03 December 2013

BOOK: Vinci on admnistration and finance in "Terra d'Otranto"

Stefano Vinci, Regimento et guberno. Amministrazione e finanza nei comuni di terra d'Otranto tra antico e nuovo regime, Bari: Cacucci ed., 2013.
Abstract by the author:
"The book contains the results of a long process of research carried out by the author out of an extensive archival material consulted in the State Archives of Taranto, Lecce, Naples and Paris. Through the examination of the copious documentation, Stefano Vinci investigates the administrative and financial system in force in the municipalities of Terra d'Otranto, a big province in the Naples’ Kingdom, between the Eighteenth and Nineteenth century, giving particular attention to the changes by the French reforms and the effects that these were at peripheral of the Reign. Specifically, the autor examines the issues related to the organization of municipal bodies, the evolution of the national Parliament, the interference and usurpations of the barons and the resulting lawsuits filed in Naples, the state of the finances and the spaces of autonomy of the peripheral bodies compared to the central ones".
All information available HERE.

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