25 April 2016

E-JOURNAL: MPI for European Legal History, SSRN Research Paper Series, V (2016), No.1

(image source: rg.mpg.de)

The MPI for European Legal History published the first issue of the fifth volume on its SSRN Research Paper Series.

Paper 1
"The World of Rules: Eine etwas andere Vermessung der Welt"   Gunnar Folke Schuppert, The World of Rules. Eine etwas andere Vermessung der Welt, Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History [Global Perspectives on Legal History, in English translation, 2016, Forthcoming]

GUNNAR FOLKE SCHUPPERT, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Independent

German Abstract: Das Buch wendet sich gegen die Verengung der (deutschen) Rechtswissenschaft auf das staatliche Recht, eine Perspektivenverengung, die in der Entstehung des territorial organisierten Nationalstaates ihre Erklärung findet, eines Staatstyps, in dessen Staatsverständnis das Recht nur als staatliches Recht gedacht werden konnte. Was hingegen gegenwärtig – und im Prozess der Globalisierung weiter zunehmend – beobachtet werden kann, ist ein Prozess der graduellen Entkopplung von Staat und Recht, der unvermeidlich eine Pluralisierung rechtlicher Regelungen zur Folge hat. Diesem Befund muss sich eine anschlussfähig bleiben wollende Rechtswissenschaft stellen, und zwar durch eine Erweiterung ihres Horizonts zu einer weiter ausgreifenden Regelungswissenschaft, um die zunehmend größer werdende „Variety of Rules“ angemessen erfassen zu können. Staatliches Recht ist aus dieser Perspektive zwar nach wie vor ein besonders wichtiger und zentraler Typus von Recht, aber nicht mehr der einzige.

Wenn sich dies so verhält, dann ergibt sich daraus die Notwendigkeit, die folgenden drei Bereiche genauer zu examinieren: 1. die Vielfalt der Normenordnungen, insbesondere nicht-staatlicher Art, wie standards, oder codes of conduct; 2. die Vielfalt der Normproduzenten, von der staatlichen Gesetzgebung bis zu transnationalen Regulierungsnetzwerken; 3. schließlich die Pluralität von Normdurchsetzungsregimen, von der staatlichen Justiz über die Sportgerichtsbarkeit bis zur Ausübung informalen sozialen Drucks (z.B. political correctness). Diese Pluralitätsbefunde führen unausweichlich zu dem Folgeproblem einer Neubestimmung des Rechtsbegriffs und der Frage, welche Typen von Recht sinnvollerweise zu unterscheiden sind.

English Abstract: The book positions itself against the narrowing focus of (the German) jurisprudence on state law. This is a narrowing, which find its explication in the development of the territorially organised nation state, a type of state in whose understanding of state(hood) law can only be thought of as state law. However, what can be observed – even more so as a result of the process of globalisation – is a process of a gradual decoupling of state and law, which inevitably entails a pluralisation of legal regulations. Jurisprudence has to react to this, if it wants to remain relevant. This can happen through a broadening of its horizon towards a more far-reaching “science of regulation”, in order to grasp the increasing “Variety of Rules” adequately. State law remains an important and central type of law, yet it is no longer the sole type.

If that is the case, it becomes necessary to analyse the following three spheres: (1) the plurality of normative orders, especially those of non-state character; (2) the plurality of norm producers, from state legislature to transnational networks of regulation; (3) finally, the plurality of norm enforcement regimes, from states’ judiciaries via the judiciary of (international) sport to the exercise of social pressure (e. g. political correctness). Those findings of plurality inevitably lead to the follow-up problem of a redefinition of the concept of law and to the question, which types of law/norms can be identified meaningfully.
Paper 2
"Convivencia: Reflections About its 'Kulturbedeutung' and Rereading the Normative Histories of Living Together"  
Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series No. 2016-02

RAJA SAKRANI, Independent
Email: sakrani@rg.mpg.de

This paper covers a wide range of questions from the nearly inflationary use of the word Convivencia including the speeches of the Pope, the motto of a cultural capital in Europe, the intensive search for communal semantics in a time of heavy conflicts and bloody realities: all this can be read as an expression of an urgent need for a renaissance of times where different religions and cultures seemed to have lived peacefully together in Al-Andalus. Therefore in a first part Convivencia will be reflected between myth and methodology (I.), whereas in a second part the “Kulturbedeutung” of Convivencia will be discussed (II.). The need for models of con-vivencia must today be formulated in such dramatic way because of a real fear to drive globally towards con-mortality. A historical curiosity and a critical look at the mechanisms that explain why such a model might have functioned will lead us to the important role of a juristic figure in the normative program of the Islamic traditions; a normative legacy that was transplanted from the experience of Medina to the people conquered during Islamic expansion: dhimmitude. The interest is centered on the normative web that was woven amongst the different religious groups and to the socio-historical conditions to realize such a hidden, what I would like to call: “constitution” of Convivencia. Social practices as conubium and commensality are important practices of dealing with otherness in a non-rejecting and destroying but socially joyful way. With a strong accent on the Islamic perspective this paper tries to show how much this model is impregnated by religious ideas and also by legal concepts that need to be worked out from its historical preconditions. Finally, ten claims are formulated (part III) that will lead to new and sometimes deeper questions. We approach this field of research from an Arabo-Islamic perspective, writing the history of Convivencia in its polyphony and opening it to complementary histories of Jewish and Christian perspectives.
Paper 3:
 "Authenticating Marriage: The Decree Tametsi in a Comparative Global Perspective"   Benedetta Albani, Paolo Aranha, Michela Catto (Hg.), Tridentine Marriage in a Global Perspective, Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History [Global Perspectives on Legal History, 2016, Forthcoming]
Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series No. 2016-03

DAVID L D'AVRAY, University College London - Department of History
Email: d.davray@ucl.ac.uk
WERNER MENSKI, University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), School of Law
Email: wm4@soas.ac.uk

The article puts into perspective the Council of Trent’s attempt control entry into marriage, as well as the Catholic Church’s previous inability to do so, into a comparative perspective, by looking at similar problems in other societies

21 April 2016

BOOK: Isabella ALEXANDER & H. Tomás GÓMEZ-AROSTEGUI (eds.), Research Handbook on the History of Copyright Law [Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property]. Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 2016, 496 p. ISBN 978 1 78347 239 0, £ 162

(image source: Edward Elgar)

Edward Elgar just published a research handbook on the history of copyright law.

