). Pierre-Anne FORCADET Pierre-Anne Forcadet est docteur en histoire du droit et maître de conférences à l’Université d’Orléans. 
(source: Les belles lettres)

JOURNAL: Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte XL (2018), heft 3/4

(image source: ZNR)

  • DAVE DE RUYSSCHER, Tilburg, Brüssel – Cornelis M. IN´T VELD, Brüssel
    Der dogmatische Handelsbrauch in den Niederlanden und Belgien (19.–21. Jahrhundert), in: ZNR 40 (2018), S. 177–205
This contribution draws a distinction between three types of commercial practice. Usages-règle are customary practices in the sense that they constitute repeated conduct based on the belief that it is legally valid. Very often these practices have a limited scope and are regarded as supplementing the relevant legislation. Usages-présomption (or usages-conventionnels) are commercial practices which are intended to give concrete from to, and supplement, arrangements between contracting parties. Where commercial practices are treated as usage-principe, they are regarded as open rules which are capable of interpretation by the courts. Usages-règle were promoted by the Historical School in the early 19th century. Previously, commercial practices had frequently been treated as usage-principe, in that they were regarded as being narrowly linked to principles which were equated with “custom and practice” and could be derived and confirmed from various legal sources. From the end of the 19th century, commercial practices were predominantly regarded as usages-présomption in France and Belgium. In the Netherlands, on the other hand, their status as dogma became less significant, which was linked to the courts’ increased discretion in interpreting and supplementing contracts. Accordingly, Belgium needs a legally dogmatic approach towards commercial practices much more urgently than is the case in the Netherlands. However, the customary practices remain subject to the parties’ freedom to contract, and the qualification of such practices as rules has, in practice, not been completely achieved. In spite of the trend towards objectification when it comes to applying commercial practices, the traditions referred to above continue to prevail.
    The History of Japanese External Corporate Governance and the Law in the 19th and 20thCentury, in: ZNR 40 (2018), S. 206–215
The capital market, internal corporate governance and the concept of the corporation are correlated in the modern legal history of Japan: Before the Second World War, the capital market was free from the network of mutual shareholdings. Hostile takeovers were frequent and management was strictly controlled by big shareholders. But after WWII, the network of reciprocal shareholdings emerged and there were de facto no more hostile takeovers in the actual sense. The power of employees grew to have a strong impact on the organizational structure of firms: Employees looked after their own interests without risk of replacement from outside stockholders. After the collapse of the bubble in 1990, the US concept of “shareholder value” was strongly emphasized in Japanese management and a new wave of hostile takeovers reached Japan. With that merger, control regimes and the conflicts between stakeholders had a deep impact on the dynamic change in corporate governance regimes. The German scholar Ernst Joachim Mestmäcker and his theory of antitrust and competition law played an important role in letting the attitude of the Japanese court’s position on hostile takeovers converge.
    Bruno Alexander Kafka. Ein jüdischer Repräsentant deutscher Rechtswissenschaft in Prag, in: ZNR 40 (2018), S. 216–237
In which ways have the German bourgeois jurists who have started their career in the Austrian Monarchy adapted to the living and working conditions in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic? One successful example is the life and commitment of Bruno Alexander Kafka being a Jewish jurist in Prague.
  • JAN SCHRÖDER, Tübingen
    Gerechtigkeit, Ideologie, positives Recht. Zur Bewältigung politischer Systemwechsel durch Rechtsprechung, in: ZNR 40 (2018), S. 238–257
The article deals with the transition from the Weimar Republic to National Socialism, from this to the Federal Republic of Germany and to the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and from the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany. The question is how jurisdiction in the respective new political systems has eliminated unwanted old law that had not yet been abolished by specific statute law. A distinction must be made between retroactive elimination and abolition for the future. The retroactive elimination by positive law was impossible in Western Germany, according to Article 103 II Grundgesetz especially in criminal law. Therefore, the courts turned to supra-legal law and above all to the Radbruch formula of 1946, according to which intolerably unjust positive law is no law. However, there was increasing positivist resistance to this solution in the literature. National Socialism and the GDR did not need a Radbruch formula, because they allowed retroactive laws (the GDR, however, only until 1968 and only in certain cases). The abolition of old law for the future, on the other hand, is dealt with in all systems with the principle that politically outdated old law is automatically abolished with the change of system. This principle was first theoretically elaborated by Wilhelm Wengler in 1949. The present essay would like to emphasize his treatise, which is almost forgotten today.
    Kulturhistorische Innovation versus Jubiläumstristesse – und etwas mehr Licht auf die Nachkriegszeit. Neuerscheinungen zur Geschichte der europäischen Monarchien vom 19. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart, in: ZNR 40 (2018), S 258–279
  • LUIGI LACCHÈ, Macerata
    Italian Legal History: a survey of recent trends and themes (2006–2017), in: ZNR 40 (2018), S 280–295 

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