13 November 2014

CONFERENCE & CFP: "Old and New Worlds: The Global Challenges of Rural History,” (Lisbon, 28-30 January 2016)

WHAT: Old and New Worlds: The Global Challenges of Rural History, Conference and Call for Panels 

WHERE:  ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

WHEN: 28-30 January 2016

all information here

Over the last 500 years, the inter-relations between civilisations and cultures across the globe have had multiple effects on agriculture, property, natural resources and rural societies. They brought about the circulation of people, plants, animals and diseases; transfers of techniques, knowledge, institutions and legal norms; changes in diet habits, land uses and landscapes; extensive appropriation and expropriation of property rights; and changes in produce and factor markets (land, capital, labour) at a global scale.
Research on these topics has been attracting scholars with a variety of backgrounds, from environmental to cultural history, from social to legal history, from economic history to the history of science, among others.
The concern to open up and globalise the research in rural history, both historically and historiographically, draws the guideline for this international conference. It is intended to be a forum where to present new findings and new perspectives on any aspect of those global dynamics, and where to discuss the major theoretical, methodological and historiographical challenges now facing rural history.
This call for panels (open to scholars of all nationalities, disciplinary areas and historical periods) has been extended until 25 November 2014.  See the full CFP and more info on the conference website.  The conference email is lisbon2016rh@gmail.com.

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