Book abstract:
There has been an explosion of interest in recent years regarding the origin and of intellectual property law. The study of copyright history, in particular, has grown remarkably in the last twenty years, with a flurry of activity in the last ten. This Handbook takes stock of the field of copyright history as it stands today, as well as examining potential developments in the future.
 The contributions feature copyright and history experts from across the UK, Australia, the United States, France, Spain and Italy. Covering European, US and international copyright history and traversing from the 16th Century to the early 20th century, this book offers a broad survey of the field and a solid foundation for future research.
 Students and scholars of copyright law, authorship, art, and the book and music trades will find this book to be an invaluable resource. It will also be of use to practising lawyers and judges with an interest in the doctrinal history of copyright law.

I. Alexander, J. Bellido, C. Bond, K. Bowrey, O. Bracha, E. Cooper, I. Gadd, J.C. Ginsburg, H.T. Gómez-Arostegui, B. Lauriat, N.A. Mace, H. MacQueen, A.J. Mann, S. Ricketson, F. Rideau, C. Seville, M. Woodmansee

Table of contents:
1. Introduction
 Isabella Alexander and H. Tomás Gómez-Arostegui
 2. Copyright History in the Advocate’s Arsenal
 Barbara Lauriat
 3. Law, Aesthetics and Copyright Historiography: A Critical Reading of the Genealogies of Martha Woodmansee and Mark Rose
 Kathy Bowrey
 4. The ‘Romantic’ Author
 Martha Woodmansee
 5. The Stationers’ Company in England before 1710
 Ian Gadd
 6. The Anatomy of Copyright Law in Scotland before 1710
 Alastair J. Mann
 7. Literary Property in Scotland in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
 Hector MacQueen
 8. Music Copyright in Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Britain
 Nancy A. Mace
 9. How Art Was Different: Researching the History of Artistic Copyright
 Elena Cooper
 10. Determining Infringement in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries in Britain: ‘A ticklish job’
Isabella Alexander
 11. Equitable Infringement Remedies before 1800
 H. Tomás Gómez-Arostegui
 12. Proto-Property in Literary and Artistic Works: Sixteenth-Century Papal Printing Privileges
 Jane C. Ginsburg
 13. British Colonial and Imperial Copyright
 Catherine Seville
 14. The Public International Law of Copyright and Related Rights
 Sam Ricketson
 15. El Salvador and the Internationalisation of Copyright
 Jose Bellido
 16. United States Copyright, 1672–1909
 Oren Bracha
 17. ‘Cabined, Cribbed, Confined, Bound In’: Copyright in the Australian Colonies
 Catherine Bond
18. Aspects of French Literary Property Developments in the Eighteenth (and Nineteenth) Centuries
 Frédéric Rideau
 19. Codified Anxieties: Literary Copyright in Mid-Nineteenth Century Spain
 Jose Bellido

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: (Dis)continuities in the Legal Protection of Refugees: comparing refuge for religious minorities in the 17th and 18th century with the Common European Asylum System (Amsterdam, 30 Sep 2016); DEADLINE 30 APR 2016

(image source: Wikimedia Commons)

VENUE: Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence, University of Amsterdam, NL
DATE: Friday 30 September 2016
DEADLINE: Submission proposal 30 April 2016
- Maarten den Heijer (Amsterdam Center for International Law, University of Amsterdam)
- Geert Janssen (Amsterdam School of Historical Studies, University of Amsterdam)
- Gregor Noll (International Law, Lund University)
- Thomas Spijkerboer (Migration Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Bas Schotel (Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence, University of Amsterdam)

This workshop explores historical legal arrangements providing protection to refugees in order to better understand the structure of legal protection of refugees in Europe today. The workshop concentrates on how the protection of religious refugees in 17th and 18th century was legally structured. The historical legal mechanisms will be contrasted with the current European refugee regime, in particular the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

Target audience and aim of the workshop
The workshop is aimed at scholars of early modern history, legal history and refugee law, with an interest in identifying (dis)continuities between historical and current legal mechanisms offering protection to refugees. Contributors are asked to consider afresh their existing research and knowledge of the sources with a view to identifying relevant (dis)continuities. The aim is to produce an edited volume or special issue with an expert journal of refugee law or refugee policy. This workshop is a first step in this process as the first draft papers should identify the (dis)continuities that can be fruitfully pursued.

The novelty of the workshop is threefold. Firstly, while there is extensive scholarship on religious refugees in 17th and 18th century, it does not focus explicitly on the legal mechanisms offering protection to refugees directly or obliquely. Secondly, (dis)continuities between the historical and current refugee regimes will help legal experts of the CEAS better understand the conditions that foster or hamper legal protection of refugees today. Thirdly, the historical legal regimes may inspire legal experts to explore alternative routes for structuring and conceptualizing legal protection of refugees under the CEAS.

