21 August 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS: Roman Yearbook of International Law, Inaugural Issue, DEADLINE: 28 FEBRUARY 2019

(Source: RYIL)

We learned of a Call for Papers for the inaugural issue of the Roman Yearbook of International Law. The focus theme is “The 90th anniversary of the creation of the Vatican City State: an international law perspective”. Here the call:

The Editors of RYIL invite submissions for the Inaugural Issue Vol. No. 1 (2019) of the RYIL.

Focus Theme
The Focus Theme for the Issue Vol. No. 1 is:
The 90th anniversary of the creation of the Vatican City State: an international law perspective.

The following topics have been optioned:
The creation of the Vatican City State and the discussion of the international legal personality of the Holy See within the European context between the 19th and the 20th century.
G. Dalla Torre, The enhanced mutual legal assistance between the Holy See and Italy pursuant to the Lateran Treaty
T. Di Ruzza, The territory of the Vatican City State and the extraterritorial areas of the Holy See
R. Ranjeva, The recognition of the Holy See and the Westphalian State system: an alternative paradigm of State?
General Section
The General Section hosts Articles, Notes and Comments addressing general issues of international law and practice not necessarily linked to the practice of the Holy See and the Vatican City State.
The following topics have been optioned:
V. Buonomo, The reception of the international law in the Vatican City State legal order
E. Decaux, The Holy See as State party to human rights law treaties
E. Mikos-Skuza, The Holy See and the development of the humanitarian law

Submissions, including a statement of affiliation, brief abstract and confirmation of exclusive submission, shall be sent by 28 February 2019 via e‐mail at the address: submissions@ryil.org.

The RYIL publishes manuscripts in English.

Double blind review
All manuscripts submitted will be evaluated for their scientific quality and contribution to the academic debate. They will be subject to double blind review.

Statement of Affiliation
Authors must provide a brief statement of affiliation in the first footnote of their manuscripts.

Abstract and Keywords
Manuscripts proposed as articles must include an abstract (100-200 words) and keywords (6 to 8 words).

Original Work
Authors must confirm that the article they wish to submit has only been submitted to the RYIL, that the article has not been previously published and that it is not currently under consideration for another Publication and/or by another Publisher.

Length Requirements
Word counts for manuscripts vary by section and subject matter. These counts are therefore intended as guidance rather than as strict requirements. Submissions significantly above or below these ranges may be returned to authors for revision. All word counts are inclusive of footnotes.
Articles: 8.000-15.000 words
Notes and Comments: 2.000-7.000 words
Reviews: 1.500-3.000 words

Technical Requirements
Articles must be submitted in MS Word (up to version 2010) or WordPerfect (up to X5).

Submissions must be saved in a standard format (Times New Roman or Arial) with unjustified right margins, 1.5 lines spacing and without automatic hyphenation.

Reference style
Footnotes and reference must be presented according to the Oxford Reference Style.

Editorial policy
The Editors accept manuscripts with the understanding that the contents are original and unpublished materials and that they have not been submitted for publication elsewhere.
Authors using previous and unpublished materials (working papers, research-projects, lectures, conferences, short shots etc.) or their parts must indicate their intentions at the time of the submission.
Authors submitting manuscripts consent to the double blind review process and expressly confirm that their manuscripts have not been submitted and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Double submissions will be rejected without exception.
Authors intending to republish RYIL’s Articles (as well as Notes, Comments, or Reviews) must have the prior consent of the Editors.
The Editors reserve the right to return manuscripts if they do not meet RYIL’s standards. If a manuscript is accepted for publication but does not conform to the RYIL’s standards, the Editors reserve the right to return the manuscript to the Author for revisions.
Authors have the right to make final corrections to the proofs prior to printing within the given deadline, bearing in mind that only minor corrections can be made to proofs.

Authors of published Articles, Notes, Comments and Reviews receive an off-prints of the Issue.
The CIDIR has the ownership of the copyright of any published manuscript.

More information here

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