20 January 2018
JOURNAL: Comparative Legal History V (2017), No. 2 (ISSN 2049-6788)
The second issue of 2017 for Comparative Legal History (this Society's organ) has appeared.
All of our members have received a hard copy.
Table of contents:
Editorial (Heikki Pihlajamäki & Aniceto Masferrer)
Claiming apologies: a revival of amende honorable ? (Jan Hallebeek & Andrea Zwart-Hink)
The usurpation of legal roles by Suriname's Governing Council, 1669-1815 (Karwan Fatah-Black)
Charters in the longue durée: the mobility and applicability of donative documents in Europe and America from Edward I to chief justice John Marshall (Edward Cavanagh)
Book reviews
Martin Luthers Reformation und das Recht. Die Entwicklung der Theologie Luthers und ihre Auswirkung auf das Recht unter den Rahmenbedingungen der Reichsreform und der Territorialstaatsbildung im Kampf mit Rom und den “Schwärmern” (Matthias Schmoeckel)
New perspectives on European women’s legal history (Jean Elisabeth Pedersen)
The protectors of Indians in the Royal Audiencia of Lima. History, careers and legal culture, 1575–1775 (Renzo Honores)
Legal plunder: households and debt collection in late medieval Europe (Paul Brand)
Guardian of the Treaty: the privy council appeal and Irish Sovereignty (Patrick Geoghegan)
The Danish medieval laws: the laws of Scania, Zealand and Jutland (Per Andersen)
More information on Routledge's website.
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