The institutional framework that is supposed to deal with the current refugee crisis facing Europe is the CEAS. The central logic of the CEAS is one of unity: it aims to be a homogenous system that presents itself vis-à-vis refugees as a single jurisdiction. Furthermore, the official ideology underlying the current protective mechanism relies on human rights and equality. Yet, when it comes to refugees precisely in times of crises when protection is most needed unity, human rights and equality often fail to deliver. This workshop may help explore alternative routes of legal protection of refugees.

Paper proposals of no more than 500 words can be sent to Bas Schotel (b.schotel1@uva.nl) by 30 April. Decisions will be communicated by 15 May. First draft paper should be submitted by 16 September to be circulated in advance among participants.

Fees and catering
There will be no participation fee charged for the workshop. One lunch and one dinner will be offered to presenters and discussants. Participants should make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

(source: Dutch-Flemish Association for Early Modern Historyà)

20 April 2016

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Law and Culture Conference (St Mary's University, Twickenham, 5-6 Sep 2016); DEADLINE 30 APR 2016

Centre for Law and Culture
St Mary’s University, Twickenham
5th-6th September 2016
Law and Culture Conference 2016

Call for papers:
What does it mean to be seen? What does it mean to see? What can and cannot, should and should not, be visible? What are the limits of legal sight, and what lies beyond? What can academic and critical study make visible to law? Can (in)visibility produce (in)justice? The Law and Culture Conference 2016 aims stimulate a wide ranging and in-depth discussion on the tensions, significance, implications and critical dimensions of the open theme of ‘(In)visibility’.

Indicative concerns include:
•         political and legal visibility/invisibility, including critical gender and race studies, the legal and cultural responses to current migration crises, the protection and rights of minorities
•         the visible/unseen dimensions of law and its institution, including legal aesthetics, law and visuality
•         law’s regulation of visibility, including law and art, the regulation of culture, illegitimate images
•         law’s (in)visibility within culture, including popular culture, film, comics, literature and television
•         legal history, including seen/unseen histories,
•         ‘hidden victims’ in criminal and other contexts
•         visible and hidden voices in the legal academy

Please submit abstracts (250 words), plus 3 keywords and a short biography (50 words), via email by 30 April 2016. Papers will be 20 minutes in length, with additional time for questions.

Confirmed Plenary Speakers:
Sionaidh Douglas-Scott (Anniversary Chair in Law, Queen Mary University of London), Amanda Perry-Kessaris (Professor of Law, Kent Law School), Stuart Toddington (Professor of Jurisprudence, University of Huddersfield)

About the Centre for Law and Culture
Launched by Lady Hale in 2014, the Centre for Law and Culture (CLC) is an interdisciplinary hub for research at the intersections of law, justice, and the humanities. It is a home for the cultural study of law, and as a rallying point for such culturally enriched legal research, the Centre engages legal study that spans topics and themes from across critical and cultural legal studies. It thereby aims to incubate and promote critical research that crosses and challenges traditional legal boundaries in a cultural context. For more information, visit www.stmarys.ac.uk/law-and-culture.

St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London TW1 4SX (www.stmarys.ac.uk/contact/location-maps.htm).
For information and submissions, please contact: Thomas Giddens thomas.giddens@stmarys.ac.uk

There is an anticipated £60 registration fee (plus booking), which will cover attendance, refreshments and lunch for both days and the conference dinner. Reduced cost packages will be available for single-day attendance.

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Impact of Empire 13 - The Impact of "Justice" on the Roman Empire, 21-24 June 2017 (DEADLINE 1 Jul 2016)

 (image source: UGent)

We have the following announcement from prof. Koen Verboven (UGent):

The thirteenth workshop of the network Impact of Empire will take place in Ghent, 21-24 June 2017

Organizing committee: Koenraad Verboven, Olivier Hekster & Wouter Vanacker

“There is a people on earth that fights for the freedom of others … so that there would be no unjust rule in the world and everywhere justice, and divine and human law would be strongest.” (Livy, 33,33)
‘Justice’ was the moral value that most legitimised Rome’s right to rule. It was the core political virtue that justified the power entrusted to a living emperor. Elites, city-dwellers, land-holders and peasants, from widely different cultural backgrounds, were addressed as—and millions believed themselves to be—stakeholders of a social order that was fundamentally governed by law and justice.
And yet, the violence and brutality with which Rome conquered and subdued its empire was on a scale rarely witnessed before. Its rule relied on structural violence towards slaves and indigenous people. The ‘rule of law’ that Rome imposed, cannot have been perceived as just by all inhabitants of the empire. Nonetheless, millions of them did expect justice from Roman authorities, or local authorities backed up by Rome, and arranged their lives accordingly. For centuries, the magic worked.
In this workshop we wish to focus on how law and justice affected the creation and working of the empire’s social, economic and administrative system. Our emphasis will be on the workings of legal systems within imperial societies, rather than on jurisprudence as such
Many subjects can be favourably explored, but to ensure coherence we will limit our choice of proposals to the following topics
• how the concept of justice resonated through the empire’s political culture(s) from the emperor down to local authorities (or how it was challenged by counter-cultures)
• how dominant ideologies coopted notions of justice as a means of legitimating the social power of civic and imperial elites, and of the emperor
• how the concept of justice was perceived through and influenced by cultural manifestations
• how and how far administration enforced the law
• how legal institutions—those endowed with the authority to create and those with the authority to interpret and enforce rules—functioned and changed
• how Roman law and other legal traditions (Greek, Punic, Jewish, Christian…) regulated and affected social and economic life

We invite both established and early career scholars interested in presenting a paper or a poster to send the provisional title, a short summary (c. 100-150 words) of their paper or poster and brief biographical note to Wouter Vanacker (Wouter.Vanacker@ugent.be). About 20 participants of the workshop will read a paper; c. 5 participants will present a poster. Speaking time: 30 minutes. Only papers which directly address the issues raised in this call for paper can be considered for selection. 

