(Image source: oley.az)
From February 8 to 9, 2018, the Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Graduate School of Law (University of Hamburg) in conjunction with
Professor José Manuel Barreto Soler (Universidad de los Andes,
Universidad Externado) organizes a conference on the history of
international law in Latin American.
The conference title is roughly borrowed from Alejandro Álvarez' very
influential (but also controversially discussed) article "Latin
America and Inernational Law" from 1909. Insprired by his work, we aim
at exploring the complex relationship between Latin America and
international law in the past centuries.
In the last few years, questions concerning Latin America's historic
relationship to international law have moved to the focus of academic
attention. Several outstanding treatises have been published on and
conferences have dealt with this topic. But its study is still a
comparably recent academic field (especially in Europe). The
conference shall contribute to its further sharpening and to the
creation of new perspectives on the study of the history of
international law in Latin America.
Call for Papers:
We would like to invite everybody interested in the study of the
history of international law in Latin America (doctoral students,
early scholars, professors, practitioners, etc.) to participate in our
call and to submit proposals for contributions on any of the listed
subtopics (see below).
Please send your application in one single PDF file including
· your proposal of around 300 - 500 words and
· a brief CV (indicating also your institutional affiliation)
until December 3, 2017, to matthias.packeiser@uni-hamburg.de
The selection of speakers will be based on the quality of their
abstracts and the abstract's suitability to the overall topic of the
conference. Selected candidates will be informed by December 8, 2017.
List of Subtopics:
International Law in the Americas before Independence
International Law and the Independence in the Americas
International Law, United States' Imperialism and Latin America
The Particularity of Latin American International Law
International Law, Globalization, and Latin America
New Latin American Approaches to International Law?
Germany and the History of International Law in the Americas
Further information and a more detailed call for papers are available
here: uhh.de/rw-latin-america”
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