30 May 2016

JOURNAL: The Journal on European History of Law VII(2016), Issue 1 (ISSN 2042-6402)

The Journal on European History of Law published its latest issue.

Table of Contents:
JOURNAL: Journal on European History of Law VII (2016), No. 1

Research articles: Diemut Majer: Peter Saladin (1935 – 1997)
Christoph Schmetterer: Der strafrechtliche Schutz von Kaiser und Kaiserhaus in Österreich von 1848 – 1918 (The Criminal Protection of the Emperor and the Imperial Family in Austria 1848 –1918)
Astrid Lorenz: Parties and Rules. Constitution-making in the East German Länder after 1990
Andrew Watson: Victorian Jury Court Advocacy and Signs of Fundamental Change
Patrizia Resta: The Revenge of Soghomon Tehlirian
Javier Belda Iniesta: The Pleasure of Privacy: Confession and Inquisition as Means to Cause the Correction of Sinful Consciences around the IV Lateran Council
Rudransh Sharma: History of Legal Profession in India
János Jusztinger: Dogmatics of Criminal Law and the Roman Jurisprudence
József Benke: The Remembrance of ‘Praetor Paulus’ in Mid-Tudor England
Csaba Cservák: Development Span of the Hungarian Governmental Forms (in an International Comparison)
Katalin Ibolya Koncz: Divorce and Undeserving of Permanent Alimony according to the Practices of the Hungarian Royal Curia
Iván Halász: The Development of Czechoslovak, Polish and Hungarian Foreign Affairs Administration between the Two World Wars (1918 – 1939)
Dávid Klemm: An Attempt to Establish the European Army: The Pleven Plan
Przemysław Dąbrowski: The Structure and Powers of the Councils of State in the Kingdom of Poland between 1815 and 1867
Maria Lewandowicz: On the Universalist Heritage in the Codification of Private Law in Poland and Switzerland in the 19th and 20th Century
Lenka Šmídová Malárová: „Causa legittimae absentiae“ in Legal Praxis of the Medieval Town Law in Moravia
František Emmert: The Expansion of so-called Reich Citizenship in the Czech Territories during the War Years and its Post-war Consequences
Johan Schweigl: The Fundamental Events within the Development of Central Banking in the Czech Lands
Miriam Laclavíková, Andrea Olšovská:  Besondere Arbeitsbedingungen von Frauen im Hinblick auf den Schutz vom Wert der Mutterschaft auf dem Gebiet der Slowakei – Vergangenheit vs. Gegenwart (Special Working Conditions of Women with Regard to the Maternity in the Territory of Slovakia - History vs. Present Times)
József Szalma: Einfluss der deutschen Willens- und Erklärungstheorie auf europäische zivilrechtliche Kodifikationen und Theorie über die Willensgeschäfte - mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des serbischen Privatrechts (The Impact of the Intention Theory and Expression Theory in the German Doctrine of Juridical Acts on the European Civil Law Doctrine and Codifications, with special Consideration of Serbian Law)
Dunja Pastović: “Defect of Sex”: Exclusion of Women from Jury Service in Istria 1873 – 1918
Arijana Kolak Bošnjak: The Flip Side of Freedom. The Attitude towards Pro-Hungarians in Banal Croatia in 1848/49
Engjell Likmeta: Some Reflections on the Delicts of the First Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania
Marina Baratová: The Evolution of Russian Housing Law during the 20th Century
Oleksandr Gavrylenko, Oksana Skryl: Legal Regulation of Civil Contracts in Ancient City-States of the Black Sea Northern Coast
Readers React:
Andreas Raffeiner: Gedanken zum „Recht auf die Heimat“

Book reviews: Allerlei Rechtsgeschichten - von Hammurabi bis zum Code civil. Ein Blick auf die Schriftenreihe des Rechtshistorischen Museums Karlsruhe
Das ABGB im Spiegel der rechtshistorischen Literatur
Guy Burak: The Second Formation of Islamic Law. The Hanafi School in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire
Wilfried Hartman, Kenneth Pennington: The History of Byzantine and Eastern Canon Law to 1500
Julian Lubini: Die Verwaltungsgerichtbarkeit in den Ländern der SBZ/DDR 1945 – 1952
Gerhard Strejcek: Erlerntes Recht. Zur Ausbildung von Juristinnen und Juristen an der Wiener Universität 1365 – 2015

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