Deadline for the submission of proposals for paper / poster: 1 July, 2016.
Papers, if of sufficient quality, will be published in the proceedings of the workshop, by Brill, Leiden - Boston.

Participants are expected to cover their travel expenses, though there may be a few stipends for especially junior scholars who cannot get reimbursement from their home institutions. The organisers aim to offer accommodation and lunches to the speakers and some meals.

18 April 2016

BOOK: "Dialogue sur l’histoire et l’imaginaire social", by Paul Ricœur & Cornélius Castoriadis (Editions EHESS, 2016)

Paul Ricœur & Cornélius Castoriadis, Dialogue sur l’histoire et l’imaginaire socialEditions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales - EHESS, 2016

all information here
Paul Ricœur invite en 1985 Cornélius Castoriadis dans l’émission « Le bon plaisir de Paul Ricœur » (France Culture), pour s’entretenir avec lui du rôle de l’imaginaire social dans les transformations historiques.
Tout semble opposer Castoriadis et Ricœur : deux tempéraments, deux styles, deux philosophies. Et c’est l’un des intérêts de ce dialogue entre les deux philosophes dans lequel la parole incisive de l’un n’a rien à envier à celle de l’autre. L’unité de l’entretien repose sur une interrogation : est-il possible de créer du nouveau historiquement ? L’enjeu de la controverse porte moins sur les conditions de possibilité de la science historique que sur les conditions de possibilité de l’agir humain dans des circonstances historiques données. Il revient à Castoriadis, dans ce jeu de rôles et de joutes verbales, de défendre de manière implacable la thèse de la création historique. Cette thèse est tout simplement inacceptable pour Ricœur, qui s’inscrit dans une dialectique entre innovation et sédimentation.
Par-delà cette divergence, il y a une analyse que partagent Ricœur et Castoriadis : le refus de réduire et d’indexer le politique sur l’économique.

BOOK: "Commentaire sur la Paix de Constance (1183)", Baldo Degli Baldeschi (trad. D. Gaurier) (2016)

Baldo Degli Baldeschi (trad. D. Gaurier), Commentaire sur la Paix de Constance (1183)
all information here

Traduit pour la première fois dans une langue européenne, le Commentaire de Balde sur la Paix de Constance (1183) arrive à un moment où les querelles de préséance entre le pape et l'empereur continuent et où l'empereur, qui possède une bonne partie du territoire de l'Italie, doit affronter la révolte des cités lombardes. Ces dernières demandent que leur soient accordés certains privilèges que cette Paix de 1183 va leur accorder. Balde en propose alors un commentaire fait de façon très classique, qui présente un aspect de l'enseignement qui pouvait être donné dans les universités médiévales. L'intérêt essentiel de cette traduction est de proposer au lecteur et à l'historien médiéviste la lecture intégrale de ce commentaire sur un texte important de l'histoire de l'Italie médiévale.

BOOK: "La fin de l’Empire romain d’Occident. Rome et les Wisigoths de 382 à 531" by Christine Deltaplane (Rennes, 2015)

Christine Deltaplane, La fin de l’Empire romain d’Occident. Rome et les Wisigoths de 382 à 531
all information here

Cet ouvrage propose une autre lecture des évènements politiques et militaires du Ve siècle dans l’Occident romain, longtemps résumés par les visions catastrophistes de la chute de l’Empire et des grandes invasions. Il s’intéresse tout particulièrement au devenir des Goths et parmi eux, à ceux qui vont devenir les Wisigoths du royaume de Toulouse puis de Tolède. Comment les élites romaines ont-elles affronté ces transformations radicales ? Comment les Barbares et Constantinople ont-ils conjointement mis en place le nouvel ordre en Occident ? 

BOOK: "Jacques Cujas (1522-1590). Jurisconsulte humaniste" by Xavier Prévost (2015)

Xavier Prévost, Jacques Cujas (1522-1590). Jurisconsulte humaniste 
all information here

Jacques Cujas apparaît comme l’un des principaux représentants de l’humanisme juridique, courant qui introduit l’idée d’évolution dans la construction du droit et des institutions. Au fil de ses professorats, Cujas poursuit la critique humaniste en portant à son apogée la méthode historique. Il cherche à rétablir les textes dans leur version d’origine par la recherche des interpolations, tout en intégrant les dispositions commentées dans la longue durée. Il s’appuie tant sur sa maîtrise de la doctrine juridique, que sur sa vaste culture littéraire et philosophique. Ses travaux de philologue et d’éditeur restent d’utiles références, sans même évoquer ses reconstitutions commentées des ouvrages des juristes romains ou son analyse critique du corpus juris civilis. L’érudition ne tient cependant pas Cujas trop éloigné de la pratique, comme le prouvent ses consultations ou son étude de la féodalité. Soumis à l’épreuve de l’humanisme cujacien, le droit ressort transformé de la confrontation. 

JOURNAL: The Americas LXXIII (2016), No. 1 (Jan)

(image source: Project Muse)
The journal The Americas (Cambridge University Press) published a theme issue on legal history-related topics, last january.

