11 March 2016

4th BIENNAL ESCLH CONFERENCE: "Culture, Identity and Legal Instrumentalism" (Gdańsk, 28 Jun-1 Jul 2016); FINAL PROGRAMME

The organizing committee of the 4th ESCLH Biennal Conference "Culture, Identity and Legal Instrumentalism" (Gdańsk) has announced the programme of the event. For a PDF version, click here.

Day One: 28 June 2016

9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.            Summer School at the Faculty of Law and Administration

4:00 p.m.                                registration of participants in European Center of Solidarity

5:30 p.m.                               meeting with refreshments in the European Center of Solidarity

Day Two 29 June 2016

Artus Court and Main Hall in Old Town of Gdańsk  

8:00 a.m.                              registration of participants in Artus Court

9:00 a.m. – 9:40 a.m.        official opening of conference

9:40 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.      Plenary Session I

Constitutional Instrumentalisation of Old Rights
American Constitutionalism as Common Law Litigation and Polish Republicanism as National Legitimacy

Prof. Luigi Lacché
Rector of University of Macerata

Keynote Speaker
Prof. Ulrike Müßig 
University of Passau 

Principal Investigator of ERC Advanced Grant 
in European Constitutional History
Prof. Dirk Heirbaut 
Ghent University 
President of the Scientific Committee for Legal History of the 
Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Arts and Science

10:40 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.   coffee break

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.   Panel Session I  
(all panel sessions: 20 min for each paper & 10 min discussions following each paper)

Panel 1.1
Legal History, the Interdisciplinary Challenge: a Discussion on Rights in Time of Crises

Prof. Massimo Meccarelli

University of Macerata
In the Realm of Legal History

Prof. Paulo Palchetti
University of Macerata
In the Realm of International Law

Prof. Flavia Stara
University of Macerata
In the Realm of Philosophy of Education

Panel 1.2
The Legal Transplant and the Building of National Legal Identities In Central Eastern Europe

Prof. Manuel Gutan
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
The Legal Transplant and the Building of  the Romanian Legal Identity  in 19th Century

Dr Martin Belov
University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski"
The Idea of “Europe” as a Factor in the Building of the Bulgarian Legal Identity

Dr Michał Gałędek                           Dr Piotr Pomianowski
University of Gdańsk                       University of Warsaw
The National Codification or the French Law?

Discussion on the Reform of Civil Law at the Beginnings of Kingdom of Poland (1814 – 1815)

Panel 1.3.

New Vehicles and Transport Infrastructure
International Influences and Instrumentalism in Nordic Law, 1890-1940

Mr Jussi Sallila
University of Helsinki
At the Meeting Point of International Trade and the National Legal System

The Making of the Finnish Legislation on Bonded Warehouses

Prof. Mia Korpiola
University of Turku
Constructing the Automobile Law of a New Nation

International Influences on Finnish Automobile Regulation, 1917-1939

Mr Markus Kari
University of Helsinki
The Instrumentalism of the Early Nordic Aviation Law (1919-1939)

12:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.     lunch

1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.        Panel Session II

Panel 2.1
Law, Totalitarianism and the Modern World
Dr Stephen Skinner                         Dr Cosmin Sebastian Cercel
University of Exeter                         University of Nottingham

Dr Stephen Skinner
University of Exeter
Law, Security and Inciting Disloyalty to the State in Interwar Italy and Britain

Dr Cosmin Sebastian Cercel
University of Nottingham
Mapping Dictatorship: Marshal Antonescu’s Dual State and the Law

Prof. David Fraser
University of Nottingham

Criminal Law in Auschwitz: Positivism, Natural Law, and SS Legal Normativity

Dr Simon Lavis
Open University
Interrogating Law’s Instrumentalization

Problematizing Notions of Ideology, Exceptionality and Rupture in the Third Reich

Panel 2.2
Vectors of Legal Cultures and Identities?

Legal Periodicals in Belgium, Estonia and France

Dr Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
Ghent University
Vectors of a National Legal Culture and Identity?

