(Source: University of Tasmania)
We have the following announcement for a
conference on the role of US legal education in law schools, law and lawyering
across the 20th century.
The UTAS Law Faculty, along with the
American Society for Legal History and Osgoode Hall Law School, is pleased to
support an upcoming symposium to critically examine the role US legal education
has played in law schools, law and lawyering across the 20th century.
In addition to providing rich historical
insights, the symposium will speak directly to some of the inherited and global
challenges of curriculum design and pedagogy confronting law schools today. By
presenting the contingency of dominant influences and highlighting comparative
experiences, the symposium should stimulate ideas for reforming legal
The symposium brings together legal
scholars who share an interest in the history of legal education, legal
transplants and US legal theory.
Presenters will speak on the history of US transplants in: China, Japan,
Israel, the Philippines, Nigeria, Ghana, France, Sweden, Estonia, England,
Australia and Canada. In addition one
paper will examine attempts to use US models to create programs to educate
global lawyers.
Day 1 Tuesday 5 June
8 Breakfast and Registration
9 Welcome Message
9.15 Introduction to the symposium and
‘Beyond Harvard’ project, Susan Bartie and David Sandomierski
9.20 Examining Legal Education through the
Lens of National and US Politics (Session 1: Ghana, China and Estonia)
John Harrington and Ambreena
Manji, ‘Pericles and the Professors’: Legal Education and Cold War Politics in
Ghana 1956-1966
Jedidiah J Kroncke, Refractions
of Legal Pedagogy in Sino-American Relations
Merike Ristikivi, Irene Kull
& Aleksei Kelli, Transplants in Legal Education in Estonia
10.50 Coffee Break
11.10 Surprising Transplants – US Models
Flourishing in Unlikely Places (Session 2: Canada, France and Sweden)
Philip Girard, American
Influences, Canadian Realities: How “American” is Canadian Legal Education?
Jean-Louis Halperin, Legal
Education in France Turns to the Harvard Model
Model Kjell Å Modéer, The Turn
to the West: American Legal Education and Educational Reforms in the Swedish
Welfare-State 1950 – 2000
12.40 Lunch
Emily Sanchez Salcedo, Socratic
Method Philippine Style: To Unhave or Uphold?
Josephine J Dawuni &
Rebecca E Badejogbin, Internationalization, Domestication and the
Transformation of Legal Education in Nigeria: 1962-2016
Yoshiharu Matsuura, American
Socratic Method in the Context of New Japanese Professional Law Schools
3:10 Break
3:25 Re-Examining the Extent of the
Influence (Session 4: England, Australia and Canada)
David Sugarman, A Special
Relationship? American Influences on English Legal Education, 1870-1965
Susan Bartie, “Look Over There”
– US Distractions in Australian Legal Education
David Sandomierski, Rise and
Fall of US Legal Process Ideas in Two Canadian Law Faculties
4.55 End of day 1 presentations
Reception (offsite; Location TBD)
Day 2 Wednesday 6 June
8:45 Breakfast
9:30 Educational Transplants and the Americanisation
of Law (Session 5: Israel, Global)
Pnina Lahav, American
Moment[s]: When, How, and Why Did Israeli Law Faculties Come to Resemble Elite
US Law Schools?
José Garcez Ghirardi, Legal
Teaching and the Reconceptualizing of the State: Discussing Global Law Programs
10.30 Coffee Break
10:45 Synthesis and Commentary
Student rapporteurs provide summaries of
synthetic themes
Robert Gordon and Susan Carle provide
critical and reflective commentary from
US perspective.
12 Lunch
1 Next Steps & Videography Session
Presenters and Attendees assemble as a
plenary to discuss future questions for
deliberation (facilitated by Susan Bartie
and David Sandomierski). Videographer
records profiles with presenters,
commentators, and attendees (concurrently)
2.30 End of Symposium
For more information, see the following
announcement on the website
of the University of Tasmania
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