Table of contents:
“Introduction: Canon Law and its Practice in Colonial Latin America,” by Jorge E.
Traslosheros, 3-
“‘If they remained as mere words’: Trent, Marriage, and Freedom in the Viceroyalty of
Peru, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries,” by Pilar Latasa, 13-
“Pastoral Visitations: Spaces of Negotiation in Andean Indigenous Parish,” by Gabriela
Ramos, 39-
“Promises and Deceits: Marriage among Indians in New Spain in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,” by Ana de Zaballa Beascoechea, 59-
Source: H-Diplo Journal Watch.
More information on Project Muse.

11 April 2016

CALL FOR PAPERS AND SESSIONS: Historicising International (Humanitarian) Law? Could we? Schould we? (Uppsala, 6-8 Oct 2016); DEADLINE 30 May 2016

(image source: Uppsala University)

The Hugo Valentin Centre at Uppsala University announced the following call for papers and sessions:

During the last couple of decades, law has broken its conceptual isolation. Through interventions by authors such as Martti Koskenniemi and David Kennedy, a new critical way of looking at law has brought the field closer to the social sciences. Critical geographers such as Arnulf Becker Lorca show how to broaden the geographical understanding of law. Much, though not all, of this discussion is about the laws of war, and it is also through this subject that professional historians enter this field of study.
So: should we historicise law? Could we, in a workable way?
The Hugo Valentin Centre at the Uppsala University together with Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice invite scholars within both law, history, and the other humanities and social sciences to take part in an international conference on 6-8 October 2016. The conference is open for professional scholars and doctoral students (or comparable).

The call for papers and sessions is open until May 30th, 2016.
There will be no fee, but on the other hand, no subsidies are available. Hotel rooms and food will be available for reasonable prices (see below).
Key speakers are  Alexander Gillespie (NZ), Mark Klamberg (Sweden), Arnulf Becker Lorca (UK/USA), Marc Neocleous (UK), Daniel Segesser (Switzerland) (more names are forthcoming).
If you want to present a paper, or organise a session, please contact Mats Deland: mats.deland@valentin.uu.se

The event is organized in cooperation with the Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice, and receives financial support from Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish research council).

More information here.

07 April 2016

CONFERENCE: International Days of the Society for Legal and Institutional History of Flanders, Picardy and Wallonia (Royal Flemish Academy, 6-7 May 2016)

(image source: yelp.com)

The Society for Legal and Institutional History of Flanders, Picardy and Wallonia holds its annual "International days" at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, thanks to the patronage of the Academy's Committee for Legal History. The event is co-organised by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (CORE), the Université Libre de Bruxelles (CHADJ) and the Université St-Louis (CRHIDI).

Journées internationales d'histoire du droit et des institutions
Bruxelles, les 6 et 7 mai 2016
« Gens de robe, gens de guerre. Ordre public et ordre social »

Programme du vendredi 6 mai

09h00   Accueil et inscriptions

09h15   Stanislas HORVAT (Ecole Royale Militaire et Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Secrétaire du Comité d’histoire du droit de l’Académie royale flamande de Belgique des Sciences et des Arts) : Accueil au nom du Comité d’histoire du droit de l’Académie royale flamande de Belgique des Sciences et des Arts
Philippe ANNAERT (Président de la Société d'histoire du droit et des institutions des pays flamands, picards et wallons) : Introduction aux journées internationales d'histoire du droit et des institutions

09h30   Benoît LAGASSE (Université de Liège), Les différents types de fiefs dans la principauté de Liège suivant Charles de Méan

10h00   Aurore DRECOURT (Université de Liège), Actes notariés et résolution des conflits violents dans la Principauté de Liège des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

10h30   Sylvie LE STRAT-LELONG (Université de Franche-Comté), Rétablir l'ordre dans le comté de Bourgogne. L'action des réformateurs d'Eudes IV en 1337 et 1343-1344

11h00   Café

11h30   Sylvie BEPOIX (Université de Franche-Comté), Les procureurs aux XIVe et XVe siècles à travers l’exemple comtois

12h00   Michael MILO (Université d’Utrecht), Procéder devant la Cour d’Utrecht (communication en anglais)

12h30   Renaud LIMELETTE (Université de Lille 2), Recherche sur le conseiller-commissaire au parlement de Flandre

13h00   Lunch (au restaurant du musée Belvue, place des Palais, à 5 minutes du palais des Académies)

14h30   Sébastien DHALLUIN (Université Lille 2), Quand la robe se révolte : la désobéissance des parlementaires flamands aux ordres de Louis XIV

15h00   Solange van ROBAIS - de COUSSEMAKER (docteure en histoire), Edmond de Cousse­maker (1805-1876), patricien flamand, magistrat français

15h30   Raphaël CAHEN (Université d’Orléans), Joseph Marie Portalis (1778-1858) et la liberté de la presse vers 1820

16h00   François-Xavier GERVASONI (Universités de Paris 2 et Paris 11), Le Général Toussaint Louverture : incarcération et agonie dans la Prison d'Etat du fort de Joux

17h00   Visite au musée de la ville de Bruxelles (« Maison du Roi », face à l’hôtel de ville de Bruxelles, Grand-Place de Bruxelles)

19h30   Dîner de la Société au restaurant « Les foudres » (rue Eugène Cattoir 14, Ixelles, près du campus de la Vrije Universiteit Brussel et de la gare d’Etterbeek)

 Journées internationales d'histoire du droit et des institutions
Bruxelles, les 6-7 mai 2016
« Gens de robe, gens de guerre. Ordre public et ordre social »

Programme du samedi 7 mai

09h00   Accueil et inscriptions

09h15   Arnaud PATURET (École Normale Supérieure Paris), Aspects juridiques et sociétaux des sépultures des soldats dans l'ancienne Rome

09h45   Naoko SERIU (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Invention de la vie quotidienne militaire au siècle des Lumières : les gens de guerre en temps de paix dans les années de réforme de la fin de l’Ancien Régime

10h15   Pierre BODINEAU (Université de Dijon, Président de la Société d'histoire du droit bourguignon): Entre défense de la Nation et protection de l'ordre social: la Garde Nationale de 1815 à 1850

10h45   Frederik DHONDT (Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Universiteit Gent), La neutralité belge et le droit international, 1830-1914: nouvelles approches ou retour à l’histoire diplomatique ?