Belgium's Legal Periodicals during the Long Nineteenth Century (1830-1914)

Prof. Florence Renucci                    Ing. Isabelle Thiebau
University of Lille
Vectors of Empires? Legal Periodicals in French Colonies (1830-1914)

Dr Merike Ristikivi
University of Tartu
Vectors of Legal Culture? The Collapse of the Soviet Union in Estonian Law Journals

Ms Pascaline le Polain                     Prof. Nathalie Tousignant
University Saint-Louis in Brussels            
Vector of the Doctrinal Construction of Customary Low in Belgian Congo during the 1930s?
Bulletin des juridictions indigènes et du droit coutumier congolais

Panel 2.3
Thinking about Ourselves: Legal Historiography and Identity
Prof. Luigi Lacché
University of Macerata
A new way to understand the nineteenth-century Italian legal culture

the Eclectic Canon between national identity and comparative history

Prof. Ricardo Sontag
Federal University of Minas Gerais

Influences, transplants and similar concepts or questions for the writing of Brazilian legal history

Dr Agustin Parise
University of Maastricht
Comparative Legal History

An Autonomous Discipline that Helps to Evaluate the Instrumentality of Law

Dr Jacek Srokosz
Opole University
Could a Community’s Identity be Shaped Through Law?

3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.        coffee break

4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.        Panel Session III 

Panel 3.1
Frontiers of Knowledge in Early and Medieval Law

Dr Valerio Massimo Minale
Bocconi University in Milano

Rome's Eastern Frontier and Trade Law in Late Antiquity: Regulating the Market of Silk

Justice Jeroen M. J. Chorus
Amsterdam Court of Appeal

The role of possession under the Libri feudorum

Ms Anna Clara Lehmann Martins
Federal University of Santa Catarina

Uses of Augustine’s writings by Hincmar of Rheims

Shaping the legal identity of the Carolingian king through transplantation

Panel 3.2
Law, Gender and Local Legal Family
Prof. Sanita Osipova
University of Latvia
"The Political Platform of the Latvian People’s Council” of 17 November 1918 of the Republic of Latvia People’s Council as the founder of gender equality tradition in Latvia

within the discourse of European ideas on gender equality

Assoc. Prof. Gwen Hoerr Jordan
University of Illinois
"A Woman of Strange, Unfathomable Presence”
Ida Platt’s Lived Experience of Race, Gender, and Law, 1863-1939

Dr Zhu Ming-zhe
China University of Political Science and Law
In the Name of the Republic: Theories and Practices of Family Reform in the “Republican Moments"

Panel 3.3
Self-conception and Reform in the Early 20th Century
Prof. Marju Luts-Sootak                             Dr Hesii Siimets-Gross

University of Tartu
Legal Act as an Instrument for the Unification of a Nation from Inside

Discussions about Estonian Civil Code 1936/40 from a Comparative Perspective

Dr Ewa Kozerska                                         Dr Tomasz Scheffler
Opole University                                          University of Wrocław
From the Second to the Third Republic of Poland

Breakthroughs in the Political and Legal System as a Relevant Question in the Discussion on the Nature of Law

Ms Veronica Corcodel
Sciences Po Toulouse

Revisiting Legal Instrumentalism

Modern Law and Otherness in Pre-War Twentieth-Century Comparative Legal Thinking

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.        Debate

8:00 p.m.                             Dinner

Day Three 30 June 2016
Pomeranian Park of Science and Technology in Gdynia

8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.        buses departures from Gdańsk

9:00 a.m. – 9:40 a.m.        General Assembly of ESCLH members

9:40 a.m. – 10:40   a.m.   Plenary Session I

Pragmatism in law as a trap
Premodern divided ownership in modern legal history of Estonia

Professor of Legal History Jan Hallebeek
VU University Amsterdam
Keynote Speaker 
Professor of Legal History Marju Luts-Sootak 
University of Tartu
Professor of Comparative Legal History Heikki Pihlajamäki
University of Helsinki

10:40 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.   coffee break

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.   Panel Session IV
(all panel sessions: 20 min for each paper & 10 min discussions following each paper)

Panel 4.1
Identity within and across legal systems

Dr Matthew Dyson
University of Cambridge
Proceed and feedback: legal procedure and legal development

Dr Albert Ruda
University of Girona
The change of course concerning legal causation under Spanish law.

Rise and demise of a legal transplant?

