WHAT Territorial Governance and State Representatives in the Long 19th Century. Circulation of Knowledge, Models and Men, Conference and Call for papers
WHEN December 7-8, 2017
WHERE Open Universiteit, Campus Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Europe, the 19th century saw the growth and modernisation of many levels of
administration. The state-building process frequently led to the introduction
or consolidation of sub-national, or territorial, representatives of the
government such as governors and prefects. Many types of representatives of the
state have existed in Europe, and many still do. Long, historical research into
territorial administration and state representatives was nationally-orientated
and disregarded the cultural dimension. As a result, European territorial
administration and state officials are scarcely explored from a
historical-comparative or cross-cultural viewpoint.
instigated by Pierre Karila-Cohen (Rennes 2/Institut Universitaire de France),
an international group of researchers, inspired by developments in various
disciplines, has taken up the challenge of filling this historiographical gap.
Colloquiums were held in 2015 and 2016, in Rennes (see http://www.sites.univ-rennes2.fr/cerhio/spip.php?article1699 and https://www.univ-rennes2.fr/cerhio/actualites/colloque-international-civils-militaires-dans-administration-territoriale). The objective of this 3th
colloquium, to be held in Brussels, is to further the understanding of
territorial officials and administration from a transnational point-of-view.
Within the
humanities, the past decades have seen the development of transnational
approaches to problematize the nation-state as a unit of analysis. A striking
paradox in the history of state-building is that nation-states frequently were
shaped using foreign examples. Even though states underscored the national
character of their institutions, reforms actually emerged from transnational
communication. Both in the social sciences and humanities, the notion of
‘circulation’ has taken root to examine contemporary travelling concepts on
good (public) governance, and the intermediaries that transgressed national
borders, thus facilitating the exchange of ideas. Drawing on these strands in
research, this colloquium proposes to investigate territorial governance and
state representatives through the prism of ‘circulation’.
following list of questions indicates the main themes of the colloquium, but is
suggestive rather than prescriptive.
· Which ideas on good territorial
governance circulated in Europe? For instance, in the late 18th century,
Kameralwissenschaft and œconomie politique travelled the continent. E.g. the
research of Christine Lebeau to Saxon grand commis in 1762-1768, which showed
how knowledge, via personal libraries, interacted and was transformed. (Lebeau
1993) Have there been equivalent circulating ideas concerning territorial
· How were models of territorial
administration transnationally diffused? Circulation was not seldom a product
of Empire building. For instance, the Dutch gouverneurs and Italian prefetti
drew on, and modified, French examples. (Karila-Cohen ed. forthcoming)
· How did personal contacts inspire
reform plans across national borders? National structures were constructed with
imported building blocks. E.g. mid-1800s, European progressive liberals
endeavoured to reform territorial governance using foreign experiences.
(Randeraad 1994)
· To what extent did state
representatives themselves physically circulate their territory, Europe and
beyond? E.g. officials held posts in many outskirts of the vast countries, and
developed imperial careers in oversees possessions, which entailed an ongoing
transformation of (administrative) practices. (Lambert & Lester ed. 2006)
· Of which social networks did state
representatives form part? E.g. personal experiences abroad shaped the later
workings of state officials. Prior to their vocation, they might have studied
abroad. Universities are known to have served as intellectual hubs where future
officials were educated; via correspondence networks ideas ‘went viral’.
(Leerssen 2011)
We invite
proposals for 25 minute talks in English or French. Papers either take the form
of a case study, or an original and unpublished synthesis. We encourage papers
that take an empirical approach to the concept of ‘circulation’, focusing on
specific relevant cases.
submit your proposal by e-mail to Pierre Karila-Cohen (pierre.karila-cohen[a]univ-rennes2.fr)
and Martijn van der Burg (martijn.vanderburg[a]ou.nl) before 31st March 2017.
Please note that only a limited amount of funding may be available to assist
speakers to cover partial costs. Conference materials, lunches and dinners will
be provided for.
Pierre ed., Préfets et gouverneurs dans
l’Europe du XIXe siècle (forthcoming).
David and Alan Lester eds., Colonial
Lives across the British Empire: Imperial Careering in the Long Nineteenth
Century (Cambridge 2006).
Christine, ‘Beispiel eines Kulturtransfers zwischen Frankreich und Sachsen: die
neue Regierungskunst in Sachsen zur Zeit des Rétablissements (1762-1786)’, in:
Michel Espagne and Matthias Middell eds., Von
der Elbe bis an die Seine. Kulturtransfer zwischen Sachsen und Frankreich im
18. und 19. Jahrhundert (Leipzig 1993).
Nico, “Thorbecke en de inrichting van het lokale bestuur”, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 107 (1994).
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