10 October 2016

NOTICE: "Power and Institutions in Law and Humanities. L&H 2016 Fall Calendar" (Rome, October-December 2016)

WHAT Power and Institutions in Law and Humanities. Law & Humanities 2016 Fall Calendar

WHEN October-December 2016

WHERE Roma Tre University

more information here

The Law and the Humanities Course, directed by Prof. Emanuele Conte, was first proposed in 2008, with the collaboration of Dr. Stefania Gialdroni. Since then, it has become a point of reference within the framework of the Studying Law at RomaTre Courses, entirely thaught in English.
Since the beginning, the unique structure of the course, based on the presence of different speakers each week, coming from a different part of the world, has been deepening the interactions between scholars and students. An important tool for this interaction have been the blogs of the "Law and the Humanities" course, now available at the following address: http://lawhumanitiesroma3.blogspot.it/.
Dr. Stefania Gialdroni (legal historian) and Dr. Angela Condello (legal philosopher) support the organization of the course

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