Mr Miloš Vukotić
University of Belgrad
Punishment in the Law of Tort

Panel 4.2
Private Law Movements from Rome to Today
Prof. Barbara Biscotti
University of Milano-Bicocca
Humanity as Core Issue of Law Post - Postmodern Methodologies in  Roman Law

Dr Aleksander Grebieniow
University of Fribourg
Unfair Advantage - An Intriguing Example of Legal Transformation in the Swiss Private Law

Dr Łukasz Jan Korporowicz
University of Łódź, Poland
Influence of the Roman Law in the House of Lords Judgments Regarding Delictual (Tortious) Liability

Panel 4.3
Commerce and Craft
Prof. Steven Robert Wilf
University of Connecticut
Reluctant Legal Transplant: Moral Rights and Dignitas in an Age of Artistic Transformation

Dr Ana Santos Rutschman
Duke University
Translating Intellectual Property into the Digital Environment: Law and Cultural Production in Europe and the United States

Mr Sebastian Krafzik                     
University of Leuven
The historical development of banking regulation in the West European legal tradition (ca. 1800 – 1950)

12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.     lunch

1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.        Panel Session V

Panel 5.1
Codification as Nationalization or Denationalization of Law (I): Europe and America
Prof. Aniceto Masferrer
University of Valencia

Dr Isabel Ramos Vázquez
University of Jaén
Legal instrumentalism in the 19th century prison reform (Unites States & Europe)

Prof. Diego Nunes
Federal University of Uberlândia
The “Code Pénal” in the itinerary of the Criminal Codification in Latin America

“Influence” and circularity of models

Dr Gabriela Cobo del Rosal
University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid
The influence of the French juridical thought in the development of the concepts of fraud and fault in the Spanish Criminal code process

Prof. Juan B. Cañizares-Navarro
CEU Cardenal Herrera University in Valencia
The infamous penalties in the Spanish Criminal Codes of the 19th century

 National and/or Foreign Content?

Panel 5.2
Commercial Law in Europe: Of Glaciers, Codes, Merchants and Consumers
Prof. Dave De ruysscher
Free University of Brussels

Dr Sean Thomas
Durham University
English Commercial Law: Chasing Shadows

Dr Johannes Flume
Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
German Commercial Law: Rise and Fall

Dr Anna Klimaszewska
University of Gdańsk
Code de commerce as an instrument of transformation of the Polish economic reality in the 19th century

Dr Janwillem (Pim) Oosterhuis
Maastricht University
Dutch Commercial Law: From Commercial Sale to Consumer Sale?

Panel 5.3
Strategies, Policies and Ideologies in the Field of Public Law
Prof. Harry Willekens
University of Hildesheim & University of Hannover
How to make the law fit for capitalism?

Comparing English and Continental legal strategies

Prof. Marek Maciejewski
University of Wrocław
The leader, the nation and race: Ideological premises of the Nazi concept of law

Dr Ivan Kosnica
University of Zagreb
Local citizenship on Croatian-Slavonian legal area in the first Yugoslavia (1918-1941): breakdown of a concept?

Dr Thomas Mohr
University College Dublin
The Privy Council Appeal and British Imperial Policy, 1833-1939

3:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.        coffee break

3:45 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.        Panel Session VI

Panel 6.1
Codification as Nationalization or Denationalization of Law
Europe (France, Belgium, Italy and Spain)
Prof. Aniceto Masferrer
University of Valencia
Codification as Nationalization or Denationalization of Law

 A Critical and Comparative Approach to the Spanish Case

Prof. Dirk Heirbaut
Ghent University
Codification as Nationalization or Denationalization: The Belgian Case

Prof. Yves Cartuyvels
University Saint-Louis in Brussels
The Belgian criminal Code of 1867: a national process under international influence 

Dr Stefano Vinci
University of Bari Aldo Moro
The Italian criminal code of 1889: Originality and influences from the transalpine models

Panel 6.2
Marriage in Different Cultures
Assoc. Prof. Mišo Dokmanović
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Law as an Instrument of Social Change: the Transformation of Marriage in Post-World War II Macedonia (1945 – 1953)

Assoc. Prof. Zsuzsanna Peres
National University of Public Service in Budapest
The Marriage Property Rights of the Hungarian Noble Women in Comparative Context

Mr Omer Aloni
Tel Aviv University
Bigamy, Polygamy and Legal Orientalism in Comparative Study of Early Israeli Law

Ms Louisa Stella de Oliveira Coutinho Silva
University of Lisbon
Marring in the Colonial Brazil: White, Black and Indian Cultures and the Formation of the Brazilian Identity

Panel 6.3
The Flow of Legal Doctrine in Time and Space
Prof. Arno Dal Ri Jr.
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Mancini in South America

The Principle of Nationality on the testing bench of Argentinian and Brazilian legal doctrines

Prof. Assaf Likhovsky
Tel Aviv University
An Elusive Legacy: Polish Lawyers and Israeli Law

