05 April 2014

CONFERENCE: 33rd Annual ANZLHS Conference, "Law's Empire or Empire's Law?: Legal Discourses of Colonies and Commonwealths", (Coffs Harbour, Australia, 10-13 December 2014)

What: Law's Empire or Empire's Law?: Legal Discourses of Colonies and Commonwealths33rd Annual Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Law and History Society, Call for papers

Where:  BreakFree Aanuka Beach Resort, Coffs Harbour, Australia

When: 10th-13th December 2014

All information here

Conference 10th – 13th December 2014
The University of New England (Australia) is proud to announce the 33rd Annual ANZLHS Conference, 10-13 December 2014. The Conference provides wide scope to discuss law and history in a variety of settings. Although an important context for the conference is the interrelation between imported laws of a parent jurisdiction and their application to other domains, both jurisdictional and geographical, we encourage potential presenters to interpret the conference theme broadly.
Call for Papers On behalf of the School of Law of the University of New England, Australia, the organising committee of the 33rd annual conference of the Australia and New Zealand Law and History Society takes pleasure in issuing a call for papers. The conference will be held at the BreakFree Aanuka Beach Resort, Coffs Harbour, on the magnificent mid-north coast of New South Wales, between December 10-13, 2014. Further information will be made available as the conference date approaches.
The conference theme is "Law's Empire or Empire's Law?: Legal Discourses of Colonies and Commonwealths". The conference theme provides wide scope to discuss law and history in a variety of settings. Although an important context for the conference is the interrelation between imported laws of a parent jurisdiction and their application to other domains, both jurisdictional and geographical, we encourage potential presenters to interpret the conference theme broadly.
The keynote speakers for the conference are Professor Paul Mitchell, of the Faculty of Laws, University College London, and Professor Mike Grossberg, Sally M Reahard Professor of History & Professor of Law, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA.  Professor Mitchell and Professor Grossberg have long standing research interests in the conference theme and we are delighted they are able to present keynote addresses.
The organising committee would welcome interest from lawyers and historians from any jurisdiction. The call for papers will be open until late June. Inquiries or paper proposals - including a title, brief abstract and brief biography - should be sent to mlunney@une.edu.au.

Bruce Kercher Scholarships - call for applications for 2014 conference
The Kercher Scholarships were established by the Australia and New Zealand Law and History Society in recognition of the substantial contribution to legal history and to the Society made by its founding President, Bruce Kercher.
Scholarships are open to any postgraduate student currently enrolled in an Australian or New Zealand university wishing to attend the annual Australia and New Zealand Law and History Society Conference, and are awarded on the basis of merit through a process of application to the conference organisers. Each scholarship is valued at AUD$500. This is a contribution towards the cost of an economy class airfare to attend the conference and / or accommodation. Recipients will also have the conference registration fee waived and will be awarded a year's membership of the Society . They will also be given the opportunity to present their work in the conference programme.
Scholarships are open to any full-time post-graduate student currently enrolled at an Australian or New Zealand university. If in any year there are insufficient applications by full-time students, part-time students may also be eligible. For this purpose, postgraduate means students enrolled in PhD, any Masters level degree (e.g., but not limited to, MA or LLM) and Honours where that Honours programme consists of a separate additional course taken after the relevant undergraduate studies or where Honours constitutes a separate degree to the regular LLB degree.
Applicants should submit a letter which includes:
  • A summary statement of the research project being undertaken;
  • A short statement of the applicant's interest in legal history;
  • A short statement as to their future career aspirations;
  • A current curriculum vitae;
  • A short letter of recommendation from an academic member of the Faculty/School who is familiar with the student and their work, preferably the student's supervisor.
This statement must include information as to any funds to which the applicant has access to at their own institution.
Applicants should send their applications to the Chair of the conference organising committee, Professor Mark Lunney (mlunney@une.edu.au) by 31 July 2014. Successful applicants will be notified by the end of August 2014.
Conference Committee:
Professor Mark Lunney (mlunney@une.edu.au)
Mr Ben Livings (ben.livings@une.edu.au)
Dr Tristan Taylor (ttaylo33@une.edu.au)
Professor Michael Stuckey (hoslaw@une.edu.au)
Dr David Roberts (drobert9@une.edu.au)
Conference Venue and Accommodation: 
BreakFree Aanuka Beach Resort, on the magnificent mid-north coast of New South Wales. Accommodation is available at the conference venue on a first-come first-served basis by contacting the resort directly but there is a wide choice accommodation options available in Coffs Harbour to suit a variety of budgets. More details will be provided on the conference webpage closer to the date of the conference.
Further details, including keynote speakers and Kercher scholarships will be posted in due course.
Please contact Professor Mark Lunney if you have any queries.

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