11h15   Café

11h30   Hélène DUFFULER-VIALLE (Université Lille 2), De la caserne à la maison close, la réglementation de la prostitution au profit de l'institution militaire

12h00   Annie DEPERCHIN (Université Lille 2), Pierre Léris, magistrat combattant et témoin de la Grande Guerre

12h30   Jean HOUSSIAU (Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles), Adolphe Max, le culte d'un bourgmestre héros

13h00   Lunch (au restaurant du musée Belvue, place des Palais, à 5 minutes du palais des Académies)

14h30   Georges VAYROU (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne): La robe, l’épée et la barbe : attributs de l’ordre ?

15h00   Gerlinda SWILLEN (Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Archives générales du Royaume-CEGESOMA), 1943-1944 : L’ordre règne parmi les patients - Instantané du fonctionnement au Kriegslazarett Brugmann et à l’Hôpital français en comparaison avec les hôpitaux civils à Bruxelles et à Berlin

15h30   Antonio GRILLI, Les débuts de l'Europe communautaire: primauté de la politique ou du droit?

16h00   Philippe ANNAERT (Président de la Société) : Conclusions et clôture des Journées internationales d'histoire du droit et des institutions.

16h15   Assemblée générale de la Société

Registration via the form available here.
See call earlier on this blog.

CONFERENCE: Harvard Law School SJD Association: International Legal History Day (14 Apr 2016)

The Harvard Law School SJD Association invites you to a day-long event on international legal history featuring book talks, paper presentations and a discussion on methodology. The event is co-sponsored by the Institute for Global Law and Policy, the Harvard Law School Graduate Program, and the Law and History Program.

  10am   “Exporting Freedom: Religious Liberty and American Power"
Book talk: Anna Su, University of Toronto
Commentator: Mark Tushnet, Harvard University  

11am   “The Illusion of Territorial Jurisdiction
Paper presentation: Péter Szigeti, European University Institute 
Commentator: Charles Maier, Harvard University 

12pm   Lunch 

1pm     “Writing International Legal History: Approaches, Methods, Prospects
 Chair: David Armitage, Harvard University
 Panelists: Arnulf Becker Lorca, Brown University; Anna Su, University of Toronto; Péter Szigeti, European University Institute 

2.30pm     “Mestizo International Law: A Global Intellectual History, 1842-1933
Book talk: Arnulf Becker Lorca, Brown University 
Commentators: David Kennedy, Harvard University; Erez Manela, Harvard University 

See poster here.

BOOK: Bruno MÉNIEL (dir). Writers-Lawyers and Lawyers-Writers, from the Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightenment [Esprit des Lois, Esprit des Lettres, 8]. Paris: Les Classiques Garniers, 2016, 1335 p. ISBN 978-2-8124-5146-1, € 49

(image source: Classiques Garnier)

The Classiques Garnier just published Écrivains juristes et juristes écrivains du Moyen Âge au siècle des Lumières, edited by Bruno Méniel (Nantes), as the eighth volume in the series "Esprit des Lois, Esprit des Lettres". A work of reference of over 1300 pages !

Book presentation:
Does legal practice result in modes of thought, a rapport with language and with reality, which manifest themselves in the works of legal writers? As rigorous as it might be, is it not the case that legal discourse contains an imaginary world that a literary eye can flush out?
Table of contents here.
More information on the publisher's website.

CONFERENCE and EXHIBITION: "Bad Girls", Deviant and Criminal Women, 19th-20th Centuries (Roubaix/Lille, 29 Apr 2016)

The University Lille 2-Centre d'Histoire Judiciaire hosts a conference on « Mauvaises filles », déviantes et délinquantes XIXe-XXe siècles, presided by M. Denis Salas, president of the French Association for the History of Justice.

The conference is part of a larger project, including an exhibition on the theme of "Bad Girls". More information on mauvaisesfilles.info

Conference presentation:
Dans la continuité de l’exposition « Mauvaises filles. Déviantes et délinquantes 19e-21esiècles », organisée en 2015 par le Centre d’exposition historique de l’Ecole Nationale de Protection Judiciaire de la Jeunesse, cette manifestation scientifique entend prolonger les débats sur les constructions juridiques et sociologiques de la déviance et de la délinquance des mineures d’un point de vue diachronique.Qu’est-ce qu’une mauvaises fille à travers les époques ? Pourquoi la violence des filles est-elle perçue différemment de celle des garçons ? Comment l’appréhension spécifique de celle-ci résulte-t-elle des stéréotypes de genre et/ou les conforte-t-elle?Des chercheur.e.s en droit, sociologie et histoire s’interrogeront sur les contours de la déviance et de la délinquance des mineures, avec en filigrane la question fondamentale de la sexualité des jeunes filles. Ils questionneront le regard et les attentes sociales portés sur celles-ci, et les mettront en perspective avec ceux qui pèsent sur les jeunes garçons.
 8h30 - 9h00 > Accueil
9h00 - 9h15 > Ouverture de la journée par Rosemonde DOIGNIES, Directrice générale de l’ENPJJ et Farid LEKEAL Directeur du CHJ, Université Lille 2.
9h15 - 9h30 > Présentation de la journée d’étude par Véronique BLANCHARD, Commissaire de l’exposition mauvaises filles, ENPJJ /  Hélène DUFFULER-VIALLE, Docteure en histoire du droit, CHJ, Université Lille 2 / Virginie LEFEBVRE, Doctorante en histoire du droit, CHJ, Université Lille 2.