Prof. Jerzy Kolarzowski
University of Natural Sciences & Humanistics in Siedlce
Idea of tolerances in 17th Europe

Ms Katharina Isabel Schmidt
Yale Law School & Princeton University
A Tale of Two Naturalisms

Law’s Instrumentality in the Minds of Early 20th Century German and American Alternative Jurists

Mr Airton Ribeiro da Silva Júnior
University of Florence
“Evolution of international law”: conceptions of international law in early-twentieth-century Brazil

Panel 6.4
Mixed Legal Traditions and Identities
Prof. Nir Kedar
Sapir Academic School of Law & Bar-Ilan University
Law as an Agent of Modernization and National Identity: The Case of Israel

Dr Paul Swanepoel
University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban
Judicial Identities in Tanganyika, 1920-1961

Mr Chiming Zhong
University of Edinburgh
Human Rights, Modernity and Confucianism

Ms Zülâl Muslu
University of Paris Ouest Nanterre & Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
Preventing the Ottoman sovereignty or digging the grave of an Empire?

The Ottoman mixed commercial courts: The roots of the Nation-state building

6:00 p.m. – 7:50 p.m. Prominent Jurists Lawyers Debate & Poster Session

I Prominent Polish Jurists and Lawyers Debate

Przemiany polskiego prawa i kultury prawnej na przełomie XX i XXI w. w perspektywie porównawczej
[Transformations in Polish Law and Legal Culture at the Turn of 20th and 21th Century in Comparative Perspective]

Prof. Ewa Łętowska
First Polish Commissioner for Citizens' Rights
Emeritus Justice of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal
Emeritus Justice of the Polish Supreme Administrative Court
Full Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Justice Jerzy Stępień
Emeritus President of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal
Vice-Rector of Łazarski University in Warsaw

II Poster Session

Ms Victória Gyönki
Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest
’Verðr sekr’ – Different Narrations of Outlawry in Medieval Icelandic Sources

Dr Jiri Brňovják                                Dr Marek Starý
University of Ostrava                       Higher School of Finance and Administration in Prague
Changes in the Legal Institution of the Inkolat in the Bohemian Crown Lands during the Early Modern Period as a Reflection of Changing Political Circumstances and Modernization of State and Society

Dr Sara Pilloni
University of Trieste
The evolution of (contractual) “third-party” notion beyond the relativity of contracts’ principle

the contribution of Legal History in the identification of a methodological approach

Ms Alexandra Aytova
University of Sofia "St.Kliment Ohridski" 
Culture identity of Bulgarian legal system (1878 – 1912)

Ms Raquel Razente Sirotti
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Between monument and instrument: the criminal codes of 1830 and 1890 and the built of criminal legal identities in Brazil

Ms Alba Moreira Salles
Federal University of Minas Gerais
Jose Hyginos's Translation of "Lehrbuch des deutschen Strafrerchts" by Franz von Liszt's

A History of Relations between Brazilian and German Criminal Law Culture

Mr Wojciech Bańczyk
Jagiellonian University
Whose right to own mineral resources?

Analysis of the right of the state, the landowner and the community on the example of Agri South Africa v. Minister for Minerals and Energy (2013) in a comparative legal history perspective

8:00 p.m.                             dinner

Day Four 1 July 2016
Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdańsk in Gdańsk-Oliwa

8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.        buses departure from Gdańsk

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.      Panel Session VII
(all panel sessions: 20 min for each paper & 10 min discussions following each paper)

Panel 7.1
Functional Constitutionalism (I): High Points in the Low Countries 

Prof. Frederik Dhondt

Free University of Brussels & Ghent University
Legal Literacy and Political Activism From Below: the Case of Jan Joseph Raepsaet (1787-1815)

Dr Klaas Van Gelder
Ghent University
Legal Threat versus Constitutional Opportunity
The Treaty of The Hague (1790) and its Reception in Brabant and Flanders

Dr Brecht Deseure
Free University of Brussels & Passau University
The Radical Potential of the Ancient Constitution in the Belgian Revolution

Panel 7.2
19th Century Private Law ‘Modernisation’
Prof. Heikki Pihlajamäki
University of Helsinki
Law and the new world: codification and modernization in the nineteenth century

Assoc. Prof. Dmitry Poldnikov
Higher School of Economics in Moscow
Why generalize contract law?
Debates around some key arguments in the 19th century France, Germany and Russia

Ms Julie Rocheton
University Pantheon-Assas Paris 2
An endeavor to improve the legal reality: the 19th century United-States Civil Codes

Panel 7.3
Migrations of People, Ideas and Legal Power
Prof. Francesca De Rosa                            Prof. Francesco Mastroberti
University of Naples Federico II                University of Bari Aldo Moro
The policy of migrations in Italy: continuity or discontinuity?

