24 December 2012

NOTICE: New Issue of the "Journal of Constitutional History" 23 (2012)

The Giornale di Storia costituzionale is a periodical published twice a year. It was born in 2001 with the aim of promoting and gathering research and methodological proposals that concern the manifold paths of constitutional history. The articles here published intend to analyse - in a multidisciplinary and comparative perspective - the foundations and characters of a complex historical and cultural phenomenon which has given birth to a common inheritance, yet with different forms and conceptions. Between present and past, the scholars of law, politics, institutions, and more generally the experts of social sciences think and dialogue about constitutionalism, marked by deep historical roots and growing tensions. The Giornale has already become a meeting and reference point for the different practices of constitutional history, it publishes essays in various languages and is characterised by thematic richness and variety in surveys, alternating miscellaneous issues with others dedicated to monographic research.

Journal of Constitutional History 2.1 (2012)


Luca Scuccimarra

Cittadinanza e ordine territoriale: un itinerario a partire dal caso dei postnati (1608) / Citizenship and territorial order: a path starting from the case of the postnati (1608)
Enrica Rigo

Fondare l’equilibrio. Il veto sulle leggi nelle due costituenti settecentesche / Founding the balance of powers: executive veto in two eighteenth-century constituent assemblies
Andrea Buratti

Natura e finalità del Democrates secundus / Nature and aim of the Democrates secundus

Domenico Taranto 

Romagnosi costituzionalista / Romagnosi as a constitutionalist
Fulco Lanchester 

Tra norma giuridica e progetto politico: incompatibilità parlamentari e misure anti-corruzione alle Cortes generali e straordi- narie del 1810-1812 / Between juridical rule and political project: Parliamentary incom- patibilities and anti-corruption measures in general and extraordinary Córtes of 1810-1812
Anna Gianna Manca 

Le responsabilità del giudice in Spagna: una ricognizione storico-giuridica (1834- 1870) / The responsibilities of the judge in Spain: a historical-juridical survey (1834- 1870)
María Julia Solla Sastre

Il caso Röhm tra Rechtsvakuum e nuovo assetto costituzionale: una discussione nella scienza giuridica tedesca nei primi anni del dominio nazionalsocialista / The Röhm case between Rechtsvakuum and new constitutional layout: a debate in the German juridical science during the early years of the National Socialist dominance
Fernando D'aniello

Teatro e rappresentanza politica: solitudine dei privati e segreto del potere da Hobbes a Rousseau / Theatre and political representation: private people’s solitude and power’s secret from Hobbes to Rousseau
Giuseppe Filippetta

La ‘modernità’ di Danton / Danton’s modernity
Mario Tesini 

Du Moïse de Rousseau au Moïse de Freud. L’idée de culture politique / Moses, from Rousseau to Freud. The idea of political culture 
Bruno Karsenti 

Nothing but the truth. The defendant’s speech in the forensic psychology at the beginning / Nient’altro che la verità. La parola dell’imputato nella psicologia forense delle origini
Paolo Marchetti 

Testi & Pretesti
Tra due guerre. Considerazioni sul pensiero politico di Gadda / Between Two Wars. Considerations on Gadda’s Political Thought
Realino Marra 

Primo piano / In the foreground 
Andrea Lanza legge Sandro Chignola / Andrea Lanza reads Sandro Chignola, Il tempo rovesciato. La Restaurazione e il governo
della democrazia
Trenta proposte di lettura / Thirty reading proposals

Autori / Authors


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