22 April 2018

NOTICE: Repository of Historical Gun Laws (Duke Law)

(Source: Duke Law School)

Through Rechtsgeschiedenis Blog, we learned of a new repository of historical gun laws (from the medieval age to 1776 for England, and from the colonial era to the middle of the 20th century for the United States) by Duke Law School. The repository can be found here.


Welcome to the Repository of Historical Gun Laws, a searchable database of gun laws from the medieval age to 1776 in England and from the colonial era to the middle of the twentieth century in the United States. This Repository is intended as a resource for scholars and practitioners interested in historical laws concerning firearms and other similar weapons. Although the Repository seeks to be substantial, it is not comprehensive. Conscientious users of this Repository should supplement their results with further legal and historical research.

Questions or comments about the repository can be sent to the following email: 

For more information, see Duke Law School’s website

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