Assoc. Prof. Balázs Pálvölgyi
Széchenyi István University in Budapest
Migration policy without room for manoeuvre
Direct impact on Hungarian migration policy of the 1870 Agreement on Citizenship between US and Austria-Hungary (1880s-1914)

Dr Virginia Amorosi
University of Naples Federico II
European Legal Culture and Workers Issues
The Construction of a Modern Western Knowledge to Keep Control

10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.   coffee break

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.   Panel Session VIII

Panel 8.1
Axiological Constitutionalism (II): 19th Century Identity Building

Dr Imre Képessy
Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest & Széchenyi István University in Győr
National Modernization through the "Constitutional Revolution" of 1848 - Pretext and Context

Mr Stefan Huygebaert
Ghent University
Comparative Legal Iconography: the Decisive Constitutional Moment as an Analytical Tool for Constitutional History

Dr Judit Beke-Martos
Ruhr University in Bochum
Restoring the Historical Constitutional Order with a Coronation in 1867

Panel 8.2
Culture, Conformity and Coding in Legal Phenomena
Mrs Caroline Laske
Ghent University
Language as carrier of culture - comparative and historical perspectives

Dr Vanessa Duss Jacobi, Advocate
University of Lucerne
Coding Cultures – parallelisation patterns in forming of collective identities

Mr Henrik Forshamn
Uppsala University
Swedish legal education, Roman law and legal history

Panel 8.3
Law and Democracy
Assoc. Prof. Judithanne Scourfield McLauchlan
University of South Florida in St. Petersburg
The Impact of Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights on Legal and Judicial Reform in the Republic of Moldova

Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Valeryevich Kochetkov
International Slavonic Institute in Moscow
The Russian Values and Constitutional Democracy

Assoc. Prof. László Komáromi
Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest
Transplantation of Direct Democracy? The Case of Oregon
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.     lunch

1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.        Panel Session IX

Panel 9.1
‘Public’ as Identity and as Locus of Change
Prof. Bart Wauters

IE University in Madrid – Segovia
Liberty, Equality and Property
Property as an instrument of liberty and equality in an age of Revolution

Prof. Valdis Bluzma
Turiba University in Riga
The Peasant Laws of Baltic Governorates in XIX Century and Their Role in Formation of Latvian and Estonian Nations

Dr Paulo Potiara del Alcantara Veloso
Regional Community University Chapecó & Faculty Cesucs in Florianopolis

Migration, Law Innovation and the Infidel World

 the instrumental face of European civilizing presumptions under the universalized ius gentium of Francisco de Vitoria

Ms Kamila Staudigl-Ciechowicz
University of Vienna
How to deal with inconvenient scholars? Public services law and the creation of national identity

Panel 9.2
Institutions and Politics
Assoc. Prof. Sunita Jogarajan
Melbourne Law School
The Role of the League of Nations in the Development of Double Tax Agreements

Dr Tzung-Mou Wu
Academia Sinica in Taipei City

Comparative Legal History for the Rights of Indigenous People

Mr Francesco Campodonico

University of Genoa
 The recall of MPs in Great Britain: may a legal institute be the end of a secular political culture?

Ms Marjorie Carvalho de Souza
University of Naples Federico II
The Creation of the Court of Auditors in the First Republic in Brazil and its Interaction with European Legal Systems

Panel 9.3
Constitutional History, Authoritarian Rule and Transition to Democracy in Brazil and Comparative Perspectives
Prof. Cristiano Paixão
University of Brasilia
Constitutional History and Transitional Justice in Contemporary Brazil: Towards a Politics of Time

Prof. Leonardo Barbosa
University of Brasilia
Constitutional Politics during the Brazilian Civil-Military Dictatorship
The Constitution as a Tool for Authoritarian Reform and for Political Transition

Ms Claudia Paiva Carvalho
University of Brasilia
Transitional Justice and Sexual Crimes in Latin America
An Analysis of Brazil and Comparative Perspectives

Ms Maria Pia Guerra
University of Brasilia
Social Conflict and the Brazilian Transacted Transition

3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.        buses departures from Gdańsk-Oliwa to Old Town of Gdańsk

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