Matinée > Définition des « mauvaises filles »9h30 - 10h30 > Panel 1 : Le contrôle de la sexualité des mineures, sous la présidence de Nadia BEDDIAR, Enseignante-chercheure en droit, ENPJJ, Chercheure associée, CERAPS, Université Lille 2, CIDE

9h30 - 9h50 > « L’éducation sexuelle XIXe-XXIe siècles ». Sylvain CID, archiviste, CNAHES.
9h50 - 10h10 > « Mères sous surveillance. L’Assitance publique de Paris au secours des filles-mères (1880-1920) ». Antoine RIVIERE, Maître de conférences en histoire, Université Paris 8.
10h10 - 10h30 > Discussion
10h30 – 11h00 > Pause

11h00 - 12h00 > Panel 2 : Déviance et délinquance des mineures, sous la présidence d’Annie DEPERCHIN, chercheure associée, CHJ, Université Lille 2.
11h00 - 11h20 > «  De la morphinée à la junkie, les visages de la droguée ». Jean-Jacques YVOREL, Chercheur en histoire, ENPJJ.
11h20 - 11h40 > « Filles vicieuses. Filles victimes. Filles dangereuses. Les mineures prostituées devant leurs juges pendant l’entre-deux guerres ». Hélène DUFFULER-VIALLE, Docteure en histoire du droit, CHJ, Université Lille 2.
11h40 - 12h00 > Discussion
12h00 -14h00 : Pause déjeuner

Après-Midi : (Dé)construction des « mauvaises filles »
14h00 - 15h00 > Panel 3 : Mythe et réalité des « mauvaises filles », sous la présidence de Sabrina MICHEL, Ingénieure d’étude, CHJ, Université Lille 2.
14h00 - 14h20 > « Enjeux politiques des récits sur les origines d’une révolutionnaire : la jeunesse de Louise Michel ». Sidonie VERHAEGHE, Doctorante en sciences politiques, CERAPS, Université Lille 2.
14h20 - 14h40 > « L’enfermement vu de l’intérieur ». Claire DUMAS, Educatrice, AHPJM (Association pour l’Histoire de la Protection Judiciaire des Mineurs).
14h40 - 15h00 > Discussion
15h00 - 15h30 > Pause

15h30 - 16h30 > Panel 4 : Mauvaises filles ou Mauvais garçons, sous la présidence de Hélène CHERONNET, Enseignante chercheure en sociologie, ENPJJ, Chercheure associée, CLERSE, Université Lille 1
15H30 - 16h10 : «  La sexualité des filles et des garçons dans la France d’après-guerre : l’impact du genre ». Véronique BLANCHARD, Commissaire de l’exposition mauvaises filles, ENPJJ / Régis REVENIN, Maître de conférence en sciences de l’éducation, Université Paris-Descartes.
16h10 - 16h30 > Discussion
16h30 - 17h00 > Conclusion par Denis SALAS, Magistrat, Président de l’association française pour l’histoire de la justice.

Scientific Committee:
Christine BARD (Université d’Angers) / Marinette BARRE (Retraitée, Éducatrice) / BLANCHARD Véronique ( Commissaire de l’exposition mauvaises filles, ENPJJ) / Bénédicte BILLARD (Médiathèque ENPJJ) / Jacques BOURQUIN (AHPJM) / Coline CARDI (Paris 8) / Frédéric CHAUVAUD (Université de Poitiers) / Sylvain CID (CNAHES) / Annick DECHATRE (AHPJM) / Héloise DUCHET (Étudiante, Paris 8) / Claire DUMAS (AHPJM) / Hélène DUFFULER-VIALLE (Université de Lille 2) / Gisèle FICHE (AHPJM) / Aurore FRANÇOIS (Université de Louvain) / Mathias GARDET (Paris 8) / David NIGET (Université Angers) / Amélie NUQ (Université de Grenoble) / Régis REVENIN (Paris Descartes) / Antoine RIVIERE (Paris 8) / Rebecca ROGERS (Paris Descartes) / Stéphanie RUBI (Université de Bordeaux) / Myriam TSIKOUNAS (Paris 1) / Jean-Jacques YVOREL (ENPJJ) / Lola ZAPPI (Étudiante, Science Po)
Organising committee:
Véronique BLANCHARD, (Commissaire de l’exposition mauvaises filles, ENPJJ) / Hélène DUFFULER-VIALLE (docteure en histoire du droit, CHJ, Université de Lille 2) / Virginie LEFEBVRE (doctorante en histoire du droit, CHJ, Université de Lille 2). 
For free at mauvaisesfilleslille2@gmail.com.

(source: dr. Hélène Duffuler-Vialle, Lille 2)

05 April 2016

JOURNAL: Journal of the History of International Law/Revue d'histoire du droit international XVIII (2016), No. 2

 (image source: Brill)

The new issue of the Journal of the History of International Law/Revue d'histoire du droit international has just been published.

