(Source: MPI for European Legal History)
The Max Planck
Institute for European Legal History has published the first of four planned
books dealing with the contribution of ecclesiastical institutions to normative
orders in early modern Ibero-America.
institutions and actors were essential for the formation of normative orders in
early modern Ibero-America. However, both legal historiography, due to its
strong legalistic, state-centred imprint, and general historiography on
colonial times, more inclined towards secular law, have only rarely discussed
the contribution of ecclesiastical normativity to the formation of that
normative texture which, in the historiographical tradition, has been called ‘derecho
In light of this
situation, the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History has organised a
series of seminars in different Latin American cities in order to offer an
interdisciplinary forum dedicated to the research of ‘ecclesiastical normativities
and institutions in Ibero-America’ between the 16th and 19th centuries.
The present volume is the first in a series of publications that document the
results of this cycle of seminars celebrated in Mexico City, Lima, Bogotá and
São Paulo.
The book,
focusing on New Spain, is divided into five thematic parts. The first section
presents investigations on canon law and moral theology that deal with
characteristic aspects of multinormativity and the teaching of those disciplines
in early modern times. The second section examines diocesan governance and
ecclesiastical power in Mexico City and Puebla via statutes of the cathedral
chapter, members of the ‘curia arzobispal’ and pertinent legal opinions.
In the third section, the contributors reflect on the normativity and
administration of sacraments, drawing on conciliar norms, treatises, pragmatic
literature but as well on registers of baptisms and confessions. The fourth
section deals with ethnic groups in courts of justice, both civil and
ecclesiastic ones: indigenous people accused of ‘hechicería’ in a
tribunal of Tlaxcala and Afro-Mexicans who started litigation in the
archiepiscopal court of Mexico. The articles of the fifth section cover the
topics of beatification, devotion and cultural expressions (music, images) from
a normative perspective and extend the period of investigation to the 19th century.
The articles on
ecclesiastical institutions and normativities in New Spain collected in this
volume propose new research fields for legal history and the history of the
Church, which at the same time are relevant for social and cultural history.
The editors’ purpose has been to present approaches that explore the
relationship between different types of normativities, their local adaptations,
the ties with global debates, the forms of solving conflicts, as well as the
role of jurists, theologians and other actors. The topics discussed by the
authors represented in this volume – who cultivate the disciplines of history,
legal history, church history, ethnohistory, art history and the history of
music – contribute to a better understanding of the normative religious
universe in Spanish America.
1 Benedetta Albani, Otto Danwerth,
Thomas Duve
Derecho canónico y
teología moral
15 Lara Semboloni
Una aproximación
jurídico-teológica, siglo XVI.
Principios, leyes
y política para la cuestión de la tierra en Nueva España
37 Víctor Zorrilla
sobre la doctrina del derecho de guerra de José de Acosta
51 Jesús Joel Peña Espinosa
autoridades y normas para la enseñanza del derecho canónico en el seminario de
Puebla durante la época novohispana
Gobierno diocesano
y poder eclesiástico
71 Jesús Vidal Gil
Los estatutos del
cabildo de la catedral de México elaborados en el Tercer Concilio Provincial
Mexicano (1585)
89 Rodolfo Aguirre
Un poder
eclesiástico criollo: los miembros de la curia arzobispal de México (1682–1747)
121 Sergio Francisco Rosas Salas
necesidad sacramental y facultades sólitas en Puebla.
Un dictamen de
fray Mateo Estrada, O. P. (1783)
Normatividad y
administración de los sacramentos
139 Juan Carlos Casas García
El derecho sacramental
en el Tractado de fray Pedro de Agurto (México 1573) en defensa de la
administración de la eucaristía y extremaunción a los indígenas de la Nueva
155 Berenise Bravo Rubio
«La materia, la
forma y el ministro».
El bautizo de
párvulos y adultos en la parroquia del Sagrario metropolitano de México
169 Claudia Ferreira Ascencio
Los padrones de
confesión y comunión del Sagrario de México.
Una aproximación a
la praxis sacramental en el orden canónico indiano (1676–1825)
Foros de justicia
y grupos étnicos
197 Olivia Luzán Cervantes
Indios acusados de
hechicería ante el foro de justicia civil de la ciudad y provincia de Tlaxcala
(siglo XVIII)
217 María Leticia Vázquez Oropeza
La población de
origen africano en Nueva España y su relación con la jurisdicción eclesiástica.
El uso de la justicia en la audiencia del arzobispado de México (siglos XVII y
Devoción y vida
233 Doris Bieñko de Peralta
El impasse de una
beatificación. El proceso de sor María de Jesús Tomellín
(1597–1637), monja concepcionista poblana
257 Lourdes Turrent
Música, rito y
arquitectura en la Iglesia novohispana: clero regular y secular
281 Gabriela Díaz Patiño
Inclusión de una
nueva política de la imagen devocional en la arquidiócesis de México
299 Contributors
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