L’institutionnalisation du droit international comme phénomène transnational (1869–1873). Les réseaux européens de Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns (Vincent Genin)

Human Rights for and against Empire – Legal and Public Discourses in the Age of Decolonisation (Fabian Klose)

The Waitangi Tribunal in the Context of New Zealand’s Political Culture and Historiography (Richard P. Boast)

Colonial Laws: Sources, Strategies and Lessons? (Martti Koskenniemi)

In the General Interest of Peace? British International Lawyers and the Spanish Civil War (Ignacio de la Rasilla y del Moral)

The Family of Nations as an Element of the Ideology of Colonialism (Harald Kleinschmidt)

Book reviews:
Le droit international et la Chine impériale dans ses dernières années. Textes, événements et politique* , written by Lai Junnan (Mingzhe Zhu)

Sovereignty, Property and Empire, 1500–2000* , written by A. Fitzmaurice (Mieke Van der Linden)

Freedom of the Seas* , written by J.M.G. de Rayneval (Jean Allain)

More information on Brill's Books and Journals Online website.

PODCAST: Marta Madero on her latest book (France Culture, La Fabrique de l'Histoire, 21 Mar 2016)

(image source: France Culture)

Marta Madero (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento), whose recent La loi de la chair (Paris: PUPS) had been announced earlier on this blog, presented her work in an interview with Emmanuel Laurentin (La Fabrique de l'Histoire, France Culture).

The broadcast can be heard here.

04 April 2016

BOOK: S. VANDENBOGAERDE, B. DEBAENST, S. DHALLUIN, H. DUFFULER-VIALLE & I. LELLOUCHE (eds.), (Wo)Men in Legal History [Acta of the XIXth European Forum of Young Legal Historians]. Lille: Université Lille 2-Centre d'Histoire Judiciaire, 2016, ISBN 2-910114-33-3. € 30

(image source: CHJ)

The acta of the XIXth European Forum of Young Legal Historians (Ghent University, Legal History Institute/Université Lille 2, Centre d'Histoire Judiciaire) have appeared (CHJ Éditeur). Eighteen papers address various papers presented at the conference back in 2013.

Book abstract:
From May 15 to May 18, 2013 the French Centre d’Histoire Judiciaire (Université Lille 2) and the Belgian Instituut voor Rechtsgeschiedenis (Ghent University) organised the nineteenth European Forum of Young Legal Historians. During three days, more than sixty young researchers from all over Europe and beyond gathered around the theme (Wo)Men in legal history, a subject allowing them to think about women and men in legal history from various scientific angles. The gender concept has become essential in human and social sciences, providing another way of analysing and interpreting society. Masculinity and femininity can thus be seen as a social construction based on biological sex.
Two main questions needed an answer: can law, from an evolutionary and dynamic point of view, be seen as a way of reducing differences between men and women? What is the role and place of both genders in legislation and legislative bodies, in justice administration and judicial bodies, as well as in legal science and education, both as subjects and objects?
The aim of this book is not to take part in any militant ideology but to consider dispassionately the various scientific ways of the construction of femininity and masculinity. The importance for legal historians is obvious: to think about law as an instrument of subordination and/or way of social change, which can enrich studies about the juridical evolution of societies. Legal rules can be important tools of social engineering in a very explicit way, but, also implicitly every legal system mirrors the cultural role of gender. This book answers the call issued by historians to rethink the dominant narratives of law producing and reflecting cultural and social norms. It challenges legal historians and other scholars to use a gendered approach to law.

Table of contents:
S. Vandenbogaerde, (Wo)Men in Legal History: possibilities and challenges for gendered legal historical research.

Gendered Symbolism
•    S. Huygebaert, Justice: Man-judge or earthly mother? Femininity of Justice and her sisters of virtue in Belgian fin-de-siècle legal iconography.
•    R. Silbernagl, Kuss, Mann, Frau, Recht. Skizze zum Lehenskuss im hochmittelalterlichen Deutschland.

Gender & crime: victims and offenders
•    C. Lehne, Sexual relationships and sexual crimes in classical Roman law.
•    E. Bonnaud, Le procès et l’exécution de Marie Stuart, Reine d’Écosse (1586-1587).
•    B. Rodriguez-Arrocha, Women and justice in the Canary Islands during the Ancient Regime: A projection of the female roles?
•    D. Nunes, Woman, revolution, law: The expulsion of Olga Benario Prestes before the Brazilian Supreme Court (1936).

Gender in the private sphere
•    T. Karlovic & I. Milotic, Polygamy among soldiers in the shadow of monogamy in Roman Law.
•    C. Dariescu, How to beat your wife? Regulations on domestic violence in 17th century Moldavia and Walachia.
•    P. Pomianowski, The beginnings of secular divorce in Poland. The Napoleonic Code in the practice of Polish Courts.
•    G. Mecca, Fatherhood cannot be demonstrated. The investigation into paternity in Italy (1865-1922).
•    S. Maslo-Cerkic, Women between family and law: a study of Muslim women’s legal status in Bosnia and Herzigovina under Austro-Hungarian Rule.
•    E. Blücher, How women got full legal capacity in Norway. The act of 1863 and 1888.

Gender in the public sphere
•    A. Skalec, Men and women as neighbours in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt (331 BC-641 AD)
•    F. Dhondt, Bring this mad woman to reason! Elisabeth Farnese as a female ruler in 18th century Europe
•    C. Schmetterer, Die rechtliche Stellung der weiblichen Mitglieder des hauses Habsburg
•    K. Csazar, Objectives of the Hungarian Women’s movements in the age of the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy (1867-1918)
•    E. Fiocchi, A life lived in the shadow of her father and her husband: Grazia Mancini Pierantoni and the rights of Italian women
More information on the publisher's website.